View Full Version : Because I'm Sure Canada Will Keep Tabs on Him: Omar Khadr Extradited to Canada
09-29-2012, 02:45 PM
<<<<Omar Khadr has been sent from Guantanamo to Canada, after returning from the jihad in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Khadr is slated to stay in custody for the time being. It is difficult to think of a more mythologized figure in the post-9/11 war on terror. For the worldwide left, Khadr has become a symbol of all that is supposedly wrong with America’s fight against the al Qaeda terror network. He is now, in many minds, a victim. For one Canadian magazine, Omar Khadr is even a Christ-like figure.
But let us briefly review the facts about Omar Khadr.
Khadr killed Sergeant First Class (SFC) Christopher Speer. Khadr’s advocates said this wasn’t true because Khadr was incapacitated during al Qaeda’s firefight with American troops. But they were wrong. Khadr ultimately admitted that he killed SFC Speer.
While Khadr killed one American medic, his life was saved by others. Khadr would not be alive today if U.S. medics had not saved him from extensive wounds.
Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO) considered Khadr a “high intelligence value†detainee because he provided “valuable information†about al Qaeda and the Taliban. Khadr’s father was a top al Qaeda figure. Khadr knew his father’s associates well, and spilled the beans on them.
Khadr served as a translator and a minion to a top al Qaeda operative in Afghanistan.>>>>
Well, I'm sure we can trust the cooperative Canadian government to keep tabs on him. :rolleyes:
Pfft. He'll be back on the battlefield within a year, at which time we'll see a video surface on LiveLeak where he is welcomed back into tribal Waziristan, Pakistan by his Taliban relatives and buddies, cheering and calling him a hero.
09-29-2012, 06:17 PM
really interest, and i dont understand why....
and im asking....why not.....ahhh, nevermind, not asking.......
here is the official release:
No. 784-12
September 29, 2012
Detainee Transfer Announced
The Department of Defense announced today that Omar Ahmed Khadr was transferred from the detention facility at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Canada.
Omar Khadr pleaded guilty, pursuant to a pre-trial agreement in a military commission, to murder in violation of the law of war, attempted murder in violation of the law of war, conspiracy, providing material support for terrorism, and spying.
Pursuant to the pre-trial agreement, the convening authority approved an eight-year sentence of confinement. The pre-trial agreement specifies that one year of confinement must be served in the custody and control of the United States, and that Khadr could be transferred to Canada to serve the remainder of his sentence in accordance with Canadian law.
The United States Government has returned Khadr to Canada where he will serve out his remaining sentence. The United States coordinated with the government of Canada regarding appropriate security and humane treatment measures. In accordance with statutory reporting requirements, the administration informed Congress of its intent to transfer Khadr to Canada.
Documents related to Khadr’s military commission proceedings are available on the Office of Military Commissions website at .
Today, 166 detainees remain in detention at Guantanamo Bay.
09-29-2012, 06:31 PM
otherway, reasd the full stroy on jawa site:
Canadian GITMO Detainee Omar Khadr Arrives In Canada
09-29-2012, 07:27 PM
Are they welcoming him with hugs and kisses yet?
I see this turning out two ways:
1) Khadr's raghead, goat-banging ass will be in Pakistan by 2014.
2) Canada loses it's brain and lets him out early on compassionate grounds, and he then winds up in Pakistan, back on the battlefield.
09-30-2012, 12:44 AM
im canadian and i agree he is a terrorist and we shouldnt have brought him back because he has 6 years left on his sentence and under canadian law he is eligible for parole next year which is bullshit because hes a terrorist that should be automatic life sentence but not in canada
09-30-2012, 01:33 AM
8 years is a fucking slap in the face of every one of his victims who are alive and piss on the graves of the ones who are not. Everyone who has the power to stop this and does nothing have the same blood on thier hands as the ones who made it happen.
“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.”
― Albert Einstein
09-30-2012, 02:21 AM
thats canada for you our justice system is shittiest in the world
09-30-2012, 03:18 AM
thats canada for you our justice system is shittiest in the world
The US is the same. the vast array of punishments from state to state is mind blowing. A cime can be a life sentence in one state and another state you might get probation for the same offense, and if your middle to lower class and cant afford a decent defense you get stuck with the dumbest fucking lawyer they can find. A new study of California's death penalty found that taxpayers have spent more than $4 billion on capital punishment since it was reinstated in 1978, or $308 million for each of the 13 executions carried out since then. The study, conducted by U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Arthur L. Alarcon and Loyola Law School Professor Paula M. Mitchell estimated that capital trials, enhanced security on death row and legal representation for capital defendants add $184 million to California's budget annually. California has the largest death row in the country and has not had an execution since 2006 due to legal challenges to its lethal injection protocol. The report's authors concluded that unless profound (and more costly) reforms are made, the capital punishment system will continue to exist mostly in theory while exacting an untenable cost. Judge Alarcon and Professor Mitchell forecast the cost of maintaining the death penalty will increase to $9 billion by 2030, when the state's death row will likely grow to well over 1,000 inmates. Michael Millman, Executive Director of the California Appellate Project, said more than 300 inmates on death row are awaiting to be appointed attorneys for their state appeals and federal habeas corpus petitions. Millman said there are fewer than 100 attorneys in the state who are qualified to handle capital cases because the work is dispiriting and demanding, and the compensation inadequate
09-30-2012, 07:30 AM
ya but in canada we dont have the death penalty i wish we did but the life sentence in canada is 25 years which is bullshit
09-30-2012, 10:49 AM
Hopefully the prison officials realize he's safer in jail and keep this salafi mongrel in irons.
09-30-2012, 11:53 AM
Hopefully the prison officials realize he's safer in jail and keep this salafi mongrel in irons.
You mean: Hopefully prison officials look the other way and let somebody rape him daily for 3 years, before he's shanked to death in a kitchen.
09-30-2012, 02:03 PM
You mean: Hopefully prison officials look the other way and let somebody rape him daily for 3 years, before he's shanked to death in a kitchen.
well the prison hes in that might happen because the prison hes in has 5 to 10 killings a month
09-30-2012, 10:11 PM
well the prison hes in that might happen because the prison hes in has 5 to 10 killings a month
Up in peaceful Canada where there is no murder and it's a peaceful Utopia?
I want some proof of this.
09-30-2012, 10:49 PM
Up in peaceful Canada where there is no murder and it's a peaceful Utopia?
I want some proof of this.
lol peaceful in canada ya ok the city of toronto has about 2 to 3 murders a day you dont need proof cuz im telling its true i live in the city where the prison is located
lol peaceful in canada ya ok the city of toronto has about 2 to 3 murders a day you dont need proof cuz im telling its true i live in the city where the prison is located
Yeah, I just got transferred up here from San Antonio, Texas and am as suprsied as hell at the amount of violence and shootings in the greater Toronto area. Regular wild west up here. Bad part is, I have to say it's probably due to the liberal immigration policies of the last 20 years. You guys will let anyone into the country. I have yet, since July, seen a caucasian identified as the assailant, especially in all the shootings going on. The Asians have been dicing people up like Ron Popeil with a Chop-O-Matic at a county fair!
10-12-2012, 03:15 PM
How do you feel about mandatory life sentences or execution for confessed/proven terrorists? Its not like they are ever reformed, right? Save tax dollars.
How do you feel about mandatory life sentences or execution for confessed/proven terrorists? Its not like they are ever reformed, right? Save tax dollars.
I'm down with that. I've always believed in capital punishment. I just don't like the automatic appeal process and the 20 years they get to spend on death row converting idiot Hollywood movie stars to their cause.....
For Pete's sake, who wants to hear what Sean Penn or any of them thinks. Stand on the X, read your lines and collect your million dollar paycheck. Other than that, STFU!!!!
10-12-2012, 09:53 PM
I dont believe in capitol punishment. I believe in psychological and physical torture for pedophiles, rapists, and murderers. We won't ever see that, so I could see a "World Prison" island somewhere out in the middle of the South Pacific where every country would dump their hardest and worst, and it would basically be like the Ray Liotta movie "No Escape", where there are no rules, no food, and no actual administration. The convicts would run the island and do whatever they please. A coalition of UN Navy patrols would periodically patrol for "rafters" trying to escape.
I dont believe in capitol punishment. I believe in psychological and physical torture for pedophiles, rapists, and murderers. We won't ever see that, so I could see a "World Prison" island somewhere out in the middle of the South Pacific where every country would dump their hardest and worst, and it would basically be like the Ray Liotta movie "No Escape", where there are no rules, no food, and no actual administration. The convicts would run the island and do whatever they please. A coalition of UN Navy patrols would periodically patrol for "rafters" trying to escape.
Love that flick, especially the guys outside the 'compound'!