11-19-2008, 01:57 AM
Admiral Kuznetsov
While designated an aircraft carrier by the West, the design of the Admiral Kuznetsov' class implies a mission different from that of either the United States Navy (’s carriers or those of the Royal Navy ( The term used by her builders to describe the Russian ships is tyazholiy avianesushchiy kreyser (TAKR or TAVKR) - “heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (†- intended to support and defend strategic missile-carrying submarines, surface ships, and maritime missile-carrying aircraft of the Russian fleet. Russia claims that this designation allows the Soviet/Russian navy to circumvent the Montreux Convention ( rkish_Straits), which deals with ships passing the Dardanelles ( and the Bosphorus ( between the Mediterranean ( and the Black Sea ([3] ( te-2) However, it is not solely a political designation, as the Soviets intended their carriers to be used differently from Western conceptions of their role. ( (
Deck configuration has three launch positions.
The Admiral Kuznetsov's main fixed-wing aircraft is the multirole Su-33 ( It can perform air superiority (, fleet defense (, and air support ( missions and can also be used for reconnaissance ( and the searching for naval mines ([4] ( te-knaapo-3) It is augmented by the twin seat Su-33UB, which is also used for pilot training along with the Su-25UTG ( The carrier also carries the Kamov Ka-27 ( helicopter for anti-submarine warfare ( and small transport.
For take-off of the fixed wing aircraft, the Admiral Kuznetsov utilizes a ski-jump at the end of its deck. On take-off aircraft accelerate toward and up the ski-jump using their afterburners ( This results in the aircraft leaving the deck at a higher angle and elevation than on an aircraft carrier with a flat deck and catapults. The ski-jump take-off is less demanding on the pilot, since the acceleration is lower, but on the other hand results in a clearance speed of only 120-140 km/h requiring an aircraft design which will not stall at those speeds.[5] ( te-4)
The cruiser role is facilitated by the Kuznetsov's complement of 12 long-range surface-to-surface anti-ship Granit (SS-N-19) cruise missiles. This armament justifies the ship's type designator "heavy aircraft carrying cruiser".
While designated an aircraft carrier by the West, the design of the Admiral Kuznetsov' class implies a mission different from that of either the United States Navy (’s carriers or those of the Royal Navy ( The term used by her builders to describe the Russian ships is tyazholiy avianesushchiy kreyser (TAKR or TAVKR) - “heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (†- intended to support and defend strategic missile-carrying submarines, surface ships, and maritime missile-carrying aircraft of the Russian fleet. Russia claims that this designation allows the Soviet/Russian navy to circumvent the Montreux Convention ( rkish_Straits), which deals with ships passing the Dardanelles ( and the Bosphorus ( between the Mediterranean ( and the Black Sea ([3] ( te-2) However, it is not solely a political designation, as the Soviets intended their carriers to be used differently from Western conceptions of their role. ( (
Deck configuration has three launch positions.
The Admiral Kuznetsov's main fixed-wing aircraft is the multirole Su-33 ( It can perform air superiority (, fleet defense (, and air support ( missions and can also be used for reconnaissance ( and the searching for naval mines ([4] ( te-knaapo-3) It is augmented by the twin seat Su-33UB, which is also used for pilot training along with the Su-25UTG ( The carrier also carries the Kamov Ka-27 ( helicopter for anti-submarine warfare ( and small transport.
For take-off of the fixed wing aircraft, the Admiral Kuznetsov utilizes a ski-jump at the end of its deck. On take-off aircraft accelerate toward and up the ski-jump using their afterburners ( This results in the aircraft leaving the deck at a higher angle and elevation than on an aircraft carrier with a flat deck and catapults. The ski-jump take-off is less demanding on the pilot, since the acceleration is lower, but on the other hand results in a clearance speed of only 120-140 km/h requiring an aircraft design which will not stall at those speeds.[5] ( te-4)
The cruiser role is facilitated by the Kuznetsov's complement of 12 long-range surface-to-surface anti-ship Granit (SS-N-19) cruise missiles. This armament justifies the ship's type designator "heavy aircraft carrying cruiser".