View Full Version : obama will be defeated in one way or another(OPSECTEAM.ORG)
08-15-2012, 11:12 PM!
This more than anything else spells out how much of a fucking pathetic piece of shit obama is.
08-16-2012, 12:51 AM
Look you guys, Obongo will cruise to an easy victory in November. There's wayyyyy too many HollyWeird fags doling out hundreds of thousands of dollars to get him reelected. He's got the youth vote, the female vote, and the minority vote. He's also a media darling who can do no wrong.
Romney's a "Kennedy" who's so out of touch with middle America he can't even buy this election. The guy can't make a decision to save his life, and quite frankly, a whole lot of people have grown tired of "Massachusetts" politics. He comes off as more plastic and insincere than a well worn lunch tray.
Vote for Gary Johnson (Libertarian) or ANYBODY besides those two fucktards, and don't partake in the two party system.
08-16-2012, 01:09 AM
Look you guys, Obongo will cruise to an easy victory in November. There's wayyyyy too many HollyWeird fags doling out hundreds of thousands of dollars to get him reelected. He's got the youth vote, the female vote, and the minority vote. He's also a media darling who can do no wrong.
Romney's a "Kennedy" who's so out of touch with middle America he can't even buy this election. The guy can't make a decision to save his life, and quite frankly, a whole lot of people have grown tired of "Massachusetts" politics. He comes off as more plastic and insincere than a well worn lunch tray.
Vote for Gary Johnson (Libertarian) or ANYBODY besides those two fucktards, and don't partake in the two party system.
Gary Johnson?? Look I understand what your saying but the matter at hand is this is a two party race. If you want obama to stay in power you vote for your number three or four or six place candidate and obama wins and his shit turns America into Cuba. I didnt like Romney as my preferred pick but he got the votes in our system. He wins the nomination. If you want to fix the overall system then stop fucking complaining about it still and get active.
I am frankly tired of all the ron paul tards and every other fringe candidate that think they will show us all how important they are by voting for their unpopular candidate. You waste your vote and accomplish nothing. I know this because I was just like them. I voted for Perot in 94. I fucked over Bush Sr and helped clinton get in the whitehouse and get his blue balls on. I didnt intend to fuck Bush but I thought stupidly that my vote would get Perot elected. It is a wasted vote and by doing it I changed nothing in our political system.
I didnt teach anybody a lesson by punching the Perot chad. I honestly dont think we will ever get a new system of political process without some kind of revolution. I am talking guns and blood and killing for that kind of change not this gay ron paul revolution shit.
To each his own. Go ahead and vote for the homo in chief again its your right to vote as you feel but if obama is reelected America is going to see some violence on its street and in peoples front lawns.
08-16-2012, 02:19 PM
Hey mrtelevision
You already posted that comment.
Once is enough?
08-16-2012, 02:50 PM
08-16-2012, 06:30 PM
the name is Rusty Shackleford, and when it comes to the internet once is never enough...
especially when the post is missing the info.
phony grassroot movements with private donors are nothing new
this group went after Kerry
even Bush had to deal with stuff about his service.
expect this election to get even uglier, have you seen the recent attack ads from BOTH sides?
Listen I am all for you sharing your opinion but this was something most of us were asking when obama pranced out and shared "his" accomplishment. When I started hearing that the SEALs and CIA were pissed off about his run to the podium to claim political victory and then inviting spielberg and other hollywood fags over for him to share his private knowledge I wondered what the hell repercussions would happen? Frankly it would seem that this man as president really should treat his secret service extra special. He is going to need them on their toes if he is reelected. His actions as president of the United States really are treasonous in more than one way.
So you can make a statement that its a political manuver but I would argue that that is bullshit. You have active and retired CIA and special forces on film saying this. They in all other situations would be silent on this but are not because of that true fact that peoples lives are at risk. When that mission was complete there are still assets on the ground in places not just abbottabad but around the world that are at risk when something like that happens.
The president really seemed to give off the impression like he didnt give a fuck about our own people still at risk he wanted to call a pressy and prop himself up like the King of America. King Obama the Turd all hail the king.
If you watched that entire video up there and dissagree with any of what they said your a fucking shit for brains. So if you agree with what they said then you cant claim its for political only reasons. Is it political YES of fucking course it is. They are trying legally to get obama out of office. The other option to remove him if he is reelected is something along the lines of Dallas in the mid 60's.
obama isnt just fucking with one group of people he is fucking with America and he got elected on fraudulent promises and his lies are so clear I am hoping plenty of republicans get voted out of congress and the senate as well. McCain and Boener are pussies and should have remained silent when Bachman called out the muslim brotherhood rat. This is our country that is getting turned into Beijing.
In every event in history when a single man became all powerful it was with the help and following of millions of braindead.
08-16-2012, 07:44 PM
Eagle what Muslim Brotherhood rat? I recall a wild accusation with no sort of any evidence to back it up, but I do not recall a specific person being directly or even remotely involved with the Muslim Brotherhood. Only by blood, some generations removed. I guess if that's qualifying then Stark is still truely a Nazi, and most white americans whose families have lived in the US since the 1860's and earlier are still official slave holders?
Bachman is a fucking nut job, she always has been. Wish I lived in her district so I could vote against her.
That being said, there has been to much operational security information release from the current administration and those who operate in it. Sure the killing of Bin Laden speech was a bit political, but he would have been mocked even more if he had not given a speech (it was also at like 2200 on a Sunday night absolute primetime for anything).
08-16-2012, 10:06 PM
Bush Tax cuts --
If Bush Tax Cuts End, It Will Cost. A Lot (|related|story|text|&par=yahoo)By Jeff Cox | CNBC – 19 hours ago
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Americans would shell out as much as $5,700 more a year if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire at the end of 2012, according to a new analysis that highlights the perils and political consequences of the nation's fiscal cliff.
Connecticut residents would get rocked the worst, with an additional cost of $5,783 a year while New Yorkers would get hit $5,542 on average, the study from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation ( states.
Mississippi residents get the least impact, at $1,310 on average, but 29 of the 50 states will see taxpayers get hit at least $2,000.
Find out where your state ranks here. (
"It's pretty dramatic...This is the biggest tax increase that would happen since World War II," said Will McBride, chief economist at the Washington, D.C.-based Tax Foundation. "I can't think of anyone who's really seriously thinking we should go through this. It would almost certainly result in another recession."
The foundation considers itself nonpartisan and awards its Distinguished Service awards each year to those who best advocate responsible tax policies. Among its previous winners are Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan and conservative donor and activist Charles Koch, as well as Democrats such as former Sen. John Breaux and current Sen. Max Baucus of Montana.
The fiscal cliff ( is a term that refers to a series of tax increases and spending cuts that would take place unless Congress reaches deficit-reduction goals.
There are several components to the cliff - payroll tax cuts, a fix on the Alternative Minimum Tax (explain this ( and unemployment benefits among them - but the tax cuts enacted during President George W. Bush's term represent, at $180 billion, the biggest slice of the pie.
Economists estimate that if Congress does not reach agreement on the items it will siphon between $400 billion and $720 billion from growth, representing as much as 4.6 percent of total gross domestic product (
With GDP growth below 2 percent in the U.S. and the stock market gaining but susceptible to shocks, the stakes are high for the cuts.
"We are teetering on zero growth," McBride said. "This sort of domestic policy would immediately impact demand and really shock investors. I would expect the stock market to take a real hit in September if something like this is not passed."
Congress has been debating how to proceed with the cliff items but remains torn over the Democrats' desire to enact higher taxes on the wealthy and the Republican resistance to higher taxes of any kind.
New Jersey residents would take the third-highest hit at $5,030, with Massachusetts ($4,277) fourth and California ($4,242) fifth. On the other side, states least hit, besides Mississippi, are New Mexico ($1,465) 49th, Alabama ($1,496) 48th, Tennessee ($1,522) 47th, and West Virginia ($1,530) 46th.
Interestingly, the most-hit states are generally considered Democratic strongholds, while the least-hit are mostly Republican. (Read More: What's Inside Paul Ryan's Budget Plans (
Policy makers - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke most prominent among them - fear the cliff in that it would impose indiscriminate cuts across the board.
But the left-leaning Brookings Institute ( recently asserted that the most prudent move would be to embrace the imposed cuts and tax increases as the best chance for real budget compromise.
"It would be the opposite of 'kicking the can down the road,' which is what Congress has done in the past and has been roundly criticized by experts and others," William G. Gale, co-director at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, wrote in an analysis. "It is the only way to get a deficit reduction package that is fairly balanced between spending cuts and revenue increases."
Wall Street economists, though, believe the near-term risks are too great not to provide at least short-term relief for the issues at play. Most predict a compromise that gets the U.S. through the end of 2012 and into 2013 when a new Congress, and possibly a new president, take over.
"Much depends on the election, and how strong the various factions emerge afterward," Clayton M. Albright III, director of asset allocation at Wilmington Trust Investment Advisors in Wilmington, Del., told clients. "Given the breadth of the Bush tax cuts and their large impact on people with incomes below $250,000, we expect Congress to extend them for three to six months into 2013."
If the Bush cuts expire, top tax rates will increase from 35 percent to 39.6 percent. The capital gains rate will jump from 15 percent to 20 percent while dividends also would revert to a higher rate.
JPMorgan economists predict a 15 percent chance of "falling off the fiscal cliff," and anticipate that "would essentially guarantee a recession."
Just to offer an example of policy and understanding on taxation here is JFK's policy from before he was assassinated. <font color="#000000"><span style="font-family: arial">
08-16-2012, 10:22 PM
Eagle what Muslim Brotherhood rat? I recall a wild accusation with no sort of any evidence to back it up, but I do not recall a specific person being directly or even remotely involved with the Muslim Brotherhood. Only by blood, some generations removed. I guess if that's qualifying then Stark is still truely a Nazi, and most white americans whose families have lived in the US since the 1860's and earlier are still official slave holders?
Bachman is a fucking nut job, she always has been. Wish I lived in her district so I could vote against her.
That being said, there has been to much operational security information release from the current administration and those who operate in it. Sure the killing of Bin Laden speech was a bit political, but he would have been mocked even more if he had not given a speech (it was also at like 2200 on a Sunday night absolute primetime for anything).!
Brenden I agree with what you say 80 90 % of the time but I respectfully disagree with you here. You can dislike Bachman that really isnt the point of what we are talking about. The point is national security and truly to the point understanding who our enemies are. This is why I like LTC Allen West because he understands this and has clearly stated so.
There are others besides Bachman and West who have spoke up regarding this threat. I think just by your answer that you certainly could use some more information before you generate your opinion going further. So I embedded the press conference above. I truly expect that if want to debate or give your opinion further that you watch the entire video.
at about the 29 minute mark going forward for 5 or 10 minutes is the part that is technical to the subject I was bringing up with hillary and her muslim aid that obama called an "American patriot".
If you care about America you will watch this and then dig further with your own eyes. If you shrug it off and dont watch it and just talk shit like you think you know everything then your opinion is worthless.
08-16-2012, 10:26 PM
Eagle, who said that Allen West wont be just another politician? He can say all he want while he's not in power! But it always changes and not only speeches but also actions....
08-16-2012, 10:37 PM
08-16-2012, 10:40 PM
08-16-2012, 10:48 PM
If there's anything that iv learned from listening to Don Shipley's videos, Chris Kyle's book and Howard Wasdin's book is that the SOF community is basically like America with a mix of views, don't think that a few guys in a video talk for thousands of operators.
unfortunatley they are not all Archie Bunker... ("His will be done" - Hank Hill)
-Chad Kolton, their spokesman, was previously a spokesman for the DNI in the Bush Admin.
-The group shares an office with a Republican political consulting firm but has "no ties" to it.
-Ben Smith, one of the main speakers in the video, has been a spokesman for the Tea Party Express and Republican campaigns for years.
-The group's president, Scott Taylor, ran as a Republican for Congress in Virginia.
like i said obviously fake grassroots movement, with some rich political d-bags bankrolling it!
i would prefer a doc about leaks through out history, not another election year propaganda piece.
hell have we all forgotten this?
Bush couldn't hide "enhanced interrogation"
Clinton couldn't hide a bj
Johnson couldn't hide the Pentagon papers
Nixon couldn't hide wiretapping opponents
CIA couldn't hide every other friggin thing they've done in history
Hoover couldn't hide illegally spying on MLK jr. and others
leaks happen get over it.
Leaks happen yes but an acting president watching a vital operation and then running out to the podium to brag about it is completely different. Your either looking to be intentionally illogical or your just not getting the point. I will in the end put more weight in actual operators and their opinions than some random dude on the internet.
08-16-2012, 11:09 PM
08-16-2012, 11:09 PM
I agree with a lot of what you say also Eagle, even though I think you are far right winged your general sense of America is in line with mine, along with a free society. I will watch the video tomorrow watched the first 15 minutes and it looks like a good watch.
That being said Bachman and the other representatives of United States citizens, proposed something that should be looked into and should be taken into consideration. The issue I have with is it the specification of names, it's like that little black book. McCarthiesm (in my mind) is one of the darkest pieces of United States history. We singled out individuals, on the premise that they were possibly guilty.
To single out someone, as Bachman and her friends have done, with no real cedible evidence is creating a reversal of the, innocent until proven guilty. Then to say that someone is simply guilty because of their religion until proven innocent.... Well it is a complete reversal of this countries core founding principal is. It is good to question everything and anything, more so when it applies to government, but do not make accusations that they can not stand behind without credible and required evidence, and when you get religion involved it's a whole new ball game.
These accusations amount to the same thing as the patriot act or the NDAA of 2012, saying that an United States citizen is guilty until proven innocent.
As I said I'll watch the video tomorrow and post another reply.
Thanks for the heads up on the info!
08-17-2012, 12:39 AM
Well like I mentioned at the 29 minute mark the guy goes into details on Huma Abedin. In a case such as this when none of us are able to ever go and confirm the information personally because we dont have access to the truth so to speak then I side with those who align with me the most. I am way far off from being a liberal and saying "aww shucks muslims are just misunderstood they mean us no harm". When you me and everyone here on AC has seen plenty of islamic propaganda and anti American jihad videos.
So I take notice when a politician stands up and puts their political career on the line to make a statement. LTC Allen West is controversial with what he says and even some military active / veterans criticize him for his actions in Iraq. For me though I look at it like this. He did go about things against his ROE and he knew his ass would be risking demotion and all the other things. He did it anyway only to attempt to get information that could protect his men to save their lives.
It worked and he did get that information. So he took action selfless action to do the right thing despite his personal loss he would potentially face in rank and pay or even dishonorable discharge. He didnt know what he would get when the shit hit the fan. So when someone has the courage to speak up or take action in the face of personal damnation it gets my utmost respect. These people are doing it because they honestly feel like its a real threat or why would they do it? They want to ruin their political careers? I dont think so.
08-17-2012, 01:25 AM
More bad news with obama...or maybe not.... but not good in some peoples opinion at least....
Figured I would make this thread about obama and his controversies as we lead up to the election.
In a move that puts new meaning to the term battleground, President Obama's re-election campaign and members of some military groups are on a collision course over voting rights in the critical state of Ohio.
The Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee have filed a lawsuit to block a new state law allowing men and women in uniform to vote up until the Monday right before an election, while the cutoff on early voting for the rest of the public is three days earlier.
Top Obama campaign officials told Fox News in interviews that the lawsuit in no way tries to restrict the voting rights of military members. All they are trying to do is even the playing field for all voters in Ohio by allowing early voting up until Monday for everyone, including members of the military, because they believe a two-tiered, early-voting process is unfair.
"Along with the DNC and Ohio Democratic Party, this campaign filed a lawsuit to reinstate equal, early-voting rights for all Ohioans -- rights the Republican-controlled legislature arbitrarily stripped away this past year," Jim Messina, Obama's campaign manager, told supporters in an email.
However, the National Guard Association and other military groups have fired back, saying it's "offensive" for Democrats to suggest in the lawsuit it's arbitrary for service members to get special consideration.
Men and women in uniform typically get more time than other voters to send in absentee ballots since they may be serving in an overseas or domestic location that is not close to their home polling station.
"I'm just outraged by this," Mike DeWine, the Republican state attorney general in Ohio, told Fox News. "I can't believe the Obama campaign and the state Democratic Party are actually saying there's no rational basis for a distinction between someone who is in the military voting and someone who is not in the military."
The stakes in this legal battle are huge because Obama is anxious to keep Ohio's 18 electoral votes in the Democratic column this November. He has already visited the state nine times this year alone.
Since no Republican has won the White House without carrying the Buckeye State, GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is fighting just as hard and on Friday lashed out at the Democrats’ lawsuit.
“President Obama's lawsuit claiming it is unconstitutional for Ohio to allow servicemen and women extended early voting privileges during the state's early voting period is an outrage," he said Saturday. "I stand with the 15 military groups that are defending the rights of military voters, and if I'm entrusted to be the commander-in-chief, I'll work to protect the voting rights of our military, not undermine them.â€
The Obama campaign responded Saturday by saying, "Mitt Romney and his campaign have completely fabricated a claim that the Obama campaign is trying to restrict military voting in Ohio. In fact, the opposite is true. The Obama campaign filed a lawsuit to make sure every Ohioan, including military members and their families, has early voting rights over the last weekend prior to the election."
While the lawsuit does not restrict the ability of military personnel to cast their ballots early, both sides know how volatile an issue this can be.
When Democrats tried to block some military ballots in Florida during the contentious recount of 2000, it was a political and public relations disaster -- until then-Vice Presidential nominee Joe Lieberman intervened.
"Vice President Gore and I would never authorize and (would) not tolerate a strategy that was aimed at disqualifying military ballots," Lieberman told "Fox News Sunday" shortly before Gore conceded the election to Republican George W. Bush.
Military veterans in Ohio who support Obama stress that this time nobody is trying to prevent service members' votes from being counted.
"I just find it troubling that the Republicans would use veterans groups as cover fire for their real mission," former Congressman John Boccieri, D-Ohio, told Fox News in an interview. "Their real mission quite obviously is to restrict people from voting three days before the election."
Read more:
08-17-2012, 01:32 AM
obama and more gay controversy...
NEW YORK – The intimate, fatherly relationship with pornographer and card-carrying communist Frank Marshall Davis that Barack Obama captured in a disturbingly graphic poem has led many to speculate Obama was sexually abused as a teen.
Davis, who wrote of molesting a 13-year-old girl in a quasi-autobiographical novel, has been identified as the “Pop” in a poem that describes “amber stains” on both Obama’s and “Pop’s” shorts (
A psychotherapist who also notes the parental abandonment Obama suffered in his childhood says that while she can’t prove it, “the degree of Obama’s disconnect reminds me of my sexually abused clients.”
Writing under the pseudonym Robin of Berkeley (, the psychotherapist says Obama’s poem “evoked images of sexual abuse.”
Many pundits who have examined Barack Obama’s unconventional childhood have marveled at his ability to overcome significant personal obstacles to become the leader of the free world, but it’s not hard to imagine there have been consequences.
Speculation about Obama’s sexuality has roiled beneath the radar of establishment media, fed, among other things, by Larry Sinclair’ssensational claims of cocaine-fueled homosexual acts with Obama in Chicago ( and reports of Obama’s “transgender nanny” in Indonesia (
Now, the former radical activist from Occidental College who has recounted a 1980 encounter in which Obama affirmed revolutionary Marxist views ( tells WND in an interview his strong impression at the time was that Obama and the wealthy Pakistani roommate who accompanied him were homosexual lovers.
John Drew, who founded the Marxist-socialist club at Occidental to which Obama belonged, says he met the future president in December 1980 when Drew was a 23-year-old second-year graduate student at Cornell University.
See Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s most recent press conference on Obama’s eligibility
Obama, a 19-year-old sophomore at Occidental at the time, was with diminutive Pakistani roommate Mohammed Hasan Chandoo.
“I really had the feeling that Obama was Chandoo’s ‘boy toy,’” Drew told WND.
Drew, who earned a Ph.D. from Cornell, is an award-winning political scientist who taught political science and economics at Williams College.
In previously published accounts of his meeting –dating from the 2008 presidential campaign – Drew made clear his conclusion that Obama and Chandoo were both Marxist revolutionaries. Contrary to Drew, who remarked he was not as radical as Obama, Obama believed a violent, communist revolution was coming to the U.S.
In the interview with WND, Drew focused on his suspicion the two were romantically involved.
“The first time I saw Barack Obama and Hassan Chandoo together, I thought they were a wealthy gay couple,” Drew said.
“In fact, they looked so gay that my girlfriend, Caroline Boss, whispered to me, ‘They’re not gay.’ So, that confirmed to me I wasn’t the only one who thought Barack Obama and Hassan Chandoo looked like they were in a very close, intimate relationship.” ( Drew and his college girlfriend, Caroline Boss
Drew admits he was confused about Chandoo’s sexuality, considering it possible the Pakistani was bisexual, especially after he learned Occidental classmate Margo Mifflin was Chandoo’s girlfriend at the time.
“I remembered Mifflin from my senior year at Occidental when we had both participated in various protest events on campus,” Drew commented. “I had the impression that Mifflin was living with Chandoo and Obama in Chandoo’s apartment in Pasadena.”
WND has made repeated unsuccessful attempts since 2008 to contact Chandoo and another Occidental roommate, Pakistani Wahid Hamid, including an attempt made for this article.
WND also received no response to a request to the press office of the Democratic National Committee, as directed by the Washington, D.C., office of the Obama 2012 presidential campaign.
Christmas break
The 1980 meeting took place during Christmas break at the Portola Valley, Calif., home of Boss’s adoptive parents, near Stanford University.
At the time, Boss was a senior at Occidental. Boss and Obama had become friends through classes they took together in the spring and fall of that year.
From the first moments he saw Obama and Chandoo together, Drew suspected they were lovers.
“They were very close to each other physically,” Drew said, recalling watching them arrive at the Boss residence in a luxury car.
“I don’t know how else to describe it, but they looked like two young men who had a very close, intimate, emotional attachment,” he said. “I never saw them hugging or kissing, but I saw them standing very close to one another. It looked like they were very in tune with each others needs.”
Drew said Obama and Chandoo arrived at the Boss residence in the late afternoon and stayed with Drew, Caroline Boss and her family through dinner at a local restaurant.
“I had the feeling Chandoo put Obama on this pedestal where Barack Obama was just this great-looking guy, with wonderful educational experience from Punahou Academy. And I just got the feeling that Chandoo considered Barack Obama to be almost one of his prize possessions.”
In Drew’s piece for the American Thinker, he emphasized the importance of Chandoo’s relative affluence in his relationship with Obama:
When I first saw Obama, I remember I was standing on the porch of Boss’s parents’ impressive home as a sleek, expensive luxury car pulled up in the driveway. Two young men emerged from the vehicle. They were well-dressed and looked like they were born to wealth and privilege. I was a little surprised to learn they were Boss’s friends from Occidental College until she articulated the underlying political connection. “They’re on our side,” she said.
Drew noted that the “taller of the two was Obama, then only 19, who towered over his five-foot-five companion, Mohammad Hasan Chandoo – a wealthy, 21 year old Pakistani student.”
“Chandoo had a full dark beard, neatly trimmed mustache, and was dressed in expensive clothes,” Drew wrote. “Nevertheless, Obama was the more handsome of the two. At six foot two, Obama carried himself with the dignity and poise of a model. The diminutive Chandoo, in contrast, came across as more of a practical businessman type.”
He pointed out Obama “displayed a visible deference to Chandoo when they were standing together at the vehicle.”
In the interview with WND, Drew affirmed the economic disparity between the two was an obvious component of the relationship.
“On that ‘boy toy’ angle,” Drew said, “I think that Barack Obama enjoyed a much more lavish, luxurious and pleasant life style at Occidental College because of his connection to Hassan Chandoo than he did at Columbia without the direct financial support of Chandoo.
“Obama enjoyed a lot of benefits from having a wealthy Pakistani friend while he was at Occidental,” said Drew.
Obama has claimed that at end of his sophomore year at Occidental, he took a trip around the world in which he and Hamid stayed for three weeks at the home of Chandoo’s wealthy and politically important family in Karachi.
Drew told WND that on that December 1980 day, Chandoo went to lengths to put Obama on a pedestal, making sure from the first moments of the visit that it was known that Obama was a graduate of Punahou Academy in Honolulu, presenting it as an exclusive and prestigious private college preparatory school.
“I can’t remember Obama praising Chandoo in the way Chandoo sung the praises of Obama,” he said.
Unmarried Obama wore wedding ring?
Drew told WND he was not aware at the time of his 1980 meeting that Obama was wearing a gold-band ring on the wedding ring finger of his left hand.
He first learned of it in two articles WND published showing Obama was wearing the ring from his years at Occidental College (, from 1979 to 1981, through 1990, when a satirical issue of the Harvard Law Review referred to it (
Despite Drew’s credibility, he was not interviewed by sympathetic Obama biographers David Remnick for his 2010 book “The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama” or David Maraniss’s 2012 book “Barack Obama: The Story.”
Author Paul Kengor discusses Drew’s testimony that Obama was a Marxist-Leninist at Occidental in his 2010 book “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century,” beginning on page 445, and in his 2012 book “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis – The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor,” beginning on page 10 and resuming more extensively on page 249.
Author and WND columnist Jack Cashill mentioned Drew’s testimony of Obama’s Marxist views on page 224 of his 2011 book “Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America’s First Postmodern President.”
Author Stanley Kurtz discusses Drew’s contention that Obama was a “pure Marxist-socialist” at Occidental in his 2010 book “Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism,” on pages 9-10 and again on pages 88-91.
08-17-2012, 12:24 PM
has mitt romney released his tax returns yet?
This was also funny:
08-17-2012, 12:35 PM
eagle is that Barry's Pakistani boyfriend or Chech? Where is Chong at ? lol
eagle check this out
08-17-2012, 12:47 PM
After watching the video I stand by what I have said. I am in no way saying that people in any administration should not be excluded from thorough background checks. Everyone that takes part in the governance of the country, this countries policies, and this countries foreign actions should have an absolute 100% background check. They should also not be subjected to ridicule and blatant defamation in a public setting, simply because of some very very remote possibility that they may have very remote and non direct ties to any specific organization. In the whole 1 hour and 40 minutes, I never once saw any sort of absolute concrete evidence. I saw a lot of heresay and indirect correlations.
I saw absolutely no proof that Huma Abadin is a member of the muslim brotherhood, or that she in anyway shape or form believes in the imposement of sharia law on United States soil. I saw that she MIGHT, by a slim chance, have some sort of a tie to the muslim brotherhood, but I saw no proof. Should she have a very thorough background check done on her? Yes absolutely. So should Romney, Obama, Gingrich, Clinton, and anyone else. Should any of these people be disqualified from public office if anything is found that ties them to any terrorist organizations? Absolutely, those including foreign (ie IRA, Basque movement, FSA, Al Queda, Chechens, KKK, White Supremesists etc etc.)
My main issue is that this is all here say, especially in regards to Huma Abedin. There is no evidence, only remotely possible links. I took issue only because you said, the muslim brotherhood rat. I see no muslim brotherhood rat, I see a chance for there to be one but there is not one as of yet. It's the whole innocent and must be proven guilty.
That being said, I was friends with a hajji who owned a shop while we were in Iraq, on post. He was killed in a raid on his brothers house who was making IED's, and was affiliated with al queda in Iraq. Now because I was friends with him should I be considered a supporter of a terrorist organization? Absolutely not, if that was the case a lot of our veterans would be considered as supporters of terrorist organizations.
West's actions should have earned him a dishonorable discharge, it was an action that is unbecoming and officer and essentially puts him at the same level as our enemy. Terror is something people use to get information on a regular basis, and it is a disgusting human trait. Our enemies use it everyday, and for someone to stoop to their level is both disgusting and defeats our purpose as a nation and the fundamentals that our nation was founded on.
This whole thing is some thing that should have been kept behind closed doors, it is now officially a witch hunt. Something that these politicians are trying to use for political gain and nothing more. I agree with the speaker when he said Obama has been particularely hard on his targetting and eliminating of terrorists across the globe. I see no reason for him or his administration to allow purposely or ignorantly let a terrorist organization take roots in the United States' government, when he has been particularely harsh on terrorist organizations across the globe.
08-17-2012, 04:49 PM
Gary Johnson?? Look I understand what your saying but the matter at hand is this is a two party race. If you want obama to stay in power you vote for your number three or four or six place candidate and obama wins and his shit turns America into Cuba. I didnt like Romney as my preferred pick but he got the votes in our system. He wins the nomination. If you want to fix the overall system then stop fucking complaining about it still and get active.
I am frankly tired of all the ron paul tards and every other fringe candidate that think they will show us all how important they are by voting for their unpopular candidate. You waste your vote and accomplish nothing. I know this because I was just like them. I voted for Perot in 94. I fucked over Bush Sr and helped clinton get in the whitehouse and get his blue balls on. I didnt intend to fuck Bush but I thought stupidly that my vote would get Perot elected. It is a wasted vote and by doing it I changed nothing in our political system.
I didnt teach anybody a lesson by punching the Perot chad. I honestly dont think we will ever get a new system of political process without some kind of revolution. I am talking guns and blood and killing for that kind of change not this gay ron paul revolution shit.
To each his own. Go ahead and vote for the homo in chief again its your right to vote as you feel but if obama is reelected America is going to see some violence on its street and in peoples front lawns.
Just like the violence that was going to outbreak when Bush got reelected, right?
Voting for ANYBODY besides those two fucktards is using your vote for what it is intended for, you asshat. You go ahead and be a dull-eyed simp and vote for the Corporate douche-bag from Masshole just like everybody else that think he'll do such a better job than Obongo. Our country is doomed.
08-17-2012, 05:52 PM
Who is OpSec?
The group claims to be a non-partisan educational group, but it's not. It's run by a failed Republican congressional candidate by the name of Scott Taylor. Reuters reports that he ran in 2010 in Virginia's Second Congressional District, and also for Virginia Beach mayor in 2008.
Not only is OpSec run by a Republican, it shares office space with a Republican group called the Trailblazer Group. The partners are Christian Ferry, who was the Deputy Campaign Manager for McCain-Palin 2008 and a lobbyist for telecommunications and railroad companies, and Ryan Price, McCain-Palin 2008 Deputy Political Director. Price was also responsible for coordinating surrogates and coalitions in that campaign. What a surprise.
It's not mere coincidence that the address of OpSec and these Republican operatives are identical. There's yet another entity listed at that address, a firm by the name of TelOpinion Research. When you visit their website, you're welcomed to "perceptual truth." I'll let you figure out what that might mean. TelOpinion boasts "another successful year in helping elect Republicans throughout the United States. Partner Bill Lee served on presidential campaigns for Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, George H.W. Bush, Phil Gramm, and Bob Dole. Leo Lee brings his executive experience from Siemens, Home Depot, Babies R Us (a Bain Capital production) and Armoloy International. Tel Opinion boasts of a client list that includes Alliance for America's Future (the Norm Coleman 501c4), the Republican Governor's Association, the RNC, and the NRCC.
Their spokesman, Chad Kolton is a former spokesman for the office of the Director of National Intelligence during the George W. Bush administration, according to Reuters. But wait! There's more. Before Kolton worked for the Bush administration, he was a spokesman for FEMA and other agencies. And before that, he worked for the RNC as a deputy communications director after he began his career as a press secretary for John Boehner.
The person who appears in the film is a man by the name of Fred Rustmann. ThinkProgress notes that Rustmann was once a supervisor for Valerie Plame when she worked for the CIA. You remember Valerie Plame, right? ThinkProgress wants to know whether Rustmann, who spends his time complaining about security leaks in the White House in this film could answer his own question:
A voiceover wonders, “What is the cost of trading national secrets for political capital?â€
This is a question worth asking Fred Rustmann, a former CIA undercover case officer and OPSEC spokesman who appears in the video. Rustmann, who was once a supervisor for covert operative Valerie Plame, was dispatched by the Bush administration to defend the leak that jeopardized her undercover identity. Rustmann claimed the leak had no effect on covert operations:
RUSTMANN: There are no major repercussions to the cover mechanism, no. To her — the question again gets down to whether somebody did this with malice or forethought. Then it’s a crime, and that person goes to jail.
COLMES: But isn’t the question whether any damage was done because of the revelation? Whether lives were harmed, whether anyone was harmed, or security was harmed?
RUSTMANN: Yes, I don’t think so. I think, if she were out there in that capacity, in that non-official capacity, and if she was handling agents — she was handling agents in another alias — we have different layers of cover that work.
Evidently leaks are only bad when a Democrat is in the White House.
There is nothing remotely educational or non-partisan about this group.
Here is the answer to the question "Who is OpSec?" A group of partisan Republicans who are looking for the new SwiftBoat campaign which they hope will work a second time.
But it won't.
Editing the truth for educational purposes?
The film has some interesting selective edits, including the President's address on the death of Bin Laden. Because the lines they edited would contradict the narrative they're trying to construct, they just excised them. Here's how they present President Obama's address:
Over the last 10 years, thanks to the tireless and heroic work of our military and our counterterrorism professionals, we’ve made great strides in that effort. We’ve disrupted terrorist attacks and strengthened our homeland defense. In Afghanistan, we removed the Taliban government, which had given bin Laden and al Qaeda safe haven and support. And around the globe, we worked with our friends and allies to capture or kill scores of al Qaeda terrorists, including several who were a part of the 9/11 plot.â€
Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.
Edited like this, it appears that all credit for Bin Laden's death was claimed by the President, "I-I-I-I," the video proclaims. Funny how they left out this paragraph, which is certainly easy to find since it's in the very same transcript where they got the first two paragraphs:
Tonight, we give thanks to the countless intelligence and counterterrorism professionals who’ve worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome. The American people do not see their work, nor know their names. But tonight, they feel the satisfaction of their work and the result of their pursuit of justice. We give thanks for the men who carried out this operation, for they exemplify the professionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage of those who serve our country. And they are part of a generation that has borne the heaviest share of the burden since that September day.
That doesn't fit very well with the President grabbing all the credit, now does it?
And finally a word from Admiral Bill McRaven, head of the U.S. Special Operations command:
"The president of the United States is fantastic," the admiral said. "I'm not a political guy. I've worked in both [administrations,] very much enjoyed working with President Bush and I very much enjoy working for President Obama. This isn't about politics. This is about a Commander in Chief who I have the opportunity to engage with on a routine basis."
McRaven also had high praise for Obama's national security team, including those in place at the time of the raid, such as then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, Deputy National Security Advisers Denis McDonough and John Brennan.
"I'm not a political guy, but I’ll tell you as an interested observer of this, they were magnfiicent how they handled the start-to-finish," McRaven said. "The president asked all the right questions…The president gave me ample time to prepare once the conversations were through."
08-17-2012, 09:12 PM
Thanks to everyone who gave their opinions here. It is what it is. It is certainly a political video of course. It is for the purpose to get obama out of office. These men are not hiding who they are. They are former and current CIA or SEALs or other. I take what they are saying at face value knowing they are stumping for the republican party. There isn't a need to dig into motivations and political backgrounds here. Do you expect SEALs CIA or other groups with no political understanding or experience to just start popping out political ads without searching for some advice or a surrogate? So what did you expect that a former or current democrat would be who is helping them blast obama out of the water? Please get a grip of yourself now.
Really again the point of leaks happening before that is true but not like this. There are leaks about Israel, Iran, Russia, China, stuxnet, should i list them all? The amount of leaks and the rate at which they happen make it seem like obama has a czar just for leaking classified info. Listen there are democrats here that will support obama till the end I get that. You are likely not a lifer with benefits getting fucked by obama either.
Your social security is not going to support you as you may well know. Unless living in a dilapidated trailer eating cat food is your idea of life when your old. So maybe read up on the Ryan budget and actually see what he is proposing to do. obama has been in the WH for 4 years and despite what ever excuse you want to allow him he has not got the job done. He has created class warfare and race warfare. It may not touch you in your neck of the woods but its out there happening none the less.
We will see as time goes on just how much more chaos and ineptitude obama can make happen.
08-20-2012, 01:00 PM
Vote republican.
08-21-2012, 11:55 AM
Vote republican.
short and to the point.
08-21-2012, 03:59 PM
08-21-2012, 04:05 PM
Rustmann, who had supervised Plame during her early years at the CIA, argued on Fox that disclosing Plame’s name was not a significant breach of national security. He discussed details of her training, her career and her cover.
“It isn't a big deal,” he said about the illegal disclosure of the covert officer’s name. “It was a light, nonofficial cover.”
Scott Taylor, chairman of OPSEC, is a former Navy SEAL. An unsuccessful Republican candidate for Congress in Virginia in 2010, he sat down with NBC News last summer for a documentary titled “Secrets of Seal Team Six.” The film said the military had urged former SEALs not to talk.
And OPSEC member Chad Kolton, a former spokesman for the director of National Intelligence during the George W. Bush administration, helped make the office “more accessible to reporters, including regular off-the-record briefings by senior analysts on global hot spots,” according to a newswire report that announced his departure to form a communications firm.
Leakers complaing about leaks WOW politics suck!
Well I like this more even now frosty... They are fucking republican and are coming out of the closet if you will. So the rest of the world knows if your for freedom then vote Republican. I dont give a fuck except they are on the right side of the spectrum.
08-21-2012, 04:21 PM
08-22-2012, 12:32 PM
08-25-2012, 02:39 PM
"I have been on the Intelligence Committee for 11 years, and I have never seen it worse than this; I can tell you that." - Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Chairman of Select Committee on Intelligence----this from obamas own party member.
08-28-2012, 04:01 PM
08-28-2012, 04:20 PM
Last fucking thing we need is another Religious asshole pushing his personal beliefs on our country. Romney wont win and if he does we are all fucked.
08-28-2012, 05:08 PM
Last fucking thing we need is another Religious asshole pushing his personal beliefs on our country. Romney wont win and if he does we are all fucked.
yeah that makes a lot of fucking sense like obama isn't pushing his views on America. I would rather a religious man than a fucking commie. Since when did strong members of AC hate the SEALs and special forces?
08-28-2012, 06:26 PM
Since when did strong members of AC hate the SEALs and special forces?
That right there. That. That thing i just quoted and you did, you fell right for it and its fucking bullshit. i KNEW the second this add bullshit popped up this would happen, saw it coming from fucking miles away. This is at its core what i see as everything wrong with American politics in one quote, thank you eagle for providing this shining example.
Frankly its brilliant, Horrifying, But brilliant. You get some military guys, get them to say something. Then if anybody opposes it for any reason, imply they are anti-american. BRILLIANT! Somebody disagrees with you? No need to debate, simply call them un american or imply they hate the troops. Even if the person opposes you respects their service, but disagrees with their political beliefs... "HUURR HATE THE TROOPS!"
You fell for GOP political bullshit 101. Oh and this “non-partisan" group is lead by a guy who is a birther who believe Obama's biological father was a US citizen... logic anybody? The guy also has tea party links if i recall, Ran for congress at one point.
But ill play the GOP politics game 101 (skip to 6:01):
Seal Team Six Admiral :
The president of the United States? Fantastic. Again, I’m not a political guy. I’ve worked in both administrations. I very much enjoyed working for President Bush. And I very much enjoy working for President Obama.
And it’s, again, this isn’t about politics but a commander in chief who I have the opportunity to engage with on a routine basis. And watching him and the decisions he makes along with his national security team. They’re a very impressive group of guys and gals.
Why do YOU hate the seals eagle?
Being military doesn't make your political views any more valid than any other citizen, implying members hate special forces because they don't line up with your extreme right wing views is Fucking pathetic.
08-28-2012, 06:58 PM
yeah that makes a lot of fucking sense like obama isn't pushing his views on America. I would rather a religious man than a fucking commie. Since when did strong members of AC hate the SEALs and special forces?
What views is he pushing on us? The guy is the most free thinking president we have had yet, is actually doing the right things in the middle east mostly which is to bomb the crap out of our enemies but not send our troops into harms way.
Besides both parties are bought, the same corporations have there hands in both administrations no matter who wins they still control us. I much rather have a non-religious asshole running the country rather then a super religious asshole. Supporting Romney is literally supporting less freedom for our citizens.
08-28-2012, 08:25 PM
What views is he pushing on us? The guy is the most free thinking president we have had yet, is actually doing the right things in the middle east mostly which is to bomb the crap out of our enemies but not send our troops into harms way.
Besides both parties are bought, the same corporations have there hands in both administrations no matter who wins they still control us. I much rather have a non-religious asshole running the country rather then a super religious asshole. Supporting Romney is literally supporting less freedom for our citizens.
Wait obama is forcing his Christian faith on you just the same isnt he? Why not get a guy in the Whitehouse that cares about the lives of men serving? Are you a career service member? Because if you were you would know that obama is gouging your benefits in tricare and looking to cut retirement benefits across the entire board. You are not a career service member so you could give a shit about that, fine. You dont respect these mens opinions who have put their lives on the line to serve America. They might be the men you have uploaded killing taliban. You dont care since its just for your entertainment right?
I fucking hate people like this they are all about their own shit and not about the betterment of our nation.
I seem to forget this happening from these same men in any other election? No other time have the SEALs spoke up about their lives being risked. Do you recall Raymond Davis? Do you know his cover was blown? While he was still working in Pakistan he was outed by high ranking officials. Do you understand that he had to defend his life and could have been killed and it wouldnt mean shit to you would it?
08-28-2012, 10:20 PM
yeah that makes a lot of fucking sense like obama isn't pushing his views on America. I would rather a religious man than a fucking commie. Since when did strong members of AC hate the SEALs and special forces?
Killing hajjis, is different than United States politics. Everyone here can agree that a service member from western nations smoking some hajjis or muji's is a time honored tradition of the western military forces. However, we all disagree on a variety of issues and are all here for some form of debate, aside from the hajji killing.
Just because you serve/served doesn't mean you'll agree with the guy standing next to you on political issues.
08-28-2012, 11:47 PM
Killing hajjis, is different than United States politics. Everyone here can agree that a service member from western nations smoking some hajjis or muji's is a time honored tradition of the western military forces. However, we all disagree on a variety of issues and are all here for some form of debate, aside from the hajji killing.
Just because you serve/served doesn't mean you'll agree with the guy standing next to you on political issues.
Yes I understand that full well Brendan. I know I have spoke with many vets that are under the idea that obama is better. They are mad because they served for 4 years and dont have a job. That the welfare that they are getting is helping them. In a way I get that I understand that. The problem is the man in the whitehouse isnt concerned with working to create jobs for these men he is enjoying keeping them in poverty andf under his governmental control.
I am not looking to convience anyone to vote one way or another. I just wanted to point out that if there are SEALs and special operations putting their money and time into getting rid of obama then that does mean something. For someone to be here on AC and talk smack about look how these SEALs blasted the taliban and respect to those SEALs for their fight against these terrorist but then "fuck em "for what they are saying because they dont agree with my political view is hypocritical. You dont support them then. Dont pretend to be for them them turn your back on them now. That is all i am saying.
If your so sure this is about politics then where are the SEALs and CIA with their political ads supporting obama? I dont see them. Someone post the political ads that have SEALs and CIA and special operations personel supporting obama for the 2012 election. I will wait for that to be posted I am sure if this is just politics that there are two sides to this issue being presented right?
08-29-2012, 03:20 AM
Read my post eagle, seal team six admiral called Obama fantastic and very impressive. Why do you hate seals eagle?
And it is political the guy from this OPSEC is a birther who ran for the republicans if I recall! It's political and you are using their service like some bullshit debating device to try discredit people who disagree with them and its Fucking pathetic, as i said I saw it coming from miles away. Fucking pathetic..
08-29-2012, 06:27 AM
Yes I understand that full well Brendan. I know I have spoke with many vets that are under the idea that obama is better. They are mad because they served for 4 years and dont have a job. That the welfare that they are getting is helping them. In a way I get that I understand that. The problem is the man in the whitehouse isnt concerned with working to create jobs for these men he is enjoying keeping them in poverty andf under his governmental control.
I am not looking to convience anyone to vote one way or another. I just wanted to point out that if there are SEALs and special operations putting their money and time into getting rid of obama then that does mean something. For someone to be here on AC and talk smack about look how these SEALs blasted the taliban and respect to those SEALs for their fight against these terrorist but then "fuck em "for what they are saying because they dont agree with my political view is hypocritical. You dont support them then. Dont pretend to be for them them turn your back on them now. That is all i am saying.
If your so sure this is about politics then where are the SEALs and CIA with their political ads supporting obama? I dont see them. Someone post the political ads that have SEALs and CIA and special operations personel supporting obama for the 2012 election. I will wait for that to be posted I am sure if this is just politics that there are two sides to this issue being presented right?
Just because you do not support what a member of the military says does not mean that you do not support the military and members of the military. Politics are seperate from the military, period. For the same reasons that we have posse comitatus. While in uniform or holding a higher rank and currently serving it is highly discouraged for members of the US military to speak out or support any political candidate or party (which are one and the same now, you get the party not the person). For example the corporal who showed up at the Paul rally in uniform, he was punished and rightly so.
I am sure that the CIA and SEALs have self regulating rules that forbid them from partaking in United States politics. Why? Members of the military can have a direct influence over the civilian voting populace, which would negate the reason we have such a large seperation from the civilian government and the military.
Now once someone is retired, or out of the military they are a civilian again and can do whatever they want. If they want to run for office they can, if they want to use their military service as a backdrop for more support they can, they can do whatever they want. That doesn't mean I would agree with everything they said. Hell I argue with the guys I was deployed with all the time, because we have differing views on some political issues.
08-29-2012, 07:21 AM
This is why I'm cautious of "military hero worship" because people like eagle can use and abuse it. I respect soldiers of our countries and our allies for the hard job they do. But that does not mean I have to agree with them on everything, especially politics. And it does not give them some special more important political view over other citizens. This leads to people, like eagle, to avoid debate by simplying labeling people Un American or against the troops. It's pathetic.
08-29-2012, 08:38 AM
The war on terror is over anyway. Jimmy Carter has taken care of this.
08-29-2012, 09:38 AM
This is why I'm cautious of "military hero worship" because people like eagle can use and abuse it. I respect soldiers of our countries and our allies for the hard job they do. But that does not mean I have to agree with them on everything, especially politics. And it does not give them some special more important political view over other citizens. This leads to people, like eagle, to avoid debate by simplying labeling people Un American or against the troops. It's pathetic.
Lets see whos opinion should I give a shit about ? The men who are doing shit to keep our world a livable place and unlike a place like the shit hole pakistan is with suicide bombers making people pudding on the street corner randomly when they feel like it or some nobody shit for brains non American? Ummm yeah I respect these men no contest. what a shmuck.
08-29-2012, 10:02 AM
You aren't even stringing together a logical thought process here... You can respect people's service and still disagree with them politically, holy fuck dude get a grip. Seal team six admiral called Obama fantastic, why do you hate seal team six for eagle?
08-29-2012, 11:13 AM
You aren't even stringing together a logical thought process here... You can respect people's service and still disagree with them politically, holy fuck dude get a grip. Seal team six admiral called Obama fantastic, why do you hate seal team six for eagle?
gazz have you heard that limp bizcut song about you? Its called trollin trollin trollin trollin
Trust me its about you gazz trollin
08-29-2012, 11:58 AM
How is that trolling? i did the EXACT same thing you did.
MCRAVEN: The president of the United States? Fantastic.
I ask again, Why do you hate the seals for eagle? Or are you unable to answer my question because somebody called you on your bullshit? Its okay eagle, if your incapable of forming a coherent argument try calling me a troll again!
08-29-2012, 12:33 PM
How is that trolling? i did the EXACT same thing you did.
I ask again, Why do you hate the seals for eagle? Or are you unable to answer my question because somebody called you on your bullshit? Its okay eagle, if your incapable of forming a coherent argument try calling me a troll again!
your a troll ... there you go I called you a troll again gazz what you gonna do about it troll?
There is no trolling going on. Shit talk perhaps....but no trolling.
We can do this!!!
Relax!!! Push through and discuss!!
08-29-2012, 02:13 PM
There is no trolling going on. Shit talk perhaps....but no trolling.
We can do this!!!
Relax!!! Push through and discuss!!
define trolling then for us? Then we can decide if he is or not.
08-29-2012, 02:14 PM
otherwise he is a troll and will be treated as one for as long as I am a member here.
Here we go again.
I'm almost 100% sure we have been down this route before.
The AC Staff handles trolling. We have our definition and to be honest it's none of your concern.
Just because someone posts something you do not agree with or they post something that goes against your views.....or you lost in some sort of debate does not mean that they are trolling.
Not all of us here share the same views(obviously)
So deal with it.
So tuck in your prolapse and carry on.
I don't care if you hate can view him as however you want to.
as a friendly reminder, It will not be wise to keep spamming troll in every other comment when you are butthurt.
Perhaps you should step away and come back later on.
08-29-2012, 02:47 PM
Here we go again.
I'm almost 100% sure we have been down this route before.
The AC Staff handles trolling. We have our definition and to be honest it's none of your concern.
Just because someone posts something you do not agree with or they post something that goes against your views.....or you lost in some sort of debate does not mean that they are trolling.
Not all of us here share the same views(obviously)
So deal with it.
So tuck in your prolapse and carry on.
I don't care if you hate can view him as however you want to.
as a friendly reminder, It will not be wise to keep spamming troll in every other comment when you are butthurt.
Perhaps you should step away and come back later on.
i havnt called him a troll since maybe a year ago when he was trolling then. To be honest when some anal cyst comes here and is looking to get a rise out of me so he can go masturbate about it that is trolling. I have disagreements with other members and I am not calling them trolls am I?
Nor have I ever called anyone other than wormhole a troll back here in forums. So your response is less than accurate and seriously flawed but I am not calling you a troll either.
I am pointing out that he is a british twink that thinks he has some kind of relevence on an issue that has nothing to do with him in regard to our military and our election. Is he an American? Is this issue a global issue or just an American issue? I responded back to him before in other post and have given him his response he wanted whether he liked it or not.
The funny thing is I didnt come asking you for your help with gazz. i am having my own communication with him without asking for a moderator to assist him or I.
Its ok you can come to his rescue its making him more effeminate than he already is but I dont give a shit.
Lets look at it like this.
If gazz posted his british election thread and it concerned his military and his PM elect I sure as shit would not go on his thread and act like I fucking know or have a legit gripe or opinion worth a shit on his nations issues.
He is a douch and shitstain on AC but that isnt my call.
Just so I am clear I am not debating with him going further he can post what ever the shit he likes. He isnt offering a serious debate he is just looking to incite me. I can take an argument with anyone when they keep it logical and honest. I have had that kind of thing with you SIxx and you know that to be true.
I have done that with pretty much everyone at one time or another but nobody else is a fucking troll. So its that easy.
The funny thing is I didnt come asking you for your help with gazz. i am having my own communication with him without asking for a moderator to assist him or I.
The funny thing is that's my job---to moderate this thread.
08-29-2012, 03:30 PM
08-29-2012, 03:47 PM
Cant argue a point? Simply call them a troll. Well done.
Eagle ill put it in very simple terms.
1. You post a video about seals saying things.
2. People disagree
3. You call them out for "hating seals"
That's what happened. Fact.
What i did:
1. Post Seal Admiral saying good things about Obama
2. You hate Obama
3. imply you hate Seals.
i did the EXACT SAME THING as you, Why cant you address this? Because its stupid and admitting it will admit what you did was stupid?
(Hint: i don't think you actually hate seals! i merely used your pathetic "logic" against you)
Hell, Maybe if you repeat "TROLL" 100 more times people might start believing you! get a fucking grip dude and address the point. Or keep hiding behind the claims of troll so you dont have to admit what you did was stupid. And Sixx isn't coming to "rescue me" , he just knows the definition of "troll".
Edit: You know what? fuck it, ignore everything i said if it makes you feel better. You can't ignore what Brenden said though.
08-29-2012, 04:41 PM
Cant argue a point? Simply call them a troll. Well done.
Eagle ill put it in very simple terms.
1. You post a video about seals saying things.
2. People disagree
3. You call them out for "hating seals"
That's what happened. Fact.
What i did:
1. Post Seal Admiral saying good things about Obama
2. You hate Obama
3. imply you hate Seals.
i did the EXACT SAME THING as you, Why cant you address this? Because its stupid and admitting it will admit what you did was stupid?
(Hint: i don't think you actually hate seals! i merely used your pathetic "logic" against you)
Hell, Maybe if you repeat "TROLL" 100 more times people might start believing you! get a fucking grip dude and address the point. Or keep hiding behind the claims of troll so you dont have to admit what you did was stupid. And Sixx isn't coming to "rescue me" , he just knows the definition of "troll".
Edit: You know what? fuck it, ignore everything i said if it makes you feel better. You can't ignore what Brenden said though.
One last time I will do this then our fate is determined by the election as we agreed.
You are wrong on your comparison.
Those who commented didnt disagree with what the SEALs were saying were they? No one is saying the SEALs are wrong are they? Some are saying that it is politically motivated and that is all they said. I dissagree that it is just politics. There is none zero political ads supporting obama from these same groups of men are there?
So if you can debate these facts then do it if not then I tried again.
08-30-2012, 03:22 AM
Atrox seemed to disagree with his Romney comment, causing you to claim he hatedeals(pathetic by the way and such an obvious tactic ). Brenden seem to Dislike the idea of this, but I won't put words in his mouth. And of its political we have a birther, former failed republican, and a bush admin guy in the group ffs. Why no political ads supporting Obama ? Impossible to answer, but I would guess it has something to do with what brenden has been saying.
Funny you ask me to debate your ideas , yet getting you to comment properly is near impossible. What about seal team six admiral calling Obama fantastic huh?
08-30-2012, 10:36 AM
Atrox seemed to disagree with his Romney comment, causing you to claim he hatedeals(pathetic by the way and such an obvious tactic ). Brenden seem to Dislike the idea of this, but I won't put words in his mouth. And of its political we have a birther, former failed republican, and a bush admin guy in the group ffs. Why no political ads supporting Obama ? Impossible to answer, but I would guess it has something to do with what brenden has been saying.
Funny you ask me to debate your ideas , yet getting you to comment properly is near impossible. What about seal team six admiral calling Obama fantastic huh?
atroxx has shown he is democrat so it hurts when you are told your party is a failure. The general isnt going to publicly bad talk obama you dumb shit. The same reason the military is deleting the facebook Marine. Your really not smart when you can not deduct something simple like that. You grasp at straws to argue your point but like this example of the general keeping in line with his role you really are just stupid.
For reasons like this and all the past I am so looking forward to this election. When Romney pounds obama and drop kicks him out of the White house I will be drop kicking you out of apacheclips for good. Debating you has been entertaining at times but mostly disturbing to see someone so grossly deficient in common sense and intellect. Many times you have been played with and toyed with like taking candy from a baby.
08-30-2012, 08:19 PM
I completely disagree with former military members using their military service for political gain. It is only my personal opinion, while I do agree with the premise that over the past 4 years there has been a very detrimental of OPSEC material released to the public, I would also agree that the 8 years prior to the Obama administration provided the same results (ie Mr. Rove). Operational security is something that everyone in the military is briefed about on a regular basis, I don't know about the CIA/FBI/BATF/DEA etc.
However today we live in an ever increasing media/electronic base society which WILL make opsec increasingly tough to maintain.
My whole premise being that would like to stress, as our founding fathers, a complete and absolute seperation of the military and the political process. Getting the military involved in any way shape or form in the political process is a very dangerous thing to do in a free nation, militaristic nations typically do not remain free for long.
These men can do what they want with it, I see no way how it stands with the morals of the military though. My personal view is when I enlisted I swore an oath to the constitution, that is what I did and I will live the rest of my life following that oath after I am out of the service. That being said.
Eagle remember when you cast your vote for Romney, you will be voting for the 8 years prior to the Obama administration. You will be voting for corporations and a party, not a person or an ideal. If you vote for Obama you will be voting for the past 4 years, supported by different corporations and a different party. NOTHING will change, there will only be a slight differential in social policies. The NDAA, Patriot Act and other confidential orders given by our presidents will continue to degrade United State citizens liberties and freedoms. That will continue at an expotential rate, each administration regardless of party gets an ever more increase in power. If you think you will be doing the United States a favor by voting for Romney, I personally think you are wrong.
Either which way I do hope you vote, I don't care who you vote for as long as you vote. I will be voting for Yosemite Sam, as worthless as my vote will be I will still partake and I hope you do the same.
08-30-2012, 08:34 PM
Some food for thought:
08-30-2012, 11:45 PM
I agree with you brenden as most of the time I do see eye to eye with your views. The only thing I will caution you and others of is this tunnel vision of despare and hopelessness. With our history we can see what truth has bore out. Through history we can dream of a better future. Romney is not obama and he is not Bush. He is not Clinton and he is not Reagan. He is not Carter or Nixon or Lincoln. So what I am saying by being redundant is that every so often there is a great president who of course was not like the previous commander in chief.
I understand skepticism as I am a skeptic too. I dont trust Romney either. I have agreed with others that even if Romney is elected it still may not stop our nation from collapse. There are challenges now that may not look like ww2 but are as great and dangerous as ww2 certainly was.
Our national debt is without a doubt absolutely guaranteed to send us into war either civil or with china. If it is not corrected it will be with china as we declare bankruptcy inevitably. If we can correct it if it is indeed not too late then the steps to correct it may lead to civil discourse and a civil war. The writing is on the wall we have borrowed more than we can repay. Look at a national debt clock and watch how fast that money multiplies. 40 cents on every dollar that our government borrows from china goes into chinas communist bank account.
We have been feeding the alligator that see us as his prey.
I can not argue with doubt of Romeny as he must be elected and then accomplish something great to deserve my respect. obama I do know for a fact does not deserve my respect and so he does not deserve to be rehired.
08-31-2012, 03:40 AM
Eagle being critical of somebody's debating skills? Haha I've seen it all now.
08-31-2012, 09:08 AM
Eagle being critical of somebody's debating skills? Haha I've seen it all now.
Yes you would know all about debate now wouldn't you... gazz why dont you belong to any british webpages and run your shit hole over there? Maybe you have been blocked by them all long ago....
08-31-2012, 09:22 AM
Why don't I? like you have any idea what so ever about my browsing habits? What an outrageously stupid claim.
08-31-2012, 10:16 AM
Why don't I? like you have any idea what so ever about my browsing habits? What an outrageously stupid claim.
Is it though? You hang here because every other page you have visited they shun you and here a few have taken you on like their pet rock.
You hang here because every other page you have visited they shun you
And why would you be searching around the net for Gazz?
You do know there are other people using that name just like there are others using the name PzychoSixx. I got my name from a ganker clan I was in an late 90's online game.(The Psycho Six -clantag: PzychoSixx)
I have encountered many people using my screen name. Some who even love marijuana as much as I's kinda scary.
I've also encountered people using the name Gazz, GazzThompson, Gazza etc...
They are not this Gazz on AC.
08-31-2012, 11:24 AM
Sorry Eagle I can't read your endless diatribe and invective, it smacks of desperation and is reminiscent of the classic Teabagger sign "Hands off my medicare!".
However I will say this, from a liberal perspective (mine) the Obama administration is and will be an EPIC FAILURE. If he gets a second term it is because the Republican'ts have failed to yield an effective opposition and their party has been hijacked by people...well, such as yourself. When a candidate talks of legislating Eris Kilton's reproductive system that candidate is doomed to fail.
So suck it up and hail your next CinC for another four years...
08-31-2012, 12:44 PM
Sorry Eagle I can't read your endless diatribe and invective, it smacks of desperation and is reminiscent of the classic Teabagger sign "Hands off my medicare!".
------------------>However I will say this, from a liberal perspective (mine) the Obama administration is and will be an EPIC FAILURE.<----------------------- --------------->When a candidate talks of legislating Eris Kilton's reproductive system that candidate is doomed to fail. <-----------------
So suck it up and hail your next CinC for another four years...
LOL yes I actually agree with your first point here. You and so many other liberals agree that obama is an epic failure. The issue with your last comment is you allowing obama and his superiour intellect to your own manipulate you and use his liberal propaganda to mind fuck you and so many others. The republican party really doesnt give a shit what women do really. When has any woman stood up and complained that the republicans are taking away their rights to reproduce or not reproduce? They never have other than the make believe fictional character Sandra "I wish I could fuck" Fluke. She is more a man than obama is.
Sixx I really am just giving gazz back some of his own medicine. It may seem harsh yet he really deserves it.
08-31-2012, 03:43 PM
My own medicine? You really are Fucking insane.
08-31-2012, 09:56 PM
My own medicine? You really are Fucking insane.
09-01-2012, 05:57 PM
09-01-2012, 07:23 PM
obama is a party animal. He has the whitehouse brewing his own beer. He cant help but celebrate his success in destroying our country.
09-08-2012, 01:17 AM
posted last year after the bin laden raid they were pissed and talked about it. This isnt political motivated its operational and respect for the men of valor motivated.........................
From The Sunday Times:
OSAMA BIN LADEN was killed within 90 seconds of the US Navy Seals landing in his compound and not after a protracted gun battle, according to the first account by the men who carried out the raid. The operation was so clinical that only 12 bullets were fired.
The Seals have spoken out because they were angered at the version given by politicians, which they see as portraying them as cold-blooded murderers on a “kill mission”. They were also shocked that President Barack Obama announced bin Laden's death on television the same evening, rendering useless much of the intelligence they had seized.
Chuck Pfarrer, a former commander of Seal Team 6, which conducted the operation, has interviewed many of those who took part for a book, Seal Target Geronimo, to be published in the US this week.
The Seals' own accounts differ from the White House version, which gave the impression that bin Laden was killed at the end of the operation rather than in its opening seconds. Pfarrer insists bin Laden would have been captured had he surrendered.
“There isn't a politician in the world who could resist trying to take credit for getting bin Laden but it devalued the 'intel' and gave time for every other al-Qa'ida leader to scurry to another bolthole,” said Pfarrer. “The men who did this and their valorous act deserve better. It's a pretty shabby way to treat these guys.”
The first hint of the mission came in January last year when the team's commanding officer was called to a meeting at the headquarters of joint special operations command. The meeting was held in a soundproof bunker three storeys below ground with his boss, Admiral William McRaven, and a CIA officer.
They told him a walled compound in Pakistan had been under surveillance for a couple of weeks. They were certain a high-value individual was inside and needed a plan to present to the president.
It had to be someone important. “So is this Bert or Ernie?” he asked. The Seals' nicknames for bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri are a reference to two Muppets in Sesame Street, one tall and thin and the other short and fat. “We have a voice print,” said the CIA officer, “and we're 60 per cent or 70 per cent certain it's our guy.” McRaven added that a reconnaissance satellite had measured the target's shadow. “Over 6ft tall.”
When McRaven added they would use Ghost Hawk helicopters, the team leader had no doubt. “These are the most classified, sophisticated stealth helicopters ever developed,” said Pfarrer. “They are kept in locked hangars and fly so quiet we call it 'whisper mode'.”
Over the next couple of months a plan was hatched. A mock-up of the compound was built at Tall Pines, an army facility in a national forest somewhere in the eastern US.
Four reconnaissance satellites were placed in orbit over the compound, sending back video and communications intercepts. A tall figure seen walking up and down was named “the Pacer”.
Mr Obama gave the go-ahead and Seal Team 6, known as the Jedi, was deployed to Afghanistan. The White House cancelled plans to provide air cover using jet fighters, fearing this might endanger relations with Pakistan.
Sending in the Ghost Hawks without air cover was considered too risky so the Seals had to use older Stealth Hawks. A Prowler electronic warfare aircraft from the carrier USS Carl Vinson was used to jam Pakistan's radar and create decoy targets.
Operation Neptune's Spear was initially planned for April 30 but bad weather delayed it until May 1, a moonless night. The commandos flew on two Stealth Hawks, codenamed Razor 1 and 2, followed by two Chinooks five minutes behind, known as “Command Bird” and the “gun platform”.
On board, each Seal was clad in body armour and nightvision goggles and equipped with laser targets, radios and sawn-off M4 rifles. They were expecting up to 30 people in the main house, including Bin Laden and three of his wives, two sons, Khalid and Hamza, his courier, Abu Ahmed al- Kuwaiti, four bodyguards and a number of children. At 56 minutes past midnight the compound came into sight and the code “Palm Beach” signalled three minutes to landing.
Razor 1 hovered above the main house, a three-storey building where bin Laden lived on the top floor. Twelve Seals abseiled the two metres down onto the roof and then jumped to a third-floor patio, where they kicked in the windows and entered.
The first person the Seals encountered was a terrified woman, bin Laden's third wife, Khaira, who ran into the hall. Blinded by a searing white strobe light they shone at her, she stumbled back. A Seal grabbed her by the arm and threw her to the floor.
Bin Laden's bedroom was along a short hall. The door opened; he popped out and then slammed the door shut. “Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo,” radioed one Seal, meaning “eyes on target”.
At the same time lights came on from the floor below and bin Laden's son Khalid came running up the stairs towards the Seals. He was shot dead.
Two Seals kicked in bin Laden's door. The room, they later recalled, “smelt like old clothing, like a guest bedroom in a grandmother's house”. Inside was the al-Qa'ida leader and his youngest wife, Amal, who was screaming as he pushed her in front of him.
“No, no, don't do this!” she shouted as her husband reached across the king-size bed for his AK-47 assault rifle. The Seals reacted instantly, firing in the same second. One round thudded into the mattress. The other, aimed at bin Laden's head, grazed Amal in the calf. As his hand reached for the gun, they each fired again: one shot hit his breastbone, the other his skull, killing him instantly and blowing out the back of his head.
Meanwhile Razor 2 was heading for the guesthouse, a low, shoebox-like building, where bin Laden's courier, Kuwaiti, and his brother lived.
As the helicopter neared, a door opened and two figures appeared, one waving an AK-47. This was Kuwaiti. In the moonless night he could see nothing and lifted his rifle, spraying bullets wildly.
He did not see the Stealth Hawk. On board someone shouted, “Bust him!”, and a sniper fired two shots. Kuwaiti was killed, as was the person behind him, who turned out to be his wife. Also on board were a CIA agent, a Pakistani- American who would act as interpreter, and a sniffer dog called Karo, wearing dog body armour and goggles.
Within two minutes the Seals from Razor 2 had cleared the guesthouse and removed the women and children.
They then ran to the main house and entered from the ground floor, checking the rooms. One of bin Laden's bodyguards was waiting with his AK-47. The Seals shot him twice and he toppled over.
Five minutes into the operation the command Chinook landed outside the compound, disgorging the commanding officer and more men. They blasted through the compound wall and rushed in.
The commander made his way to the third floor, where bin Laden's body lay on the floor face up. Photographs were taken, and the commander called on his satellite phone to headquarters with the words: “Geronimo Echo KIA” - bin Laden enemy killed in action.
“This was the first time the White House knew he was dead and it was probably 20 minutes into the raid,” said Pfarrer.
A sample of bin Laden's DNA was taken and the body was bagged. They kept his rifle. It is now mounted on the wall of their team room at their headquarters in Virginia Beach, Virginia, alongside photographs of a dozen colleagues killed in action in the past 20 years.
At this point things started to go wrong. Razor 1 took off but the top secret “green unit” that controls the electronics failed. The aircraft went into a spin and crashed tail-first into the compound.
The Seals were alarmed, thinking it had been shot down, and several rushed to the wreckage. The crew climbed out, shaken but unharmed.
The commanding officer ordered them to destroy Razor 2, to remove the green unit, and to smash the avionics. They then laid explosive charges.
They loaded bin Laden's body onto the Chinook along with the cache of intelligence in plastic bin bags and headed toward the USS Carl Vinson. As they flew off they blew up Razor 2. The whole operation had taken 38 minutes.
The following morning White House officials announced that the helicopter had crashed as it arrived, forcing the Seals to abandon plans to enter from the roof. A photograph of the situation room showed a shocked Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, with her hand to her mouth.
Why did they get it so wrong?
What they were watching was live video but it was shot from 20,000ft by a drone circling overhead and relayed in real time to the White House and Leon Panetta, the CIA director, in Langley. The Seals were not wearing helmet cameras, and those watching in Washington had no idea what was happening inside the buildings.
“They don't understand our terminology, so when someone said the 'insertion helicopter' has crashed, they assumed it meant on entry,” said Pfarrer.
What infuriated the Seals, according to Pfarrer, was the description of the raid as a kill mission. “I've been a Seal for 30 years and I never heard the words 'kill mission',” he said. “It's a Beltway (Washington insider's) fantasy word. If it was a kill mission you don't need Seal Team 6; you need a box of hand grenades.”
The Sunday Times
09-08-2012, 03:30 AM
09-08-2012, 04:09 PM
From The Sunday Times:
OSAMA BIN LADEN was killed within 90 seconds of the US Navy Seals landing in his compound and not after a protracted gun battle, according to the first account by the men who carried out the raid. The operation was so clinical that only 12 bullets were fired.
The Seals have spoken out because they were angered at the version given by politicians, which they see as portraying them as cold-blooded murderers on a “kill missionâ€. They were also shocked that President Barack Obama announced bin Laden's death on television the same evening, rendering useless much of the intelligence they had seized.
Chuck Pfarrer, a former commander of Seal Team 6, which conducted the operation, has interviewed many of those who took part for a book, Seal Target Geronimo, to be published in the US this week.
The Seals' own accounts differ from the White House version, which gave the impression that bin Laden was killed at the end of the operation rather than in its opening seconds. Pfarrer insists bin Laden would have been captured had he surrendered.
“There isn't a politician in the world who could resist trying to take credit for getting bin Laden but it devalued the 'intel' and gave time for every other al-Qa'ida leader to scurry to another bolthole,†said Pfarrer. “The men who did this and their valorous act deserve better. It's a pretty shabby way to treat these guys.â€
The first hint of the mission came in January last year when the team's commanding officer was called to a meeting at the headquarters of joint special operations command. The meeting was held in a soundproof bunker three storeys below ground with his boss, Admiral William McRaven, and a CIA officer.
They told him a walled compound in Pakistan had been under surveillance for a couple of weeks. They were certain a high-value individual was inside and needed a plan to present to the president.
It had to be someone important. “So is this Bert or Ernie?†he asked. The Seals' nicknames for bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri are a reference to two Muppets in Sesame Street, one tall and thin and the other short and fat. “We have a voice print,†said the CIA officer, “and we're 60 per cent or 70 per cent certain it's our guy.†McRaven added that a reconnaissance satellite had measured the target's shadow. “Over 6ft tall.â€
When McRaven added they would use Ghost Hawk helicopters, the team leader had no doubt. “These are the most classified, sophisticated stealth helicopters ever developed,†said Pfarrer. “They are kept in locked hangars and fly so quiet we call it 'whisper mode'.â€
Over the next couple of months a plan was hatched. A mock-up of the compound was built at Tall Pines, an army facility in a national forest somewhere in the eastern US.
Four reconnaissance satellites were placed in orbit over the compound, sending back video and communications intercepts. A tall figure seen walking up and down was named “the Pacerâ€.
Mr Obama gave the go-ahead and Seal Team 6, known as the Jedi, was deployed to Afghanistan. The White House cancelled plans to provide air cover using jet fighters, fearing this might endanger relations with Pakistan.
Sending in the Ghost Hawks without air cover was considered too risky so the Seals had to use older Stealth Hawks. A Prowler electronic warfare aircraft from the carrier USS Carl Vinson was used to jam Pakistan's radar and create decoy targets.
Operation Neptune's Spear was initially planned for April 30 but bad weather delayed it until May 1, a moonless night. The commandos flew on two Stealth Hawks, codenamed Razor 1 and 2, followed by two Chinooks five minutes behind, known as “Command Bird†and the “gun platformâ€.
On board, each Seal was clad in body armour and nightvision goggles and equipped with laser targets, radios and sawn-off M4 rifles. They were expecting up to 30 people in the main house, including Bin Laden and three of his wives, two sons, Khalid and Hamza, his courier, Abu Ahmed al- Kuwaiti, four bodyguards and a number of children. At 56 minutes past midnight the compound came into sight and the code “Palm Beach†signalled three minutes to landing.
Razor 1 hovered above the main house, a three-storey building where bin Laden lived on the top floor. Twelve Seals abseiled the two metres down onto the roof and then jumped to a third-floor patio, where they kicked in the windows and entered.
The first person the Seals encountered was a terrified woman, bin Laden's third wife, Khaira, who ran into the hall. Blinded by a searing white strobe light they shone at her, she stumbled back. A Seal grabbed her by the arm and threw her to the floor.
Bin Laden's bedroom was along a short hall. The door opened; he popped out and then slammed the door shut. “Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo,†radioed one Seal, meaning “eyes on targetâ€.
At the same time lights came on from the floor below and bin Laden's son Khalid came running up the stairs towards the Seals. He was shot dead.
Two Seals kicked in bin Laden's door. The room, they later recalled, “smelt like old clothing, like a guest bedroom in a grandmother's houseâ€. Inside was the al-Qa'ida leader and his youngest wife, Amal, who was screaming as he pushed her in front of him.
“No, no, don't do this!†she shouted as her husband reached across the king-size bed for his AK-47 assault rifle. The Seals reacted instantly, firing in the same second. One round thudded into the mattress. The other, aimed at bin Laden's head, grazed Amal in the calf. As his hand reached for the gun, they each fired again: one shot hit his breastbone, the other his skull, killing him instantly and blowing out the back of his head.
Meanwhile Razor 2 was heading for the guesthouse, a low, shoebox-like building, where bin Laden's courier, Kuwaiti, and his brother lived.
As the helicopter neared, a door opened and two figures appeared, one waving an AK-47. This was Kuwaiti. In the moonless night he could see nothing and lifted his rifle, spraying bullets wildly.
He did not see the Stealth Hawk. On board someone shouted, “Bust him!â€, and a sniper fired two shots. Kuwaiti was killed, as was the person behind him, who turned out to be his wife. Also on board were a CIA agent, a Pakistani- American who would act as interpreter, and a sniffer dog called Karo, wearing dog body armour and goggles.
Within two minutes the Seals from Razor 2 had cleared the guesthouse and removed the women and children.
They then ran to the main house and entered from the ground floor, checking the rooms. One of bin Laden's bodyguards was waiting with his AK-47. The Seals shot him twice and he toppled over.
Five minutes into the operation the command Chinook landed outside the compound, disgorging the commanding officer and more men. They blasted through the compound wall and rushed in.
The commander made his way to the third floor, where bin Laden's body lay on the floor face up. Photographs were taken, and the commander called on his satellite phone to headquarters with the words: “Geronimo Echo KIA†- bin Laden enemy killed in action.
“This was the first time the White House knew he was dead and it was probably 20 minutes into the raid,†said Pfarrer.
A sample of bin Laden's DNA was taken and the body was bagged. They kept his rifle. It is now mounted on the wall of their team room at their headquarters in Virginia Beach, Virginia, alongside photographs of a dozen colleagues killed in action in the past 20 years.
At this point things started to go wrong. Razor 1 took off but the top secret “green unit†that controls the electronics failed. The aircraft went into a spin and crashed tail-first into the compound.
The Seals were alarmed, thinking it had been shot down, and several rushed to the wreckage. The crew climbed out, shaken but unharmed.
The commanding officer ordered them to destroy Razor 2, to remove the green unit, and to smash the avionics. They then laid explosive charges.
They loaded bin Laden's body onto the Chinook along with the cache of intelligence in plastic bin bags and headed toward the USS Carl Vinson. As they flew off they blew up Razor 2. The whole operation had taken 38 minutes.
The following morning White House officials announced that the helicopter had crashed as it arrived, forcing the Seals to abandon plans to enter from the roof. A photograph of the situation room showed a shocked Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, with her hand to her mouth.
Why did they get it so wrong?
What they were watching was live video but it was shot from 20,000ft by a drone circling overhead and relayed in real time to the White House and Leon Panetta, the CIA director, in Langley. The Seals were not wearing helmet cameras, and those watching in Washington had no idea what was happening inside the buildings.
“They don't understand our terminology, so when someone said the 'insertion helicopter' has crashed, they assumed it meant on entry,†said Pfarrer.
What infuriated the Seals, according to Pfarrer, was the description of the raid as a kill mission. “I've been a Seal for 30 years and I never heard the words 'kill mission',†he said. “It's a Beltway (Washington insider's) fantasy word. If it was a kill mission you don't need Seal Team 6; you need a box of hand grenades.â€
The Sunday Times
had to fix it
09-09-2012, 01:07 AM
an oldie but a goody for obama bullshit. He will not get the same support this time around.
4 More Democrat Criminals Busted For Election Fraud That Resulted In a Win For Obama...
Republicans better learn how to cheat as good as democrats or they will keep stealing elections.
4 Indiana Dems charged with election fraud in 2008 presidential race
By Eric Shawn
Published April 03, 2012
Felony charges related to election fraud have touched the 2008 race for the highest office in the land.
Prosecutors in South Bend, Ind., filed
charges Monday against four St. Joseph County Democratic officials and
deputies as part of a multiple-felony case involving the alleged forging
of Democratic presidential primary petitions in the 2008 election,
which put then-candidates Barack Obama ( and Hillary Clinton ( on the Indiana ballot.
The officials are accused of taking part in a
scheme to fake signatures and names on the primary petitions needed to
run for president. Court papers say the plan was hatched by local Democratic Party ( officials inside the local party headquarters.
Allegations of election fraud with 2008 ballots
Among those charged is the former long-time
chairman of the St. Joseph County Democratic Party, Butch Morgan, who
allegedly ordered the forgeries. He was forced to resign when the
allegations were first made public last October, even though his lawyer,
Shaw Friedman, told Fox News at the time that Morgan did not do
anything wrong.
The St. Joseph County Board of Voter
Registration's Democratic board member, Pam Brunette, Board of Voter
Registration worker Beverly Shelton and Democratic volunteer and former
board worker Dustin Blythe also face charges.
According to affidavits, St. Joseph County
Voter Registration Office worker Lucas Burkett told investigators that
he was part of the plan that started in January 2008 "to forge
signatures on presidential candidate petitions instead of collecting
actual signatures from citizens."
The documents state that Burkett told
investigators that “he was heavily involved in St. Joseph County
political activities with the local Democratic party," and that "he had,
in fact, personally forged several such signatures," and had attended
meetings at the local Democratic party headquarters, where it was agreed
to forge the petitions. Morgan, the County Democratic Chairman,
allegedly "instructed Mr. Burkett, Pamela Brunette, Beverly Shelton, and
Dustin Blythe to forge ballot petitions for presidential candidates,"
and that "all of them agreed to follow these instructions" by copying
names and signatures from old election petitions.
According to affidavits, Burkett told
investigators it was his job to "forge petitions for candidate Barack
Obama," Shelton "was assigned to forge petitions for candidate Hillary
Clinton" and Blythe "was assigned to forge petitions for candidate John Edwards ("
When Edwards dropped out of the race at the end of January 2008 and
Burkett refused to continue the forgeries, Morgan allegedly ordered
Blythe to then forge petitions for Barack Obama.
Indiana State Police investigators
identified a total of 22 petitions that appeared to be faked, yet sailed
through the Voter Registration Board as legitimate documents. The
signature of the board's Republican supervisor, Linda Silcott, which is
required for legal certification, appeared to be rubber stamped on the
documents. She told investigators that she did not remember signing or
authorizing her rubber stamp to be used.
Silcott also told investigators that she recognized the handwriting on the alleged forged Obama petitions as that of Blythe's.
The South Bend Tribune and independent
political newsletter Howey Politics Indiana have reported that a
handwriting analyst concluded last fall that Blythe's handwriting
matched some of the alleged Obama fakes. When Fox News caught up to
Blythe as he left the Voter Registration Board last November and asked
him if he forged any signatures or faked any petitions, he repeatedly
replied, "I don't have anything to say."
The case raises the possibility that the
president's campaign and that of Clinton’s, could have been legally
challenged in Indiana if the alleged forgeries were discovered during
the race.
Under state law, presidential candidates
need to qualify with 500 signatures from each of Indiana's nine
congressional districts. Indiana elections officials say that in St.
Joseph County, which is the 2nd Congressional District, the Obama
campaign qualified with 534 signatures; Clinton's camp had 704.
But the signatures, which were certified by
the elections board, were never challenged. If the number of legitimate
signatures for Obama or Clinton fell below the legal requirement of 500,
they could have been bounced from the state ballot. Reports have
previously put the number of phony signatures for both candidates at
about 150, but state investigators plucked names from the petitions at
random and cited only 20 individual alleged forgeries as part of their
case. They say their investigation of the petitions continues.
Multiple voters, including Indiana's former
Democratic Gov. Joe Kernan, told Fox News that their names and
signatures were phonies.
"That's not my signature," Charity Rorie
told Fox News as she sat in her kitchen in Mishawaka, Ind.. The mother
of four was stunned that her name and signature, and those of her
husband, appeared on one of the Obama petitions. She said they
"absolutely" were fakes and was troubled that personal details such as
their address and birthdays were also included.
"It was shocking," she said. "Why did they do that, and where did they get it from?"
"I did not sign for Barack Obama,"
Democratic voter Robert Hunter told Fox News as he stared at the Obama
petition that included his name and purported signature supporting the
candidate. While he observed that the scrawl looked "very close" to his
real one, it was not.
"I always put 'Junior' after my name, every
time... there's no 'Junior' there," Hunter told us. "I don't like
anybody using my name for anything other than myself."
"It's scary," Charity said. "A lot of people
have already lost faith in politics and the realm of politics and that
solidifies our worries and concerns."
As for Burkett, a 26-year-old lifelong Democrat, "he is the whistle-blower in this," his lawyer, Andrew B. Jones, told Fox News.
"Lucas really is the hero in this situation. He is someone who stood up
for good government, and has cooperated with the state police and will
continue to do so."
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Read more: 039332f41f6249e92b06c91b4db65f5e99818bad3914c42d3d 335be&ec_rate=300 ( 49e92b06c91b4db65f5e99818bad3914c42d3d335be&ec_rate=300)
09-14-2012, 08:21 AM
Credit to Coltsfan2007 for this LOLZ
More interesting obama news here--- (
(Benny Johnson ( Obama supporters were hit Wednesday with an email entitled: Got a spare couch or bed? The campaign has officially reached out to is faithful, asking them to open up their private residences to the nomadic workers who will be laboring for the Obama re-election effort through November.
The odd request begins by asking the Obama supporter to give up their privacy to some “dedicated organizers”: (
“Ben –
Some great folks we know are looking for a friendly place to stay.
A group of the most dedicated organizers and volunteers will be coming to Northern Virginia for the remaining weeks of the campaign. They heard we’re looking to run a fierce ground game for President Obama this fall — and they want to be a part of it.
But here’s the thing: They need somewhere to stay. And I’m hoping you can lend them a hand with that.”
The pitch continues by desribing that the migrating workers won’t ask you for much:
The folks who are coming won’t ask for much. Many of them will gladly sleep on a comfy couch or an air mattress, or in a small spare room you might have.
What is the potential reimbursement for the housing? Apparently story-time. The email describes the great tales you will hear about the “energy” the Obama workers are “sparking”:
I bet they‘ll come back at night with some amazing stories about the people they’ve reached and the energy they’re sparking — stories that you otherwise might not get to hear.
A click through on the link provided sends the couch volunteerism to a special landing page on the Official Obama campaign site. There you are asked if you could potentially host “4 or more” campaign workers “up to the election.”
Read more: The Blaze (
Read more:
Interesting housing obama supporters? Are they moving into the state as new voters?
09-14-2012, 08:38 AM
Today, speaking about the despicable and stomach-wrenching attacks by Islamists on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and our embassy in Cairo, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked: “How could this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction?â€That single line is the most damning indictment of Hillary Clinton’s State Department that could ever be penned. It demonstrates her complete lack of knowledge about the region, her failure to anticipate security threats, and worst of all, her willful ignorance about the Islamists that she and President Obama trusted to take over Libya and Egypt.
“How could this happen?â€
Clinton, as Secretary of State, should know the answer to that question. That she didn’t anticipate even the remote possibility of the murder of our ambassador to Libya by her erstwhile friends led to his death. The Secretary of State is responsible for ensuring the security of our embassies and consulates and staff, as the State Department website plainly acknowledges (
The Secretary of State, and by extension, the Chief of Mission (COM), are responsible for developing and implementing security policies and programs that provide for the protection of all U.S. Government personnel (including accompanying dependents) on official duty abroad. This mission is executed through the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS). Personal and facility protection are the most critical elements of the DS mission abroadas they directly impact upon the Department’s ability to carry out its foreign policy. With terrorist organizations and coalitions operating across international borders, the threat of terrorism against U.S. interests remains great. Therefore, any U.S. mission overseas can be a target even if identified as being in a low-threat environment.
Even the State Department website acknowledges that the threat in places like Libya and Egypt “remains great,†even if targets are in a “low-threat environment,†which Benghazi and Cairo are certainly not.
Yet the evidence shows that despite ample evidence ( that Libyan Islamist terrorists were about to take action against US interests – including a taped message from Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri released the day before the attacks, as well as a recent history of multiple attacks on diplomats in Benghazi -- Hillary Clinton did nothing.
Actually, it’s worse than that: the consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed was an “interim facility†with zero Marines. None. Instead, it was staffed by Libyan security officers, who according to CBS News (, told Ambassador Stevens to hide in a second building, then promptly directed the Islamist mob to him. He was murdered and dragged through the streets.
And what about Egypt? The Cairo Embassy is under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State. The Cairo Embassy, of course, was busily tweeting just before it was attacked, condemning “the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.†After the Embassy was breached, they doubled down on the tweet, stating, “This morning’s condemnation still stands.†Then Clinton herself ( released a statement on the consulate attacks in Libya, in which she stated, “The US deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.â€
Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of State. She is responsible for the security of State Department officials abroad, and she is responsible too for their public actions. When it comes to the security threats and the Cairo apologies, the question isn't "How could this happen?" It's the same question she asked of President George W. Bush in 2002, politicizing the September 11 attacks: What did Hillary Clinton know, and when did she know it?