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I have a full copy of the videos on this website. Anyone interested PM me.... 01:40 AM, 02-11-2022 soldier
graphic airstrike kills isis fighters in mosul
Hi USARMY999! Can you or anyone get a message to AC web masters and tell them that their PHP scripts are using deprecated code. I can't see any videos and I doubt if anyone else can either. I have no idea how to contact them. Cheers!
PS: Deprecated ... 05:40 PM, 09-12-2021 Tow Launcher
Taliban Leader Catches Hellfire Missile With His Stomach
Well, some pepto bismol should help. The pilot of the Apache!... 01:07 PM, 05-28-2020 Elroto
Lebanon---Marksmanship exercise~Black Panthers
Now seriously! have some balls and use ping pong balls!... 02:33 PM, 05-10-2020 Elroto
Astonishing video shows sniper escapes ISIL bullet in Syria’s Raqqa
Next Time try wearing some bright orange or red head cover.... 02:31 PM, 05-10-2020 Elroto
Warning Graphic** Taliban attack on Kandahar Air Field
Dandruff! disgusting !... 02:22 PM, 05-08-2020 Elroto
its been a few years...bu t I recall don't be stupid as the 1st rule.... 09:50 AM, 05-04-2020 Elroto
Egyptian army intercepts booby-trapped vehicle before it reaches checkpoint
That was a huge explosion! ... 11:10 PM, 08-24-2019 gas57
There has to be a better way of dealing with these things.... 11:06 PM, 08-24-2019 gas57
Warning Graphic** Taliban attack on Kandahar Air Field
and their commander said, head this way!... 10:59 PM, 08-24-2019 gas57
Iraqi Head Blown Off At Check Point
What round accomplish ed this task?... 10:56 PM, 08-24-2019 gas57
FLIR PORN - AH-64 Apache IRAQ Kills
Nowhere to hide, good shooting!. .. 10:51 PM, 08-24-2019 gas57
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