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02-07, 23:24
probably need to condense everything for time
02-07, 23:23
why would they drop the seals by the target instead of maybe on the other side of the the bay and make them swim under water undetected and surprise the sentries?
02-07, 23:19
nothing meant by that serpa.....
02-07, 23:19
02-07, 23:19
02-07, 23:19
I am sure serpas FOB Apache vids will be shorter
02-07, 23:18
02-07, 23:18
02-07, 23:17
02-07, 23:14
02-07, 23:01
02-07, 22:18
RGR that on the vids i am loading software now so i can convert alot of my vids I hope it works so I can post my vids from airshows up north where i use to go in Kingston RI
02-07, 22:16
Happy Canada Day to all Canadians Question is this your version of Independence day?
02-07, 07:47
Happy belated Canada Day to my fellow Canuks (I wasn't online yesterday).
02-07, 00:32
I agree with lets trip out and die,"Have A great fourth and be safe" Oh and post some vids of FOB Apache serpa6
01-07, 20:54
01-07, 17:55
I am going to try to get video of warzone jacksonville and FOB Apache (my house ) on the night of the forth stay tuned it should be good
01-07, 13:43
3 days to Independence Day July 4th, have a great 4th and a safe one
28-06, 13:44
28-06, 01:23
27-06, 22:38
27-06, 20:26
27-06, 20:11
27-06, 20:07
27-06, 20:02
Airmobile police operation