01-28-2010, 10:29 AM
In case you missed it........from the
The President walks in. The usual fawning and obsequious flesh pressing from strategically placed sycophants…
Michelle looks like her normal, cheery self. Pelosi just stained herself. Joe Biden looks confused. The status quo is being upheld.
I expect that O will suggest a spending freeze… you know, the kind that McCain suggested during the election but everyone balked at like a horse recoiling from the whip?
Very nice… he’s still blaming Bush, but this time he’s calling his bad calls the blowback from GW’s administration… wait, what am I talking about with this “this time†nonsense? He’s always said that. Ahhh, and here comes the ubiquitous “bi-partisan†nonsense that hasn’t been practiced in decades and still isn’t practiced today but still gets laid at the feet of one party in particular.
Here’s comes the economy… wait, he’s saying he hated the bank bailout?!? You’re friggin’ kidding me, right? More homes would have been lost? Oh, and now the program was the last administration’s plan now that it’s unpopular? And Joe just sits there smiling like an idiot. So he’s saying that he cut taxes, but he’s increasing spending, yet we’re better off now than we were last year? Huh? The recovery act is fixing the economy? A trillion dollars in debt and that’s a success? It must be that new math he’s using to count how many new jobs were created.
Ohh crap… he wants us to get into the business of lending money to small businesses that can’t get loans from banks. You know, the same kind of crap that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac did with sub-prime housing loans? And here comes the government employment programs… the same kind that brought about over-taxation to pay for these programs and the inevitable collapse of the empires that tried it all the way back to Egypt.
Okay, a tax break for US companies that work out the US and not overseas? I can deal with that.
Wait a minute! China and India are making strives for “green energy†to revitalize their economies? On what friggin’ planet?!? And now he’s blaming the banks for being too risky when they lost their asses doing exactly what they were forced to do by the federal government in the first place?!?
Building nuclear energy plants and opening up offshore drilling? YES! Climate bill? F*** no!!!
Overwhelming scientific claims for climate change? What, you mean like the kind that the IPCC makes up based on hearsay? What a tool. Climate changes… no shit. We cause that? Bullshit.
Education=success? Yup… ask the liberal arts grad serving you your Whopper. Student loan recipients don’t have to pay more than 10% of their income for student loan repayment and the payments end after 20 years no matter whether they paid the bill or not? WTF?!? So if Bob the Whopper-Flipper can’t apply his Masters degree in antediluvian Hispanic-concentrated Australopithecus droppings, he doesn’t have to pay the real cost of his college education? Guess who’s going to be paying for that!!!
Is it just me or is Joe grinning like a friggin’ buffoon behind O? Mrs. Sniper thinks so and she leans toward the other side of the aisle a lot more than I do.
Here comes the surplus vs deficit debate. At least he mentioned the wars this time… he blew off the costs of it, but he mentioned it. [Americans are tightening their belts... the federal government should too]. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He’s going to freeze spending for three years!!! NANCY PELOSI IS PISSED AND NOT HIDING IT!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! She looks like she just swallowed a mug full brine, piss, and hydrochloric acid! He’s doing exactly the same thing that McCain proposed… am I good or what?
When he said that the freeze would only take effect next year when the economy was stronger, the Republicans laughed. When he said that’s how budgeting works, the lost it laughing.
Annnnd he just virtually flipped off the SCOTUS.
SWEET. He’s proposing that all earmark requests be posted on-line. The elephants stood up to applaud, so did the donkeys… but not as fast. He just said that [democrats have a majority and shouldn't run for the hills like a bunch of political hacks]… and the Democrats stood up and applauded… they didn’t even know they had been insulted.
Wow. The Joint Chiefs sure didn’t like it when he gave the time line for withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan. Not one applauded, not one reacted with even a favorable look. And hey Barry? Just because our troops are coming home doesn’t mean the war is over you myopic amateur. Jesus, when NPR is saying that, even you should take the hint!
The Islamic Republic of Iran will face stiff sanctions and UN Resolutions if they don’t play nice? Um, O? Have you not been paying attention for the past, oh, 35 years? Dammit! Idiocy, pure idiocy. Iran doesn’t effing care!
So he says that this year he’ll work with the military to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell� Really? Oh really? What happened to last year when you had a super-majority and you could have rammed that through, Mr. President? You do know that Congress makes the rules for the military, right? So why didn’t you do it when you could? Ahhh, because now you get to blame the other side for their homophobia and lack of reaching across the aisle. By the way, the Joint Chiefs weren’t really happy about that.
And he rounds it up with the predictable “Haiti†reference. It’s over. Thank god.
The President walks in. The usual fawning and obsequious flesh pressing from strategically placed sycophants…
Michelle looks like her normal, cheery self. Pelosi just stained herself. Joe Biden looks confused. The status quo is being upheld.
I expect that O will suggest a spending freeze… you know, the kind that McCain suggested during the election but everyone balked at like a horse recoiling from the whip?
Very nice… he’s still blaming Bush, but this time he’s calling his bad calls the blowback from GW’s administration… wait, what am I talking about with this “this time†nonsense? He’s always said that. Ahhh, and here comes the ubiquitous “bi-partisan†nonsense that hasn’t been practiced in decades and still isn’t practiced today but still gets laid at the feet of one party in particular.
Here’s comes the economy… wait, he’s saying he hated the bank bailout?!? You’re friggin’ kidding me, right? More homes would have been lost? Oh, and now the program was the last administration’s plan now that it’s unpopular? And Joe just sits there smiling like an idiot. So he’s saying that he cut taxes, but he’s increasing spending, yet we’re better off now than we were last year? Huh? The recovery act is fixing the economy? A trillion dollars in debt and that’s a success? It must be that new math he’s using to count how many new jobs were created.
Ohh crap… he wants us to get into the business of lending money to small businesses that can’t get loans from banks. You know, the same kind of crap that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac did with sub-prime housing loans? And here comes the government employment programs… the same kind that brought about over-taxation to pay for these programs and the inevitable collapse of the empires that tried it all the way back to Egypt.
Okay, a tax break for US companies that work out the US and not overseas? I can deal with that.
Wait a minute! China and India are making strives for “green energy†to revitalize their economies? On what friggin’ planet?!? And now he’s blaming the banks for being too risky when they lost their asses doing exactly what they were forced to do by the federal government in the first place?!?
Building nuclear energy plants and opening up offshore drilling? YES! Climate bill? F*** no!!!
Overwhelming scientific claims for climate change? What, you mean like the kind that the IPCC makes up based on hearsay? What a tool. Climate changes… no shit. We cause that? Bullshit.
Education=success? Yup… ask the liberal arts grad serving you your Whopper. Student loan recipients don’t have to pay more than 10% of their income for student loan repayment and the payments end after 20 years no matter whether they paid the bill or not? WTF?!? So if Bob the Whopper-Flipper can’t apply his Masters degree in antediluvian Hispanic-concentrated Australopithecus droppings, he doesn’t have to pay the real cost of his college education? Guess who’s going to be paying for that!!!
Is it just me or is Joe grinning like a friggin’ buffoon behind O? Mrs. Sniper thinks so and she leans toward the other side of the aisle a lot more than I do.
Here comes the surplus vs deficit debate. At least he mentioned the wars this time… he blew off the costs of it, but he mentioned it. [Americans are tightening their belts... the federal government should too]. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He’s going to freeze spending for three years!!! NANCY PELOSI IS PISSED AND NOT HIDING IT!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! She looks like she just swallowed a mug full brine, piss, and hydrochloric acid! He’s doing exactly the same thing that McCain proposed… am I good or what?
When he said that the freeze would only take effect next year when the economy was stronger, the Republicans laughed. When he said that’s how budgeting works, the lost it laughing.
Annnnd he just virtually flipped off the SCOTUS.
SWEET. He’s proposing that all earmark requests be posted on-line. The elephants stood up to applaud, so did the donkeys… but not as fast. He just said that [democrats have a majority and shouldn't run for the hills like a bunch of political hacks]… and the Democrats stood up and applauded… they didn’t even know they had been insulted.
Wow. The Joint Chiefs sure didn’t like it when he gave the time line for withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan. Not one applauded, not one reacted with even a favorable look. And hey Barry? Just because our troops are coming home doesn’t mean the war is over you myopic amateur. Jesus, when NPR is saying that, even you should take the hint!
The Islamic Republic of Iran will face stiff sanctions and UN Resolutions if they don’t play nice? Um, O? Have you not been paying attention for the past, oh, 35 years? Dammit! Idiocy, pure idiocy. Iran doesn’t effing care!
So he says that this year he’ll work with the military to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell� Really? Oh really? What happened to last year when you had a super-majority and you could have rammed that through, Mr. President? You do know that Congress makes the rules for the military, right? So why didn’t you do it when you could? Ahhh, because now you get to blame the other side for their homophobia and lack of reaching across the aisle. By the way, the Joint Chiefs weren’t really happy about that.
And he rounds it up with the predictable “Haiti†reference. It’s over. Thank god.