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08-05, 21:21
08-05, 21:20
08-05, 21:20
08-05, 21:20
you want to leave a good impression
08-05, 21:19
it's important to greet a visitor properly
08-05, 21:18
08-05, 21:17
I'm down to my intruder friendly hollow points
08-05, 21:16
why are so many government agencies buying up so much ammo
08-05, 21:16
i think it's very poossible
08-05, 21:15
This is a short rant that i was thinking about but i would love to hear others thoughts on this......Not that i think it would ever happen but there are a lot of people that think it is very possible
08-05, 21:13
08-05, 21:13
08-05, 21:12
If this does happen there will be a ton of us military that will go awol and take there equipment to the fight if they can manage to,but the more apaches kept away from "civilian soldiers " the better as far as they are concerned
08-05, 21:11
i think his mom was a whore and his daddy sucked dick at truck stop bathrooms
08-05, 21:10
08-05, 21:08
trying to defend they're constitutional rights
08-05, 21:07
Like brendenf11 said more guard units deploy than active duty so why take away there apaches? My thinking is if they try to disarm Americans and there will be resistance on that apaches would be heavily sought after by militias and any other groups
08-05, 21:06
can't take my gun until i'm out of ammo or blood
08-05, 21:04
And everything that is out there on martial law being declared and out goes the constitution and guns being taken away from U.S. citizens etc etc
08-05, 21:01
The first thing I thought of when I read the article on the apaches being taken away from the guard was that if the U.S. dollar ever crumbled and if you have read enough what if stories like i have, the things that can happen if this does occur l
08-05, 01:02
07-05, 20:30
07-05, 20:23
07-05, 16:37
Hell some guard units are deployed more often than active units, if it cuts into the training that guard pilots get on weaponry they will fall in on when deployed it is wrong.
07-05, 16:35
There are budget cuts, and transfering of resources is necessary. However, the guard is used in combat arms missions far to often now days