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04-01, 00:05
04-01, 00:05
well if i dont see you i will catch you tommoroow
04-01, 00:04
I have a friend in lousianna right now he is in line on a test progam with some sattilite company his internet is suppose to come on line in april the sattilite was put in orbit and they are now programing it
04-01, 00:04
04-01, 00:04
im going to go i'll be back on in 30 minutes or so
04-01, 00:03
that is like sattilite broadband if it works its going to put companys like comcast and roadrunner to the test
04-01, 00:02
I mean as far as 3d vid confrencing motion gaming
04-01, 00:01
Have not heard to much about PS4 the new xbox I have heard about I would look into that compare them and see what they are going to do
04-01, 00:00
your welcome that is like apple when they sued samsung now samsung has a lawsuit against apple
04-01, 00:00
04-01, 00:00
what about the PS4? its using the 7000 series
04-01, 00:00
03-01, 23:59
03-01, 23:59
It will make a big difference in amd's futre
03-01, 23:59
from what i here Amd makes an awsome product I use amd all time and they never fail wheather it be motherboards vid card processers but there is something about cell phones going on right now and a law suit Try to find out about that
03-01, 23:57
03-01, 23:57
No a guy called Moss owns the shop
03-01, 23:57
i know its under 10 a share.. so big risk but a major reward
03-01, 23:57
I thought that they where father and son
03-01, 23:56
03-01, 23:55
i thought Bary was just a friend
03-01, 23:55
03-01, 23:55
Iraqveteran8888 this guy has a great You tube channel him and his dad they own a gun store n georgia
03-01, 23:53
Im going to invest in AMD it seems like it'll go up a good amount in 3 years with the PS4 and new graphics and all
03-01, 23:52
let me see somthing about an m4 right now sandw is putting out its not to much and they say its worth every penny brb