View Full Version : Religious comments
04-26-2010, 07:13 AM
If you want to discuss this further please do so here:
It is time again to set some reminders,
Rule4: No derogatory/disrespectful comments against any religion are allowed.
I’m getting real tired of the same old comments bashing all Muslims in this world like - Drop the A-Bomb – kill them all – Islam is for pedophiles – why don’t we just kill all Muslims in the world? Just to name a view.
First of all, these type of comments are seriously stupid/immature and don’t shed a good light on the individuals intellect, furthermore they are not funny witty or in way or form interesting.
Anybody who honest to god believes that the solution to a handful of crazy towel wearing guys in bongobongo land or Afghanistan/Iraq/middle east is to drop an A-Bomb on million of innocent peaceful Muslims including woman and children should.
A) Get his head checked ASAP
B) Ask to have his account removed from AC
I don’t want to clamp down on personal believes and simply “ban†all religious talks and or comments, but there should be a way to discuss these things in a
Mature way.
Let’s give it a try folks.
04-26-2010, 08:05 AM
"Anybody who honest to god believes"
Funny you should pick that line...Because honest to God if you knew the bible thats exactly whats going to happen...I like the donation page thingy, even though it sounds a little like begging I cant donate, Im a firm believer in the old addage "A fool and his money soon parted."
04-26-2010, 08:15 AM
you're fucking right I am begging, with the monthly payments there is not other way - otherwise it's bye bye AC. :)
It's pretty simple, if you like AC free and without any restrictions - donate.
04-26-2010, 08:59 AM
People say bad things about nationality and race so I don't see why we cannot be free to speak about religion as well, in the end all these things are just made up to divide people. People draw most of there hate to Islam because of the a majority of Muslims miss use there religion to enforce things like sharia law, child marriages and slave owning along with a bunch of other bullshit going on all over the world the reason they get away with all that crap is because of there so called religion I don't see how so many Muslims could agree with these ways but than there is this silent population of Muslims that never comes out against it, things change in this world because people stand up and say something you are just asking people to close there mouths and not speak there mind, most of the countries and cultures in this world have accepted freedom of speech and accepted human rights except mostly Muslim cultures and it isn't a minority.
Most of the world is in a time of war and most of the world is at war with Islam, if we are not fighting a war in and Islamic country we are being threatened by them, and they are aiding our enemies. It isn't a war against Islam but it is a war against Muslims and asking people to speak kindly of their enemies isn't a realistic request. /rant
04-26-2010, 09:05 AM
atrox what you have said i do beleive in my opinion you are right on most things but we must have rules here to keep everything peaceful they are there for a reason and to keep the peace just like laws, if we did not have a rule about racist comments, thenpeople will say all kinds of stuff which will then escelate into a BIG arguement fest then personal attacks will happen, we cannot allowed this to happen. Hence why we have this rule, we are not very strict with the rules as we do want you guys to have your say but in a mature way and we know you guys can do that if you really want to, we trust the community and we know you do a good job self policing this website. :)
I agree with you atrox.
But we also have members of different race, religion and personal views which I respect within the Apacheclips rules. It makes it a better place for everyone.
Another viewpoint of mine is that all of us hate what we call trolls. How can I effectively remove them after they have broken too many rules when the Pro-Coalition and Anti-Islam guys are breaking the rules in the same manner becoming trolls themselves? I do not want to be labeled a hypocrite that plays favorites when I'm trying to reinforce the rules.
Nothing has changed....It's the same rules that have been in place for a long time now.
We just have to be "smarter" with the's quite easy to get your point across with out breaking the rules.
04-26-2010, 10:44 AM
about time.....i am tired of ignorant comments
04-26-2010, 11:15 AM
And I'm tired narrow minded, bigoted ass holes.
The only view these morons have is Kill,
Bomb or lets skip through the tulips hand in hand.
Snap of fingers, reality check.
You have to put forward an idea that will help us ,not divide us
Constructive criticism is a part of AC, why compromise it.
Saying, Race or Islam is becoming a verbal weapon against us
04-26-2010, 11:18 AM
about time.....i am tired of ignorant comments
It is their house, their rules, and if anyone wants to stay here, they have to follow the rules. Although since our country is at war with Islam, we should not care how our citizens talk about them. The whole PC crap has gone way too far and now it is hitting this house. To call most of the comments ignorant shows your level of education when it comes to Islam. There is not one good thing about the faith, not one. It encourages animal and child sex, murder of anyone who does not follow the faith, violence to sway nations into obediance, etc and etc and etc. I could list for days from all their holy books. So either a person is a true muslim and believes their holy book which makes them a threat to the peace of their own nation and the world, or they are simply a weekend warrior who thinks their holy book no longer applies to the now, which would make them American Muslim who are nothing more than easter religious. They love our freedoms, our toys, our way of life, so they forget their faith for the most part and only keep it around out of guilt or appearance. These are not dangerous for the most part, but they are not really true Muslim, which any Muslim will tell you, and would be excluded from most of the comments.
I will follow the rules, but anyone here, MGMT included, that thinks anyones distrust or dislike of the Mulsim faith is misguided, are the ones who need the headcheck. And anyone, mgmt included, that feels the majority of all muslims (all if you exclude most who live in the states) are not dangerous, murderous, child raping, hate filled, warmongering, etc etc etc, then again it is not us who need the head check, it is you. Most who try to excuse the muslim faith or lay blame for the radical behavior on a minority few, have their heads stuck in the sand and have no clue as to the Islam faith and it rules, edicts, and demands on its followers. They have no clue how much power a cleric has and should really buy the Muslim Holy Books and study them and enlighten themselves.
But rules are rules, I will follow them, but dont think yourself the better person because of how you desire to coddle the muslim. You have no clue and that is a proven fact when a person tries to defend that culture and belief!
04-26-2010, 11:55 AM
"First of all, these type of comments are seriously stupid/immature and don’t shed a good light on the individuals intellect"
Stark, since day1 you have been level-headed and democratic +1 for you my friend.
04-26-2010, 12:13 PM
Stark I am a little leary about using my credit card on the net, i got burned bad once, can I mail you a money order?
04-26-2010, 01:10 PM
I trust Starks judgement unreservedly.
He is walking a tightrope on our behalf.
No matter who you are help him support him.
Show Stark that you are there and you are with him.
Rallying call, come on guys, support the man!
04-26-2010, 02:32 PM
It is their house, their rules, and if anyone wants to stay here, they have to follow the rules. Although since our country is at war with Islam, we should not care how our citizens talk about them. The whole PC crap has gone way too far and now it is hitting this house. To call most of the comments ignorant shows your level of education when it comes to Islam. There is not one good thing about the faith, not one. It encourages animal and child sex, murder of anyone who does not follow the faith, violence to sway nations into obediance, etc and etc and etc. I could list for days from all their holy books. So either a person is a true muslim and believes their holy book which makes them a threat to the peace of their own nation and the world, or they are simply a weekend warrior who thinks their holy book no longer applies to the now, which would make them American Muslim who are nothing more than easter religious. They love our freedoms, our toys, our way of life, so they forget their faith for the most part and only keep it around out of guilt or appearance. These are not dangerous for the most part, but they are not really true Muslim, which any Muslim will tell you, and would be excluded from most of the comments.
I will follow the rules, but anyone here, MGMT included, that thinks anyones distrust or dislike of the Mulsim faith is misguided, are the ones who need the headcheck. And anyone, mgmt included, that feels the majority of all muslims (all if you exclude most who live in the states) are not dangerous, murderous, child raping, hate filled, warmongering, etc etc etc, then again it is not us who need the head check, it is you. Most who try to excuse the muslim faith or lay blame for the radical behavior on a minority few, have their heads stuck in the sand and have no clue as to the Islam faith and it rules, edicts, and demands on its followers. They have no clue how much power a cleric has and should really buy the Muslim Holy Books and study them and enlighten themselves.
But rules are rules, I will follow them, but dont think yourself the better person because of how you desire to coddle the muslim. You have no clue and that is a proven fact when a person tries to defend that culture and belief!
dude relax, you WAY overanalyzed my comment.
''To call most of the comments ignorant shows your level of education when it comes to Islam.''
1. i didn't call most comments ignorant
2. your stuck on muslim faith, my comment applied to ALL war(WWI,WWII,VIETNAM,KOREAN WAR,Persian Gulf War) videos comments that are repetitive.
quote from stark off of homepage ''I’m getting real tired of the same old comments bashing all Muslims in this world like - Drop the A-Bomb – kill them all – Islam is for pedophiles – why don’t we just kill all Muslims in the world?''
THIS IS WHAT I AM AGREEING WITH. it is the same comments over and over and over and over!
i will not call you names or tell you to get your head checked, internet fights are lame.
i hope you have a good day buddy.
04-26-2010, 03:33 PM
It is their house, their rules, and if anyone wants to stay here, they have to follow the rules. Although since our country is at war with Islam, we should not care how our citizens talk about them. The whole PC crap has gone way too far and now it is hitting this house. To call most of the comments ignorant shows your level of education when it comes to Islam. There is not one good thing about the faith, not one. It encourages animal and child sex, murder of anyone who does not follow the faith, violence to sway nations into obediance, etc and etc and etc. I could list for days from all their holy books. So either a person is a true muslim and believes their holy book which makes them a threat to the peace of their own nation and the world, or they are simply a weekend warrior who thinks their holy book no longer applies to the now, which would make them American Muslim who are nothing more than easter religious. They love our freedoms, our toys, our way of life, so they forget their faith for the most part and only keep it around out of guilt or appearance. These are not dangerous for the most part, but they are not really true Muslim, which any Muslim will tell you, and would be excluded from most of the comments.
I will follow the rules, but anyone here, MGMT included, that thinks anyones distrust or dislike of the Mulsim faith is misguided, are the ones who need the headcheck. And anyone, mgmt included, that feels the majority of all muslims (all if you exclude most who live in the states) are not dangerous, murderous, child raping, hate filled, warmongering, etc etc etc, then again it is not us who need the head check, it is you. Most who try to excuse the muslim faith or lay blame for the radical behavior on a minority few, have their heads stuck in the sand and have no clue as to the Islam faith and it rules, edicts, and demands on its followers. They have no clue how much power a cleric has and should really buy the Muslim Holy Books and study them and enlighten themselves.
But rules are rules, I will follow them, but dont think yourself the better person because of how you desire to coddle the muslim. You have no clue and that is a proven fact when a person tries to defend that culture and belief!
Would we be allowed to have a teddy bear called Mohamad or is that considered waaayyyy too offensive and derogatory? If "Fitna" was uploaded would it be added to apache clips or would it be deleted?
04-26-2010, 04:16 PM
Would we be allowed to have a teddy bear called Mohamad or is that considered waaayyyy too offensive and derogatory? If "Fitna" was uploaded would it be added to apache clips or would it be deleted?
Fitna shouldn't be uploaded it has nothing to do with the site apacheclips is its just polictical propaganda. Nothing military about it.
04-26-2010, 04:31 PM
Finally, all i can say is i have wanted to say that many of times to many of people, but if you decided too usually would end up with a butt load of negative karma.
Cheers to someone having some balls to stand up for the innocent!
04-26-2010, 05:06 PM
you're fucking right I am begging, with the monthly payments there is not other way - otherwise it's bye bye AC. :)
It's pretty simple, if you like AC free and without any restrictions - donate.
It seems to be pretty free right without restrictions right now...if its bye bye AC...oh well, shit happens...
04-26-2010, 05:30 PM
Fitna shouldn't be uploaded it has nothing to do with the site apacheclips is its just polictical propaganda. Nothing military about it.
I didnt see it that way at all. I saw lots of good military footage in it. I saw hezbollah, I graphic images that are very popular here, i saw the towers get hit. This is all in fitna. So it has much to do with apache clips. It is what we are fighting, it is why our soldiers are in iraq, afghanistan, sri lanka, thailand and many other places.
You werent able to answer about the Teddy Bear HUH?
Anyhow, on another note, how did this topic get to anything to do with donations and money?????? That seems to not have anything at all to do with the topic of this thread.
04-26-2010, 05:48 PM
Dude, AC is fucking awesome, It's so much better than "liveleak" in that it's military only and pro-western. Shit doesn't just happen, I'll be re-opening my bank account (I'm a fool with money) and and them I'm going to donate, so chill out, you don't have to send anything, or even enjoy the videos, but shit doesn't just happen. Oh yea, back to the point....So does this mean the little green haji guy will get taken off the site?
People say bad things about nationality and race so I don't see why we cannot be free to speak about religion as well, in the end all these things are just made up to divide people. People draw most of there hate to Islam because of the a majority of Muslims miss use there religion to enforce things like sharia law, child marriages and slave owning along with a bunch of other bullshit going on all over the world the reason they get away with all that crap is because of there so called religion I don't see how so many Muslims could agree with these ways but than there is this silent population of Muslims that never comes out against it, things change in this world because people stand up and say something you are just asking people to close there mouths and not speak there mind, most of the countries and cultures in this world have accepted freedom of speech and accepted human rights except mostly Muslim cultures and it isn't a minority.
Most of the world is in a time of war and most of the world is at war with Islam, if we are not fighting a war in and Islamic country we are being threatened by them, and they are aiding our enemies. It isn't a war against Islam but it is a war against Muslims and asking people to speak kindly of their enemies isn't a realistic request. /rant
atrox - i couldn't agree more !! thats exacly how it is !!
i basicly understand what u mean, stark - but the "hot" comments are part of every intense footage.
its part of AC! as a proud pro-western community!! how could we deal respectful with such a retard ideology!?? its about war. somebody is goin to die...and hopefully the islamic combatant!
how atrox said -> "Most of the world is in a time of war and most of the world is at war with Islam"
so i think we can call it "the enemy"! sure - we cant nuke the middle east. and not every hadji is a bad guy.
maybe there are "nice" muslims out there?! i dont know. really dont need friends in the middle-east.
and most of our disrespectful comments are related to disrespectful handling of their own ppl.
and of course i have to celebrate when another terrorist got up in smoke...!
uncompromising content needs uncompromising comment!
btw. as an infidel i dont have that sense at all 8]
AC rocks!
04-26-2010, 09:18 PM
ALL MUSLIMS SHOULD FUCKING DYE !!!!!..................i dont like white towels lets get some colour in jihad land..
04-27-2010, 02:34 AM
People say bad things about nationality and race so I don't see why we cannot be free to speak about religion as well, in the end all these things are just made up to divide people. People draw most of there hate to Islam because of the a majority of Muslims miss use there religion to enforce things like sharia law, child marriages and slave owning along with a bunch of other bullshit going on all over the world the reason they get away with all that crap is because of there so called religion I don't see how so many Muslims could agree with these ways but than there is this silent population of Muslims that never comes out against it, things change in this world because people stand up and say something you are just asking people to close there mouths and not speak there mind, most of the countries and cultures in this world have accepted freedom of speech and accepted human rights except mostly Muslim cultures and it isn't a minority.
Most of the world is in a time of war and most of the world is at war with Islam, if we are not fighting a war in and Islamic country we are being threatened by them, and they are aiding our enemies. It isn't a war against Islam but it is a war against Muslims and asking people to speak kindly of their enemies isn't a realistic request. /rant
Totally agree. For one thing its not a religion, its a cult by any sense of the definition. Not only can the all mighty alanah snackbar not be questioned or denied or disobeyed in any form, he cant be identifed or shown in a picture? And he supposedly is suffering from low self esteem as no one can do anything or say anything without penalty of death, if its taken as blasphemy, which virtually everything is taken by that cult.
Religions are one thing, cults are another.
Making kids spend most of their childhood cross legged chanting the koran for hours on end is cultish. People who worship this snackbar to the extreme extent they do is cultish. The moderates eventually are going to find they dont have a choice but to bow to the influences of the extremists because IT IS written in the koran, about killing all the non muslims, about the great ones 9 year old wife, and about a great many things. Because the moderates dont practice it does not suddenly make those passages non existant.
Seeing an entire neighboorhood in that armpit of the world, chanting and celebrating murder or vowing death to ME and MY culture or religion, does NOT fill me with enthusiasm to chum up to them and turn the other cheek. They are screaming in the thousands of video on Apache and elsewhere that I am their death target in all sorts of ways.
So when there is 'targeting' going on, this is my reaction to being targetted first. And I have no shame in defending my culture or religion against a cult whether they be extremists or just moderates who havent been brainwashed the rest of the way.
04-27-2010, 02:53 AM
maybe there are "nice" muslims out there?! i dont know. really dont need friends in the middle-east.
That's the whole fucking problem here, you don't know. But I do, and let me tell you buddy, there are plenty of nice muslims out there. You just don't want to know about it because you love to hate.
04-27-2010, 03:01 AM
Totally agree. For one thing its not a religion, its a cult by any sense of the definition. Not only can the all mighty alanah snackbar not be questioned or denied or disobeyed in any form, he cant be identifed or shown in a picture? And he supposedly is suffering from low self esteem as no one can do anything or say anything without penalty of death, if its taken as blasphemy, which virtually everything is taken by that cult.
Religions are one thing, cults are another.
Making kids spend most of their childhood cross legged chanting the koran for hours on end is cultish. People who worship this snackbar to the extreme extent they do is cultish. The moderates eventually are going to find they dont have a choice but to bow to the influences of the extremists because IT IS written in the koran, about killing all the non muslims, about the great ones 9 year old wife, and about a great many things. Because the moderates dont practice it does not suddenly make those passages non existant.
Seeing an entire neighboorhood in that armpit of the world, chanting and celebrating murder or vowing death to ME and MY culture or religion, does NOT fill me with enthusiasm to chum up to them and turn the other cheek. They are screaming in the thousands of video on Apache and elsewhere that I am their death target in all sorts of ways.
So when there is 'targeting' going on, this is my reaction to being targetted first. And I have no shame in defending my culture or religion against a cult whether they be extremists or just moderates who havent been brainwashed the rest of the way.
What is written in the koran can be interpretted in more than one way. Obviously the extremists are wrong, saying that all non muslims should be killed. Sure I understand your point and your hate against THESE kind of people, but don't make the mistake to put them all on one big heap. It's comparable to that "god hates fags" church, and all those other cults that claim to preach in the name of God.
04-27-2010, 03:17 AM
ALL MUSLIMS SHOULD FUCKING DYE !!!!!..................i dont like white towels lets get some colour in jihad land..
Fucking troll.
04-27-2010, 03:36 AM
I totally agree with you guys about these comments are not the smart way to talk against Islam simply because it will not give you what u try to reach ,it is a stupid way which makes a negative affection and arguments against you ,Don't go down with that level as they do, Be always a great person who spread love, Don't worry about Islam, Islam will fall down cuz Islam is all about Killing, hating,racism,taking over the others, So chill out and just to your job ,,Guys we need highly focused guys with a spontaneous and positive outlook..
the language of Islam is a negative,dead language,replete with violence, anger, hatred,and racism. Man is the product of language, the outcome of the negative and positive language to which he is exposed in his or her lifetime, If his life dominated by negative language,he will emerge as a negative,reckless,and non-productive person, who rejects everything. on the other hand, if positive language dominated his life,he will emerge as a positive,happy,and productive person, This is why the negative language of islam has failed, It has failed to produce poeple with a spontaneous and positive oulook, It has produced negative poeple. If we take a look at islamic societies, we see what that negative man did. I don not view islam as a religion according to my notion of religion, Islam is political doctrine, which impses itself by force, any doctrine whatsoever that calls to kill those who do not believe in it, is not a religion, because religion is not about killing ,it's something about love ,spirituality. it is a totalitarian doctrine that imposes itself by force. When i read, for example, that verse:" the adulterer and the Adulteress flog each of them with a hundred stripes, and do not let compassion for them move you". I do not discern any spirituality in this verse. When a certain faith manages to strip its believers of their last grain of compassion. It strips them of their spirituality as well. Jesus Christ is the symbol of peace. He did not carry a sword, chop off heads,of accuse anyone of heresy, But the problem in Islam is that if we were to act similarly to the Christians of the middle ages, and we were to model our lives after the life actions, and words of Muhammad, we would find ourselves in an even bigger mess that the one we are in, and we would end up with Osama bin laden and his ilk. Read about the life of Muhammad, what do you find there? Nothing, but his raids and his wives, in addition to his hadiths, some of which make you shudder. I shudder when I read the hadith: " A woman's paradise is under her husband's foot". The Islamic teachings have become dreadful in the skulls of the Muslims. we see no alternative but to open up these skulls and to clean the life threatening cancerous cells in these brains. the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a religious conflict. This is a political conflict, and they should ask their leaders about what they have done to resolve this problem, but the problem is rooted in religion. One time, I read a short story in an islamic book, according to which Muhammad was walking with some of his followers when they heard a commtion. They asked him: "What is this, messenger of Allah?" He said: "These are the Jews being tormented in the grave". Regardless of the conflicts Muhammad had with the jews back then , this statement idicates that the graves of their ancestors were in Saudi Arabia. they are people of this region, as is evident from the Islamic books and the koran itself. The problem whith the Muslims, is that they do not distinguish between their prophet and their own noses, When you critisize Muhammad, his actions and his life
04-27-2010, 05:41 AM
in every religion there are good and bad people
and in every race aswell,
stereo typing is wrong and immature
some may ask why most of the trouble is coming from muslims
and the answer is
if you'd put any ethnic group in same enviroments of poverty+ illetracy+inequity+ unsecular regimes
you well find the same results... regardless of the people's relegion or race
04-27-2010, 05:49 AM
Dude, AC is fucking awesome, It's so much better than "liveleak" in that it's military only and pro-western. Shit doesn't just happen, I'll be re-opening my bank account (I'm a fool with money) and and them I'm going to donate, so chill out, you don't have to send anything, or even enjoy the videos, but shit doesn't just happen. Oh yea, back to the point....So does this mean the little green haji guy will get taken off the site?
So much better than "liveleak"...LOL Most vids here are reposts from Liveleak!!...I guess your right in your money are a fool if you believe that dribble you wrote. Liveleak's Hayden dont beg for cash...he has it, he makes it from the Ad's liveleak brings in because Liveleak is one of the most successful alt news media sites out there, they have been carried on the National news several times in several different Nations!. Hayden knows how to run a site...He allows the Americans freedom of speech, without any exceptions, and what makes that extremely funny is the fact that Hayden isnt even American, yet he still respects our rights. Maybe you should try that stark ...
04-27-2010, 06:02 AM
So much better than "liveleak"...LOL Most vids here are reposts from Liveleak!!...I guess your right in your money are a fool if you believe that dribble you wrote. Liveleak's Hayden dont beg for cash...he has it, he makes it from the Ad's liveleak brings in because Liveleak is one of the most successful alt news media sites out there, they have been carried on the National news several times in several different Nations!. Hayden knows how to run a site...He allows the Americans freedom of speech, without any exceptions, and what makes that extremely funny is the fact that Hayden isnt even American, yet he still respects our rights. Maybe you should try that stark ...
Bro, many clips on Liveleak also come directly from AC. Also AC has many exclusives in their area (military), while Liveleak has a much wider amount of content (basicly any news). So I don't get what the fuzz is about. Liveleak also depends on paying members (premium memberships) and what is the problem in asking your members for a small donation? We get to watch all the stuff unlimited and Stark has to pay the bill every month. I'd rather pay a few bucks voluntarely instead of having to watch porn ads whenever I visit the site. Liveleak also has rules against lunatics and trolls, just as AC has them. The fact that AC is pro-western doesn't mean it's anti-islam, even though it appears to have attracted some nutjobs who think otherwise.
04-27-2010, 07:48 AM
Stark I am a little leary about using my credit card on the net, i got burned bad once, can I mail you a money order?
Pm send
04-27-2010, 07:49 AM
I'm not asking you guys to stop debating religion, all I want is to tone down the racist remarks a little
04-27-2010, 09:47 AM
I'm not asking you guys to stop debating religion, all I want is to tone down the racist remarks a little
We understand what you mean although the comments are not racist. In order to be racist, they would have to attack based solely on color. If that was the case, anyone who argued would be out of line as racism comes from a small mind. I hate just as many whites as I do blacks and base my hate on their actions.
The issue here is the muslim faith, not racism. We are at war with islam no matter how a person tries to say we are not. Hence they are our enemies. Now some will try to say their are good muslims, but that is not true. And her is why:
You either are a muslim, a true muslim, or you are not and simply claim to be. let me explain what I mean.
If you claim to be a christian, you must believe the Bible is 100% true and you must believe in the death and resurection of Christ. If you do not believe in the absolute truth of the Bible and Christ's death and resurection, you are not a christian plain and simple. You may claim it, but you are not one.
So lets look at the islam faith and its tenants.
There are at least 109 verses in the Koran that call for violent action against unbelievers. These are not open to interpretation as one poster above claimed, they are solid orders to kill. Here are just afew of the passages.
Qur'an Passages
2: 191-193
Hadith passages
Bukhari 52:177
Bukhari 52:256
Abu Dawud 14:2526
Muslim 1:33
The list could go on and on....
There are 164 passages commanding Jihad
And this is only a taste of the vile in those books. So you have to go back to the main issue, which is, there is no good true muslim. Either they are muslim and believe their holy books, follow their holy books, obey the clerics or they are not true muslims and are excluded from this discussion. But even the non true muslims still pose a threat as they align themselves with the vile faith and it may only take a small issue to drive them to the radical side..aka...true muslim. We have seen this here in the USA and so have the UK folks. So why should our people who are at war with a group of muslims, which by their own passages puts us at war with all true muslims, care how they are treated or talked about. They are our enemies and they are the enemies of the world. Do we really need to get into the attrocities committed by muslims on a daily basis across the globe and here at home, even to their own people, or can we finally just accept they are our enemies and deserve no protection or consideration.
Now on to the whole innocent women and children crap that keeps coming up even in this post. There are no innocents in war and when you start to define people as innocent, you start to lose the war. For example in Isreal, up until around 1996, there was an unwritten rule that women and children who passed through security gates were to be lightly frisked, only observed in a casual manner, or simply let through. It took the 1996 bombing of a school bus in a public square by a woman bomber and the 1999 bombing of a troop outpost by a 8 or 9 year old kid to change the minds of the Isrealis to where they now define all Palestinians as possible enemy. They now search carefully all that pass, even the women and children. They now recognize that anyone and everyone is the enemy.If a 6 year old fails to obery their orders, they will kill him/her and not lose a days sleep. they do not go out looking for kids or women to kill, they simply have learned what most of us have failed to learn, that in conflict/war everyone on the other side is the enemy and should be treated as such. Now Isreal, which is surrounded by enemies, is one of the safest places to live in the world. We will learn the same lesson soon enough, what will be important is do we remember the lesson and how many of us have to be killed to learn it.
Obama is our leader, I did not vote for him, but if he were to order an attack against the UK, would you define me as an innocent just because I am no longer in the service and because I did not vote for him? The answer is no. If we as a people allow him to do something like that, we as a people (everyone) would become the enemy of the UK. Same applies to who we are fighting now. Do not fool yourself that the women and children are neutrals, they are not, There are millions of women and children in the muslim faith that hate you, are involved in the war effort, and would be just as ready to kill you as their adult male counterparts. It is a fool that thinks any different. There is a huge difference between going out of your way to wipe out women and children, and killing them in the act of war. But either way, you have to view them as enemies. How many in this war against us fight because as kids they lost their dad, brother, uncle, etc and kept that hate until they had the chance to strike. We know that at least one of the POS who flew into the towers fit that mold. This is why the old quote is still true: Paraphrased...When you kill the father in battle seek out his family and kill them all so they will not fight against you at a later date to avenge their father.
Sorry, but there is not one good thing about the Islam faith, it is a brutal, backwards, and evil belief that has the sole intent of having a muslim world and killing all who do not believe. Every true muslim is commanded to follow the words of their holy books and clerics edicts, hence making any true muslim our enemy and a danger to world stability/peace. And either you are a true muslim, our enemy and deserving of no protection nor protection of your family, or you are a weekend muslim who wants to look spiritual to your peers and who chooses what to follow in the books, but you still need to be watched and monitored. Islam needs to be exposed, we need to rejoice whenever they get killed, and we all need to drop the PC Bleeding heart crap and see what Islam really is!
It seems people are getting Stark's message confused. And some people need to learn what the word "racist" means. Islam is not a race. Islam has every race and color....they even have American Trailer Trash like Jihad Jane.
Me personally I hate Islam. For the reasons that I have witnessed with my own fucking eyes. I have been around the world more than a few times.
Some people have it in their heads that the word Islam will not be mentioned anymore. I hope you really understand what Stark meant by this thread.
I will continue to debate Islam when the topic arises. I will not cower or bow down to them. However it will be done in compliance of AC rules.
4 simple rules.
1. Rule1: Absolutely no statements encouraging acts of terror or violence will be tolerated.
2. Rule2: No flaming or trolling is permitted.
3. Rule3: No Repost Comments or any comments suggesting that the movie could be a repost is permitted - use the Repost report feature!!!
4. Rule4: No derogatory/disrespecful comments against any religion are allowed.
And when I come down on members violating Rule1, Rule2, and Rule4 I hope you understand the reasons why. It's not personal, it's the rules. The rules that we all must follow.
It is easy to debate Islam under these rules. I hope other people that dislike Islam will conform to the already established rules.
I feel you can defeat Islam like anything else with knowledge and awareness with out giving into the "American Stereotypes" or living up to those stereotypes given to us.
Bottom line. Use other words and methods to get your points across. We can do it. I know we can. The human brain is the ultimate weapon.
"First of all, these type of comments are seriously stupid/immature and don’t shed a good light on the individuals intellect"
Stark, since day1 you have been level-headed and democratic +1 for you my friend.
Nice knob polish attempt napalmdeath.,_12,_divorce_80-yr-old_hubby/
As quoted from Stark_Admin
"Religion of peace (Y)"
I would also like people that want to debate Islam to join my group
Anyone will be able to join and comment. I would like to see some debates from both sides.
And yes it will be moderated like everything else.
04-27-2010, 12:54 PM
Fucking troll.
I AM NOT A TROLL.....i was making a joke as some of the previous posts were a little heavy.....sorry if you didnt get it....i agree with starks rules as if i want to read comments slagging off all muslims etc i there are plenty of places to do this .......the reason i like this site is the comments are well informed and balanced..........sorry again i was just trying to lighten the mood ..great site by the way .
That's the whole fucking problem here, you don't know. But I do, and let me tell you buddy, there are plenty of nice muslims out there. You just don't want to know about it because you love to hate.
i really beleive what you are saying, henny...and we've never offended those guys. and you got it: i fucking love to hate radical muslim scum. but thats pretty much it.
they always hide behind their religion. but koran never told them. i know a bunch of muslims....and guess what - they dont need to scream "allah u akbar" all the time - they dont need to fight all infidels. they are'nt radical at all! they are able to live side by side with infidels and christians. so it really works, too! and i think it's never been against moderate religious matter where they come from! most of our AC guys just getting pissed off by an agenda that has been practiced 1500 years ago...
you know - here in germany - muslims are allowed to build a mosque. i dont think its part of freedom of religion to build it....but im absolutely ok with it. but - have u ever seen a church in an islamic country!?? not me!
and i know - this is never ever gonna happen!
so if there is any tolerant party....its the WEST! and we should be able to criticise a religion every right-mindend thinking human won't ever understand! because its just shit! and i really understand that people cant comment in a respectful way - because it doesnt deserve any respect!
its a never ending story ;)
04-28-2010, 01:51 AM
rocky5544 you da man, I will post some interesting posts about Islam, you guys in EU, USA, Canada etc unfortunatly dont understand arabic, you would understand alot about the fucked up Isalm but np, theres websites that have translated everything, I will show you videos aswell, something is very funny for which its. you dont have problems with the terrorist groups called mujahidden who fought the russians in the 80s but you do with the taliban, well obviously they are the same enemy, no diffrerent. same religion, same faces, same clothes, same weapons, just a different name.. just thing b4 you say something I have seen people fron the US saying that the mujahidden fucked the russians, n making em heros. its sad but true. anyway as I said they hate everyone whos not muslim,I lived in Iraq, theres bad muslims and good muslims, believe me alot of the good muslims are evils, they show you they are good but they hate you like fuck, he smiles in your face but he will take the first fucking opportonity to kick your ass, you will see in the near future many of them will be against the governments in EU, US and many other countries when they put thier hands on the power there. you will never understand but you will find that out yourself
04-28-2010, 11:34 AM
all good points and interesting to read.
Here is two things I dont want to happen...
1) I don't want AC to become another muslim/Islam hating webpage - its cheap and it doesn't serve any purpous.
2) I don't want AC to become crazy monitored webpage - part of the fun here is that you can get away with more than on many other webpage - whacked are only the once that piss of the community - hence the people that are party poopers and just join in the fun to anoy others for their own entertainment - everybody else is 100% save here, nobody gets whacked for calling me or any of the mods an asshole, I have been told more times to go fuck myself by many users then any other webpage and I just dont whack somebody for it - again I think its cheap and as far as I am concerned this is as much your guys webpage than it is mine especially after this page is driven largly by user donations.
So I see myself as a mediator, somebody who has done webpages for a long time and knows what can work what will drive the community and will hurt it.
And I promise you this place will be fucking empty if we just become another muslim bashing community, be creative if you want to bash them do so, but do it clever, I don't fuck anybody up if they use clever ways and if I see brain being used - does everybody understand what I mean with this?
You cannot not make me any happier if I see that you guys find ways of expressing yourself with pictures catchphrases insider jokes and so forth - thats what a community is all about, to stick together and to make this a fun place to be.
Actualy let me give you an excample.
One is bashing muslims and the other is our beloved Crazyhorse Hotel1
Muslim bashing:
Fucking raghead wearing sandniggers lets nuke them all and once and for all get rid of them = NO fucking fun what so ever not funny not whitty not intelligent - simply incredible fucking stupid.
Crazyhorse - Very touchy subject - sensitive etc - just like the muslim/islam debate is:
Posting pictures of RPG's vs Cameras, posting comments like - oh look its an RPG oh no its a camera ah what the heck engage anyways = somewhat funny (dark humor is one of the best humor but thats a personal believe) - and it is funny because it isn't too direct.
So the context and the words used are important, I don't mind racism at all - I am not blind and understand that everybody is racist to a lesser or greater degree but it has to be formulated smart
all good points and interesting to read.
...and i promise you this place will be fucking empty if we just become another muslim bashing community, be creative if you want to bash them do so, but do it clever, i don't fuck anybody up if they use clever ways and if i see brain being used - does everybody understand what i mean with this?
roger that, sir! ;)