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03-01, 23:59
from what i here Amd makes an awsome product I use amd all time and they never fail wheather it be motherboards vid card processers but there is something about cell phones going on right now and a law suit Try to find out about that
03-01, 23:57
I thought that they where father and son
03-01, 23:55
Iraqveteran8888 this guy has a great You tube channel him and his dad they own a gun store n georgia
03-01, 23:52
let me see somthing about an m4 right now sandw is putting out its not to much and they say its worth every penny brb
03-01, 23:51
Well anyways awsome rifle I want to get a m14 for hunting deer and hog
03-01, 23:50
Have you ever shot a civi M16 yet
03-01, 23:50
since 6 my frist was a derringer then a 380 then luger 45 22 I have not shot everthing in my time but i have shot alot of different calibers of pistols and rifles
03-01, 23:48
03-01, 23:47
Heavy weapons is what you want you get all the great toys
03-01, 23:47
we use to take apart our 22's get on our bikes and go hunting in the town that bordered us
03-01, 23:46
shot my frist tow missle at 18 yrs old
03-01, 23:45
my uncle owned a chip factory and we use to go inthe cellar me my dad and my uncles put out potatoes and wait
03-01, 23:45
03-01, 23:45
03-01, 23:44
go on someones lawn do they could chase us where i lived u best know the nieghborhood becasue if they caught you smack in the face then you got brought to your parents no goin out for 2 weeks and beating
03-01, 23:43
Shit how about this for entertainment
03-01, 23:42
we use to use hand grenade rocks if you got hit you where dead beating later from dad but it was fun lol
03-01, 23:41
did you go and shoot one of your friends when you got older with a bow and scalp him
03-01, 23:40
03-01, 23:40
I grew up back in the 60 70's played army cowboys and indians dont kids do things like that anymore
03-01, 23:39
parents are on the rampage against the principal\
03-01, 23:38
the douche bag principal said he wanted to make an example of him
03-01, 23:38
you see the article about the 6 yr old brought a plastic gun to school pointed like he was playing and got suspended
03-01, 23:35
03-01, 23:35