View Full Version : Why I prefer a Republican
03-24-2012, 01:33 PM
Thanks Jamie for the forward of this....
LTC Allen West .... The man needs to be President and the sooner the better....
Rep. West offers sweeping vision for keeping America secure in the new century
By Pete Kasperowicz - 03/22/12 02:14 PM ET
Freshman Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) on Thursday afternoon offered detailed and aggressive prescription for how the United States can ensure its security in the new century, and warned that the nation faces “dark days ahead†if it does not prepare for several emerging security threats.
“For the sake of our nation, and of all nations who seek freedom for their citizens, we must be prepared to fight on the 21st Century Battlefield, and we can settle for no less than victory upon it,†he said on the House floor (prepared text here).
West said defining the enemy is a key component of this strategy, and that the United States is not at war with terror, because terrorism is just a tactic used by an enemy. Instead, he said a chief U.S. enemy is Hezbollah, even though the United States rarely names it.
“Until we, as a nation, are able to correctly and openly identify our enemy, we will continue to put our men and women on the ground in harm’s way without a clear mission for success,†he said. “On this 21st Century Battlefield we are not fighting against a single organization, a single leader, or a single nation. We are fighting against Islamic fundamentalism, which knows no country, recognizes no borders, and wears no uniform.â€
West added that Islamism is a “theocratic-political totalitarian ideology no different from Nazism, Fascism, and Communism which threatens the free world.â€
West said the United States needs to deny this enemy any sanctuary and resources, reduce its sphere of influence and “win the information war†by limiting its ability to use the Internet as another medium for its own purposes.
West’s remarks hit countries and regions. He warned that China is looking to use its economic strength and waxing naval strength to advance communism.
“If we cannot protect the sea lanes of commerce, we leave ourselves vulnerable not just militarily, but economically, to a power in China that continues to seek world communism as its ultimate goal, irrefutably so,†he said.
On Iraq, he questioned “the motives of President Barack Obama in announcing a full withdrawal of American forces in October 2011.†West warned that leaving Iraq runs the risk of abandoning U.S. allies there.
He also said he would continue to press the Obama administration to get Pakistan to do more to crack down on terrorists, offer full support for Israel, reject a Palestinian state until it cuts ties to Hamas, keep up pressure for reforms in Iran and impose new sanctions against Syria as a way of pressuring that government to stop its crackdown on pro-democracy forces.
03-24-2012, 01:38 PM
Expect that obama and the democraps will be working to make this guy look bad or even worse try to do him like obamas former gay friends at his Rev wright church.
03-24-2012, 02:53 PM
Lots of enemies, groups out to get us, conspiratorial theories everywhere, kill or be killed, we need a strong leader to recognize our true enemies and defeat them – anyone take college level psych? Classic paranoid personality disorder.
03-24-2012, 03:50 PM
Lots of enemies, groups out to get us, conspiratorial theories everywhere, kill or be killed, we need a strong leader to recognize our true enemies and defeat them – anyone take college level psych? Classic paranoid personality disorder.
Is it a personality problem? Or a artificial environment made by politicians? With fear (terrorism, socialism, Marxism, communism, left wing, right wing, Islam/sharia , drugs ...basically everything ever.) Politicians can justify their bullshit policies.
03-24-2012, 03:55 PM
In my opinion, no matter who would take the power in US, it will take long time before it gets better.
US is not special, same financial, demographic and political trouble are happening all over the world.
Nothing new there.
03-24-2012, 04:07 PM
I do see that in US politicians are trying their best to create a state of fear. Like there is always some sort of danger. Fear is the best way to control people, all you need is to create an enemy so the people will unite against him. It was especially evident under Bush junior.
While in fact, no one is after US. Terrorist are after their own plans, every country can be targeted. Neither are there any countries that want to destroy US.
Example, Russia and China. Both of them have billions invested in US economy, why would they want to fight US? No point.. We're way past that global war thing. In today's world money rule. Biggest wars are fought in banks, not with tanks.
03-24-2012, 07:02 PM
“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.â€
The problem with America is that 90% of the voters are uneducated simpletons who believe anything they’re told – “chief U.S. enemy is Hezbollah†-------- a very common refrain of America’s Jewish controlled media.
03-24-2012, 09:43 PM
Thank God some of you are not leading anything especially America....
I love the paranoia charge yes yes WW2 and we stayed out of it but only to be attacked and have thousands killed. 1993 WTC bombed by terrorist, USS Cole bombed, Marine barracks bombed, should i go on? No I dont need to go on. Then you have iran their leaders lead their people in chants of death to America something you have never seen in any other country in the world. So fuck you for being such a pacifistic and sitting around on your hands waiting for the next attack.
Literally we have tried the do nothing peace and love method and it gets our people killed. So I dont give a fuck what any other nation thinks except my nation. You either are ready to protect your citizens and prepare for war with any enemy that shows their head or you are allowing that enemy to creep closer and make their attack.
If it is Allen West then that will be never again. Instead obama is going on tour so he can read from his teleprompter like America is a giant fucking classroom and he reads to us his stories.... he is pathetic.
03-24-2012, 10:07 PM
Lol @ "giant fucking classroom". You are 100% correct.
03-24-2012, 10:53 PM
There is a reason that the United States has the best form of government. There is a clear distinction between civilian and military rulers, ie habeas copus. Putting a former military officer in charge of a political position, particularely one with an article 15 and a harsh charge against him, in charge of the highest civilian position is a dangerous thing to do. "The end justifies the means." Is a quote that comes to mind quite frequently. Do not get me wrong I like a lot of the things that Ltc. West stands for and says, I just disagree with how he thinks things should be and how he would get there. Ltc. West, to me, seems to be a prime canidate for the further advancement of NDAA, the Patriot Act etc. I also feel that the actions that he took put himself on the same level of those we are currently fighting, which becomes personal for me.
For example take a look at his actions during the interogation of an Iraqi civilian about attacks planned against coalition troops in Iraq. "At the time I had to base my decision on the intelligence I received. It's possible that I was wrong about Mr. Hamoodi." Those are very dangerous words to say, and to say that you could possibly be wrong (after the fact) but to have gone through with it is a very very dangerous step to take. It is like some of the original provisions of the NDAA which said that a person could be potentionally seen as a terrorist if they were missing a finger or two, best to arrest interogate and prosecute before you know the full truth. That is probably extreme but a fairly good analogy given the text of the bill. They are both the same to myself. I could never vote for Ltc. West, and this is a main reason why. The other reason is because I strongly believe that having a person who is a civilian as a commander in chief is better than having a straight up military government, it adds more checks and balances.
We were at a halt on our way to Al Asad from VBC, we were on route Mobile (we made it past CP84M!!!). We were waiting for the Iraqi's, whos patrol has been seriously hit by an IED, to clear out. They had the suspected IED triggerman in custody, hands tied behind his back and feet tied together, he was able to jump to his feet screaming something I didn't understand. One of the IA's quickly put an AK to his head and pulled the trigger. Done, and that is their world it is not ours. Ltc. Wests actions were NOT as extreme, but they were pretty fricken close, and as far as I am concerned we are not the same kind of people our enemies are. Then when your a LtC? That, to my self is actions which should strip a person of their commision, and in turn their retirement.
Also I typically vote for balancing. I have a strong disagreement with either party having complete control of the house, senate, and presidency. It enables a party to basically eliminate democracy for a short amount of time, and simply enact what they want.
03-25-2012, 01:49 AM
Chavez could learn a little from Obama about saturating the media with press releases. i would love to see ratio comparison between the two.
and man am i glad Obama let Canada go on ahead with their pipeline deal
03-25-2012, 09:30 AM
Thank God some of you are not leading anything especially America....
I love the paranoia charge yes yes WW2 and we stayed out of it but only to be attacked and have thousands killed. 1993 WTC bombed by terrorist, USS Cole bombed, Marine barracks bombed, should i go on? No I dont need to go on. Then you have iran their leaders lead their people in chants of death to America something you have never seen in any other country in the world. So fuck you for being such a pacifistic and sitting around on your hands waiting for the next attack.
Literally we have tried the do nothing peace and love method and it gets our people killed. So I dont give a fuck what any other nation thinks except my nation. You either are ready to protect your citizens and prepare for war with any enemy that shows their head or you are allowing that enemy to creep closer and make their attack.
If it is Allen West then that will be never again. Instead obama is going on tour so he can read from his teleprompter like America is a giant fucking classroom and he reads to us his stories.... he is pathetic.
9/11/2001- terrorism against USA 3,000 dead and 100 billion dollars in damages
Wars in response 6,000 dead and 3 trillion dollars spent
Result - two fucked up Muslim piss hole countries that hate our guts
03-25-2012, 10:19 AM
If we didnt get the Exterminators in their fast (training grounds, etc...) whos to say we wouldnt have a larger problem?
03-25-2012, 08:20 PM
9/11/2001- terrorism against USA 3,000 dead and 100 billion dollars in damages
Wars in response 6,000 dead and 3 trillion dollars spent
Result - two fucked up Muslim piss hole countries that hate our guts
Wow I am sure there are more people here than myself that know you are absolutely wrong. First if 9/11 was the only terrorist attack against America or Americans then you would only be half right as their has been terrorist attacks on our allies such as London, Madrid, I include all terrorism such as the Lockerbie(Pan Am flight 103) bombing the Iran hostage crisis the Olympic games Munich. There are more but most here know about the history of terrorism so only you need to be educated about it it seems.
Of course there was the 1993 WTC terrorist attack and the USS Cole attack, Marine barracks attack in Beirut.
<div style='text-align:center'> <object width='560' height='450' id='FiveminPlayer' classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000'> <param name='allowfullscreen' value='true'/> <param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'/> <param name='movie' value=''/> <param name='wmode' value='opaque' /> <embed name='FiveminPlayer' src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='560' height='450' allowfullscreen='true' allowScriptAccess='always' wmode='opaque'> </embed> </object> <br/><a href='' style='font-family: Verdana;font-size: 10px;' target='_blank'>The U.S Marines Barracks Bombing</a> </div>
So that is just some of the other terrorist related attacks not all mind you just some others in addition to 9/11. The two countries that you think are now pissed at us never liked us before the last 10 years of wars in their countries. Iraq under Saddam hated us and even after freeing them of that dictator they still hate us. So no change in those peoples feelings from us being there and fighting terrorist there. Afghanistan they didn't like us either before the war there and they wont like us in the future. I would say killing bin laden was worth it and I think most would agree.
finally what would you have preferred? That we not respond to the attacks and just let more happen and just ignore them and let them happen?
What is your strategy for dealing with terrorism if your such a genius? Everyone wants to know what a genius would do to fight terrorism Mr. Wormhole?
03-25-2012, 11:24 PM
Mr. Wormhole strategy is isolationalism, and when that would fail, just blame Republicans :)
Maybe if we were still in the age of horse and buggy, and transcontinental travel consisted of a steam ship isolationalism would work .... well never mind, because even in that scenario, we still got pulled into WW1 with U-Boat attacks against our merchant marines.
Come on W-Hole - isolationalism is not even a option in these days of technological transportation. Hence 9/11, and so on.........
03-26-2012, 12:59 AM
I agree maybe that is his belief. The reality is how many nations have done the isolationism strategy only to have hitler or the Japanese come killing their people? How about isolationism against terrorism? I think Clinton tried that or maybe he tried just getting his dick sucked and terrorism would just go away. 1993 WTC bombed response from America.... nothing. Marine barracks Beruit response..... nothing. USS Cole bombing response..... nothing. 9/11 easily the worst terrorist attack ever in the history of the world finally a.... response. Since then there have been failed attempts at terrorism and in Fort Hood a successful attack.
Terrorism is something that will continue. It is a fanaticism that exist under the cover of a religion or heritage of these people. With each child born in these terrorist countries a new terrorist is born. Our children will be fighting this and our grandchildren will be fighting this. Should it be allowed to fight back on our own soil or should we continue to fight it on the breeding grounds of this fanaticism?
I think it is clear that these fanatics have shown they will not stop their attack as it is their duty as told by their guidebook. Terrorist have the ability to kill with surprise something less possible in traditional war style today with all the intel and technology most countries have. So the suicide bomber or individual attacks of terrorist bombings are effective tactics to wage war from a group that has no other chance at waging their war.
So how do you fight it? I say be preemptive and aggressive in fighting it. If you want the truth we need to be in pakistan on the ground and in a-stan on the ground and crush them from within. The whole disfunction with the war on terror the last 10 years was letting pakistan tell us we cant put boots on the ground there. That was just aiding the terrorist. I think it is even more telling since we learned bin laden was in their neighborhood living the good life just what pakistans intentions were with regard to fighting terrorism.
declare them an enemy and stop giving them aid. If they want to talk boldly about anything place some well guided missiles on their military sites.
Iran is another country that you can target militarily and including their nuclear facilities. Remove that regime. It will likely be muslim brotherhood but they would be nuttered with not military or nuclear abilities. Like iraq, afganistan and pakistan after you nutter pakistan.
If these countries want to threaten the west then give them the fight they want. It is like a little punk that talks shit thinking his older brother will stick up for him( Russia, China). If either of those countries wants to become part of the fight then so be it. China is having a very nice economic boom from American business and exports( ipad, etc). They are using American business to manufacture their growing commercial airline business( GE). If they want to declare war on America they would send their country into a depression with immediate exit of all American business and exports.
Russia is isolated except for their friends Iran and Syria. Those are very tough friends when your talking war. So how long would Russia last fighting against allied nations?
That is my opinion. Being a shitbag apologist like barry soetoro is just a ticking time bomb allowing the enemy time to grow bolder and strengthen.
03-26-2012, 04:14 AM
Isolationism may not work, but large scale ground occupations of 3rd world countries clearly does not work either. Maybe some of the military guys can help us here but I think we need to fight terrorism and its threat to our countries, just in a different way . we need to stop large scale occupations and focus on intelligence (both at home, and abroad) and special forces operating as direct action/training roles for local military with support of drones. A Small footprint as possible.
What would occupying Pakistan achieve? Other than pissing of thousands(millions?) The death of countless troops , potential economic collapse of our countries and another 10+ years of war with our populations screaming "bring our troops home!"
03-26-2012, 08:43 AM
Lets try to learn something here today gazz... Have we occupied iran ever? Yet they hate America and chant it publicly.
Did we remove a dictator from iraq and see people cheering saddams fall? Yes has it changed their feelings towards us? no.
Why is this?
Because their hate isnt related to our military it is related to us just simply as a people.
You can never get everyone to like you and you will most certainly die trying. Its called appeasement.
It fails every time and history has bore that out.
03-26-2012, 09:38 AM
Iranians can say whatever the Fuck they want, I couldn't give less of a shit if I tried. still not a reason for attacking a country.
Iraq is a complex situation, we removed a dictator yes... but we destroyed a lot of the country and killed thousands, to simply say "we removed a bad guy, they should love us" is a massive simplification. Iraq still hate us, so I ask again why occupy Pakistan then? Whatever we do, by your own chain of though they will still hate us so its pointless.
Also the hate might, have something to do with massive western intervention in the middle east in the past 100 years. Supporting dictators, over throwing democratically elected officials (Iran) . Occupations of countries. I'm not saying we are to blame, before you claim I am, just saying its more complex than hating us for simply being us. Sounds awfully like that "fear" people have noted before (claim everyone is enemy, then justify stupid actions because they are the "enemy").
03-26-2012, 09:52 AM
From the beginning Bin Laden’s strategy was to lead the U.S. and its allies into a diabolical trap.
Bin Laden repeatedly asserted that the only way to drive the U.S. from the Muslim world and defeat its Muslim lackeys was by drawing Americans into a series of small but expensive wars that would ultimately bankrupt them – as in the Vietnam paradigm.
Anyone with comprehension of the Muslim mind would recognize - that a massive assault on a Muslim population would be the answer to the prayers of Bin Laden.
Osama was out to drastically alter USA and Western policies toward the Islamic world, and largely succeeded: USA forces and policies are completing the radicalization of the Islamic world, pissing on dead Taliban, burning Korans, killing women and children, etc.
Bleeding the USA with grotesquely overblown military outlays, 10 years of war fatigue and debt addiction… 16 trillion and growing, now, are we ready and willing to take on Iran and stop a real threat?
Thought experiment; what if we bribed the Taliban with a few billions here or there to hand over Bin laded or furnish GPS coordinates on him and use the 3 trillion saved for schools and America’s infrastructure and save the lives of 6,000 good men and women?
03-28-2012, 02:12 AM
Here's a thought... iran and surrounding countries are half way around the world. they've been fighting anongst themselves for thousands of years. leave them be, bring everyone back to the states.
none board a plane for north anerica. start shipping those in america that have an inkling of a thought about terrorism, protest against america, etc, back to where they came from
Start fixing this country from the inside out instead of dumping money into god forsaken shitholes.
03-29-2012, 10:14 AM!
obama is a traitor the fact that his citizenship is still in question speaks to how corrupt he is.
03-29-2012, 11:04 AM
Beags, that last video, i was laughing when i saw it lol. Those dudes have some serious paranoia. Russian thugs..... ROFL. If you are to believe them, there is some sort of evil shadow from Russia towering over Europe... Sorry mate, but those guys are clown to influence minds by fear, nothing else.
When USSR fell apart, Russia made many deals with NATO which puts Russia in disadvantage and danger, hell they were even obligate to report all troops movements on the western boarder to NATO. In return NATO promised no more expansion to the east. Did they kept it? No. Now of course Russian don't believe them for shit. Anti Iranian missile shield? Romania offered to USA to place it in their country, they have much better geographical position for it. Why put it so close to Russian boarders? Why they refused to use Russian Radio Locator station which has superb view of that part of the globe?
All those guys say sounds to me like a fairy tale, where you have evil side and good side. And its not, its a geopolitics, there is no good or bad side by default, only zones of international influence.
03-29-2012, 11:15 AM
The only thing questioning his citizenship shows is how insane the right wing are to still be banging on about this, its a joke.
03-29-2012, 03:50 PM
Umm somtimes politics Moe GW Jr Curley Dirty Dick Cheeney Larry Robert Mcnamara Here yah Dirty dick has got some moves lol
03-29-2012, 09:10 PM
I dont care about the guys opinions in the news video except that there is never a time to think you have no enemies.
Tell me when in history it was a good idea to feel like you had no enemies?
America has been attacked twice in not even 100 years yet. Both times on our own soil.
Those of you who feel like its a joke that laugh about it must of not lost someone in your family or a friend.
To you I would recommend strong caution. You are suppose to be respectful of all members here including those who have lost loved ones from recent conflicts.
So please I realize its fun to bash me or make fun of my opinions but show some damn respect for those who have lost loved ones to attacks on America.
I dont take it lightly that obama admits he can fuck over America once he is reelected since he wont be looking at another election.
03-30-2012, 12:20 AM
Are you pissed eagle that i posted something to cheer members up and have a laugh and are you pissed because people have a different opinion then you Why don't you say it and as for your lost loved ones I have lost a very good friend is Astan so fuck off don't get people started
You want to always talk about conspiracy and traders I will tell you what Do you think that you make it right, by trying to sway people into voting into what you want and telling me and many other vets and active service members about Marshall law and that we would actually shoot American citizens in there family and its all a joke To many members that are here on this site deal with things every fucking day weather it be in a war zone or at home dont insult anyone on this site People's opinions are just that opinions you dont like it dont insult members of this site by telling them they are joking about it and as far as bringing any humor into a thread its good it breaks the monotony that sometimes happens in these threads
Thank you
Eagle, you've totally lost your way in this thread. Your last post was about how been attacked twice in 100 years gives the US carte blanche to bomb the fuck out of anyone who says nasty things about them.
You also said that "Iran" (& by definition, the entire population I assume) chant things like death to America, when that is patently untrue! I remember all those videos of the disaffected youth in the country attacking regime police & burning their vehicles. They want freedom from oppression (as much as any free loving human) from their insane leadership. The same goes for Libya, Egypt, Yemen & Syria. But all people who think like you want to do is , and I quote from a few people on this site, "glass the motherfuckers!", "Nuke the bastards!". There is a separable line between a populations' priorities & the country's leadership's agenda.
Also, I'd like to move onto "Terrorism" in general & it's impact in recent history. Terrorism, as we define it today, was not invented by Muslims. I suppose the bombing of civilians by all sides in WW2 could be considered terrorism, although that was in pursuit of a military objective, not a political one. I believe that the modern progenitor of modern terrorism was Jewish groups such as the Stern Gang & Irgun (this is NOT an anti-Jewish rant, however, more historical context) These groups operated clear cut terrorism against British troops & civilians in Palestine in pursuit of a political end. See the "King David Hotel Bombing" for details. This is ironic, given the situation in the Middle East today!
Also, the IRA & other Irish groups have operated terrorism against the UK for over 100 years (things are relatively calm these days though!) you don't seem to mention them in the "I hate all terrorism" claim, or is it just Muslim terrorism you hate? The IRA have never attacked the US have they, so why hate them? In fact, the majority of public support outside of Ireland came from the US, especially in places such as Boston & New York. The IRA killed thousands of innocent civilians in its operational history, yet you don't or haven't mentioned them once. You are solely concerned with Muslim terrorism, because that affects you directly. What about when I was growing up in the UK? There was fear of terrorism in this country when I was young. But you didn't care about the IRA then, did you?
In closing this rather large diatribe & getting back on track to Eagle's original point about how he prefers a Republican candidate. Politicians on both sides will tell you exactly what you want to hear, they do it for a living & have got exceptionally good at it. Republicans play the fear card more than anyone else & know that fear will keep their base in line. They treat the public like mushrooms, keep them in the dark & feed them shit! They don't want you to educate yourself about the facts, they just want people to blindly hate whoever they point at, Muslims, gays, Atheists, poor people, liberals etc.....
I apologise to forum members who have to read all that, but I couldn't have really said it with less words. I've been following this debate for a while & I felt I had something to add, I don't often wade in like this, but this thread was going somewhere I didn't care for.
03-30-2012, 09:44 AM
First off your accusation is wrong that you say I believe our service members would go after us in Martial law. That I never said but I did ask several times to the general populace of AC if there was a line to which they wouldn't cross.
So you have your opinion on things so be it just dont put an inaccurate quote about me anywhere please.
Please inform me what your problem is with me either here or in a PM as it seems my opinion is not equally important. As all others who like to belittle me are rewarded by your support?
I do always have good reason for my comments or questions and truly that has always been delivered within a post or thread.
Also your comment to me to "fuck off" taken extremely well considering who its from.
Thanks for your input dont hold back in your feelings or thoughts as I nor anybody else should make you feel less important my good man.
03-30-2012, 10:03 AM
@LRB Good post mate ;)
03-30-2012, 10:17 AM
I would only ask you then do you believe that the current majority of muslim brotherhood in government in egypt is not a threat to peace in the future? Please tell me your feelings about this?
One more thing I cannot ignore from your comment. That both sides bombed civilians in WW2? Really you call that terrorism? Since when did war equal terrorism? Then you are calling all our service members here terrorist? Serpa6 may have a issue with that.
03-30-2012, 10:21 AM
Republicans play the fear card more than anyone else & know that fear will keep their base in line. They treat the public like mushrooms, keep them in the dark & feed them shit! They don't want you to educate yourself about the facts, they just want people to blindly hate whoever they point at, Muslims, gays, Atheists, poor people, liberals etc......
I'm glad im not the only one who has seen it. Its the "fear" that is used to control the masses, if people are in "fear" or at "war" politicians can use stupid policy because its okay, its in "defence" . The rigt wing hate the left wing, the left wing hate the right wing. This is the most destructive political mentality ive seen, how do people not see this?
03-30-2012, 10:46 AM
Do You remember the forum thread about Our military and martial law you started it you should It says it all there.
2 your opinions are valuable just like all your posts I never said that If it seems that way then I am sorry But I posted something about the republican party up there got you mad as hell think its a joke Its not that what you asked
3 I think rush Limbaugh ifs a asshole these military exerciser's are held all the time If we where in invaded Don't you think you would want your military to defend you and where are you going to get the practice some training ground They have something called robin sage Its a smaller exercise but it only trains officers this exercise was a much larger scale it is to have multiple units and branches deploy in an emergency situation I dont like people like Limbaugh He take the truth and distorts it He has his own agenda
4 I will apologize for using the harsh fuck off as you see I have lost some one close to me in ASTAN and just lost composure
but there are people here that have had the same thing happen to them so dont mention it again
That is all I am going to write about this and I am not going into no pm WAR this ends it here
03-30-2012, 11:09 AM
All is cool and no despite what i write i am never really pissed off or angry. I may write something that has a feel of anger or other emotion but truthfully if I allowed myself to be upset by every opinion on here or in the news I would need psychiatric help.
To be honest I did correct a comment that was suppose to be a question yet I had put a period on the sentence so it seemed to be a statement. Here is the thread
My apologies to those who felt I was accusing you or our military of having no conscience and being willing to participate under orders in a domestic gun grab or martial law seizure of weapons in the United States. Truthfully I know so many military active and vets that if that day ever came the troops willing to act on those orders would literally be having to kill or be killed by active duty and veteran service members in that instance.
Finally, to be clear I really don't hold close the opinions of those such as gazz or MIR as much as I do the service members here. I find it more important to trust the comments made by service members who have a badge than believe or listen to some random internet troll or unknown.
I will gladly have conversation or dialog with anyone to hear out their thoughts or let them expose their thoughts but I only respect the military opinions in general.
03-30-2012, 11:11 AM
Also, I'd like to move onto "Terrorism" in general & it's impact in recent history. Terrorism, as we define it today, was not invented by Muslims. I suppose the bombing of civilians by all sides in WW2 could be considered terrorism, although that was in pursuit of a military objective,
I will add to LBRs comment not a political or religious one
Is this what you meant eagle by our service members being terrorists Please read the rest of LRB's comment He is just pointing out some good facts
As most people think today and you can not blame them for all that has happen in the past 10 years or so Frist thing that comes to anybodys mind when the word terrorist is said what come's to mind Muslims and I agree somewhat on why people think like that but It should not be that way
there are many different type of terrorists in the world but the Headline news is Terrorists=Muslims and the world has made it that way
Just say for instance the 9/11 Hijackers where say Christian would the Catholic and any ties to Christianity be blamed Sure would do you see what I am trying to say here That is today's world
Take for example, Now people just an example I IRA was catholic correct me if I am wrong but was the Vatican or Christianity blamed no this is what I think LBR is trying to say you have to blame it on sick people in this world that have an agenda and come up with every excuse or cause to keep the blame from themsleves
03-30-2012, 11:45 AM
I do my best to follow the thinking of everyone here and see if i can follow their logic. I understand that terrorist attacks have been used by non muslims. That is true and to be more detailed lets just say what this is. terrorist attacks are attacks on innocent people not on military targets correct?
9/11 is the definition of terrorist attack as they targeted innocent people in those buildings not military people.
Yes there is a faction of the IRA that are extremist and used terrorist attacks but they were on British and Irish Unionist targets were they not? They are not going around the globe committing terrorism are they?
My point is that they are waging their terrorism on their single target not mankind. islam is going global and attacking everywhere are they not?
They have bombed London....Madrid....they killed in Beslan...9/11....American targets of innocents...Spanish targets of innocents....Russian targets of innocents...there are others I am not going donw the entire list as it is on this website you can get an education on islamic terrorism. They even target their own people in pakistan, Iraq, A-stan, They kill muslims too. Its insanity and really not a religion.
So the two in my opinion do not equate. Terrorist are only out for blood and death. They have no true cause. There is no true defined goal of terrorist they only seek to kill innocent people.