View Full Version : Michele Bachmann = Insane
06-29-2011, 09:36 PM
If you don't know who Michele Bachmann is she is running for president in 2012, If you thought Sara Palin was retarded just take a look at this chick.
06-29-2011, 09:57 PM
Politicians do something every day, all day long...they talk.
That's basically what they do.
Eventually, they goof up. A gaff occurs.
Now, we can all quote Bush's gaffs, or obama's gaffs or any political gaffs.
But, when I vote for a person, I try to peer into their core beliefs and disregard the silliness that the media glorifies.
Rep. Bachmann is not perfect (although she's hot as fuck), but she has a core belief system which coincides with my beliefs.
She's a Constitutionalist. To me, this is enough to get my vote.
I believe she is a good person, a Capitalist-oriented American and hard-working.
Most of all, she loves my Constitution.
And since I am a Single Issue voter, I hope that she wins the nomination and sends obama back to Chicago in 2012 so that I may once again have a President.
06-29-2011, 09:59 PM
Sorry, I couldn't listen to much of her nonsensical babble.
I've met drunks that made more sense than her and were more interesting to listen too.
06-29-2011, 10:01 PM
...because God help us if that fuckhead, Romney gets nominated to run in 2012.
06-29-2011, 10:32 PM
2nd Amendment? ;-)
06-29-2011, 11:16 PM
The Constitution in it's entirety, but yeah...especially #2
Because without #2, the others wouldn't exist.
06-30-2011, 04:34 AM
Her views on intelligent design and evolution scare me.
06-30-2011, 06:30 PM
And some of her better gibberish (and this is just a very tiny sampling)...
Oh, and a little known fact. She got her law degree at oral roberts university.
"Don't Palinize Me!"
"Not all cultures are equal."
"We're running out of rich people in this country."
""I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president Jimmy Carter. And I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence."
"Little children will be forced to learn that homosexuality is normal and natural and perhaps they should try it."
Not hating on her, but she really needs to pull her head out of her ass , then take a deep breath and look around.
There are now 18 declared candidates.
I see nothing wrong with some of her points and statements .....nobody is perfect. I'd vote for her over any democrat at this point.
Especially this: "Little children will be forced to learn that homosexuality is normal and natural and perhaps they should try it."
More states to follow.
No public schools for my Son....
I can sum up homosexual history in less than 5 seconds.
You push homosexuality on me or my family, you will end up hurt and broken or quite possibly dead.
Now how's that for gibberish?
You cant pledge your Allegiance in schools anymore but we can teach kids it's OK to stick your cock in another man's asshole...And produce what? A cum-turd instead of a baby?
Has Nambla infiltrated the education system or something?
What the fuck is wrong with this country?
Tolerance? Yeah, I'm tolerant...until you invade my space or push shit on me.
Can you picture our country in 20 years?
If we keep it up, there will be no United States and our Constitution will be long gone.
Well, at least my parents taught me how to fish and hunt, firearm use & safety, How to live off of the land and survive....and real VALUES.
Let's see how the rest of the scum that are destroying our Nation fare if shit really does hit the fan here one day.
06-30-2011, 10:11 PM
Excellent points Sixx. It makes me shudder how morally bankrupt this country has become.
07-01-2011, 04:45 AM
Wow that blog was the biggest load of shit I've seen in a long time, saying that these two points are "facts" is ridiculous:
May lead to “gender confusion†and “gender experimentation†Normalizes homosexuality, bisexuality and gender experimentation
Seriously? Are you kidding me ? By teaching some gay history will straight kids suddenly want to fuck each other? And I must be reading it wrong because it can't be true... but did that blog conclude we might legalize bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia, etc. Because homosexuality has become legal? Really? Did that just happen? Are you fucking kidding me?
On the topic tho, the more I read and hear about this woman the more I'm scared by the fact that she might get into a position of power...
07-01-2011, 08:14 AM
The fact that being gay is now becoming openly accepted is bad enough. This being accepted can lead to a further decline in values in our culture. Accepting deviant behavior this way could lead to other shit being accepted. Granted being a pedo should get you shot but who says that behavior will be accepted down the road at this rate? I dont see the really sick shit being accepted years from now but the more bullshit others find ok now means down the road it may be law.
07-01-2011, 08:35 AM
"The fact that being gay is now becoming openly accepted is bad enough"
Why exactly ?
Accepting different sexuality will not result on legalization and acceptance of pedophiles, beastiality, necrophilla etc... it just won't happen, ever.
07-01-2011, 08:53 AM
I agree she like every other politician has a gaff reel. Shit if you waited for a politician that didnt have any gaffs you would never find a president.
Look obama admitted being a muslim then corrected by the interviewer said oh no yes my Christian faith.....LOL Ok
07-01-2011, 09:04 AM
Why? Didnt realize pumping a man in the ass is normal. It's Deviant behavior. If they accept this crap now who knows what will happen later. "Who knows" is the main wording. Im not saying they WILL,but anything in the future is up for grabs.
07-01-2011, 09:27 AM
Why are you trying to force your views on others? I'm assuming this is a religious issue ? Why , because it offends you, should it be banned and forced on others? Why do you want to stop people doing what ever the hell the want in their own homes?
Also the whole thing about accepting homosexuality leading to acceptance of worst things is just illogical and makes no sense. It's also very subjective, just because you dont like something does not give you the right to force your views on others.
Also homosexuality is natural. And so what if its not normal? Being blind isn't normal, being deaf isn't normal.. shall we make everything not "normal" illegal?
07-01-2011, 09:58 AM
I think the current majority do not approve of homosexuality. Homosexuality is a behavior and not natural. A deviant behavior at that. If you feel im forcing my opinion on you then dont reply or read this post if it offends you. Being blind or deaf is a physical condition. Not a behavior. I dont wish my kid to grow up and consider this normal. When you lose sight of good and bad,accepting crap like this happens. Then laws pass. Then after that training is done in the military to ensure "gays get equal treatment" and if you dont comply your career is over. it stopped being an issue of"what they do in their owns homes" when they decided they need "equal rights".
07-01-2011, 10:17 AM
Homosexuality is natural,it is a behavior but behaviors can be classified as natural so that makes no sense separating the two, never heard of the term natural behavior? But that's a mute point as it is natural, homosexuality is observed in all species , we are no different.
Your usage of the word normal holds no weight. Being blind or deaf is not normal, just because its a physical condition does not exclude it from being normal or not .
nor·mal/ˈnôrməl/ Adjective: Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. Noun: The usual, average, or typical state or condition.
Your argument holds no weight or merit, you simply dislike homosexuality for whatever reason and wish to make it illegal/bad because of this. This is wrong on many levels, don't you live in the land of the free? Or is it only free if you conform to the "norm" ?
07-01-2011, 10:59 AM
I live in the land and the free and stating my opinion on the matter. Alot of the population will disagree on your view. Less on mine. Thats the way it is. Most people do not approve of the homosexual lifestyle. Period. Convince them otherwise. Tell me why,if I lived in Cali for example, why I should allow the school to teach my kid that homosexuality is ok when it conflicts with my beliefs and morals. I can like and dislike what i want. Just like you could if you lived here. The "norm" is proper morals and values in this case.
07-01-2011, 11:12 AM
Schools forcing anything against parents wills I disagree with, parents should be able to opt their kids out of whatever classes / bits of the curriculum as they will, ill agree with you on that.
But just because you deem it morally wrong does not mean that you have the right to make it illegal. And again, proper morals? By who's standards? Why should your standards be deemed proper and forced apon others? If you think homosexuality is wrong, teach your kids that all you want. But don't make it illegal and want it to be taught/treated and looked at as if its wrong because you don't like it.
07-01-2011, 11:24 AM
I could consider your view on it being forced to me. But Im not. Its an opinion and personal belief. We can agree to disagree. If it gets outlawed/not accepted by society, oh well. The reverse is true also. Not much else to say.
07-01-2011, 11:28 AM
I see your point, agree to disagree then.
07-01-2011, 11:37 AM
Sixx, you are right on (what a surprise :) ).
The moral fiber of our country is being eroded one little victory, by the left, at a time.
As to talking about who is gay in history- I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!!
I don't care if they were gay, straight, or asexual. (I do draw the line at pedos)
If you wantto put stuff up your pooper, well, it's yours, go for it.
Now the current politicians, if you are gay, whatever.
But if you are married, with kids, and giving BJs on the turnpike in the restrooms, then it's a case of a lack of morals, and I WILL take that into consideration.
07-01-2011, 02:52 PM
How the...why the...who the fuck went from talking about a hot piece of female ass like Michelle men cramming their dicks into each other?
Hee hee...fags are so gay.
07-02-2011, 05:16 AM
gazz do you have gender confusion?
Listen amigo being homo is not natural and why the fuck would you even think it is?
A dick is a male reproductive part it goes into a women vagina which is her reproductive part.
The guy inject his sperm to create a baby.
A man jamming his pecker into another mans asshole was never an intention of nature my very confused man.
Did you have a biology class in you educational upbringing?
Now you may find for yourself it feels natural getting cock in your ass but that is just your personal belief it isnt natural by any science or medical opinion anywhere on this planet.
Now go off to bed and have fun with your handsome man but please read some biology books before posting next time to save yourself this embarrassment.
07-02-2011, 09:47 AM
I have no confusion, im not homsexual in anyway shape or form and infact have a very beautiful girlfriend who i fuck on a regular basis.
As for homosexuality being natural: A 1999 review by researcher Bruce Bagemihl shows that homosexual behavior has been observed in close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them.
Even if you ignore the fact Homosexuality is observed in nature on a mass scale, your main argument is sex = reproduction. As far as i know numerous numerous animals have been documented to have sex for reasons other that reproduction, Bonobos for example.
So yes, its natural, Animals do it and we are animals.
homosexuality is found in over 1,500 species, Homophobia is found in only one. Which one seems unnatural now?
As for Michele Bachmann, no person who believes intelligent design should be in a position of power.
07-02-2011, 10:11 AM
Seriously Gazz inteligent design has been the belief of almost every president the United States has ever had. Has America been a failure in our short 200 year history?
We have risen to be a world power and economic leader. The world reacts to what happens in America.
God is at the bases of everything in America. Pick up an American coin or dollar bill "In God We Trust".
America was founded by Christians and as much as America is going to shit now its because of people like you who enjoy the immoral and wish for nothing religious.
Atheist stand for nothing so they are naturally predisposed to being closer to my enemy who is of an evil faith.
You stand for nothing and at any moment could join the evil of another belief whatever it may be such as witchcraft, satanism, islam whatever you are sitting on the fence waiting for.
Gazz, yes males hump other males in various other species.
But do you know what my friend? They are still friggin' freaks of nature. Are they not?
We are designed for heterosexual reproduction. Anything else is a flaw to nature or deviant behavior.
Other species also hump other males for dominance.......aka a form of deviant behavior in humans.
I have no problem with homosexuals.
And I have met some awesome people that were homosexual in my lifetime....but they respected me as I did them and they did not try to push their lifestyle on to me.
There are no valid reasons to teach HOMOSEXUAL history in Schools K-12
If bullying and shit like that is an issue, then we need to teach our kids about compassion for fellow human beings......ALL OF THEM. Not just homosexuals and minorities.
Nowadays everyone gets bullied.
Gazz, you also stick up for Islam and make excuses for them quite a bit. You do know in most Islamic countries they string up homosexuals with no questions asked right?
I just kinda find that funny.
07-02-2011, 12:47 PM
"America is going to shit now its because of people like you who enjoy the immoral and wish for nothing religious. "
really now? whats this based on?
also as an atheist i stand for nothing? i stand for alot of things, just because they dont fit your religious morals does not mean they are nothing.
and at any moment i could join some sort of evil? seriously wtf... i despise all religions/beliefs the same amount. also you ever heard of converts? some of your beloved Christian friends and family could very easily convert to "evil" lol ...
you seem to love to live in fear, everything is the enemy or out to get you and evil.. its very unusual.
freaks of nature? no. its just not common usual behavior in animals, but it happens and is still natural.
we are designed for reproduction yes. The purpose of the sexual organs is reproduction, but the purpose of reproduction is the survival of the species . Since, it is not necessary for everyone to reproduce in order to preserve the species, we don’t have an obligation to reproduce. Just like couples who do not wish to have kids, are they freaks of nature as well? should they be banned?
also anything that encompasses animal behavior can be classified as natural. Natural is what occurs in the natural world, nothing more to it. Even if we exclude humanity from that for a moment for rather arbitrary reasons, plenty of animals engage in homosexual behavior, which only the most biased or ignorant of people would deny. Yes, homosexuality is natural. It happens in nature.
"If bullying and shit like that is an issue, then we need to teach our kids about compassion for fellow human beings......ALL OF THEM. Not just homosexuals and minorities.
Nowadays everyone gets bullied."
completely agree.
Gazz, you also stick up for Islam and make excuses for them quite a bit. You do know in most Islamic countries they string up homosexuals with no questions asked right?
I just kinda find that funny.
im aware, but im neither homosexual or Islamic so i see no conflict of interest defending both in certain situations.
07-02-2011, 02:06 PM
This is getting disgusting. I haven't had my lunch yet.
Congresswoman Bachman has core beliefs which I respect and makes her a good person.
By looking at my alternatives, she already has my support, intelligent design or not.
Some people may support some clown who believes in UFOs, or who believes in Evolution, or who believes in Intelligent Design, or who believes in the fucking Easter Bunny. Who cares?
Really. Who fucking cares?
A good American who seems halfway honest is all I want. She fills the bill.
And she's damn good looking.
07-02-2011, 03:58 PM
imo she isn't really honest at all she has been caught a few times out right lying about things and making things up on the fly just like when she said Obamas trip to India would cost tax payers 200 million a day which she simply made up, the problem with her is not that she says dumb things that are wrong but she will admittedly defend her wrong statements rather than just admitting she made a mistake which is exactly what Palin does as well, like when she said Paul Revere road threw town telling the British they wouldn't take our guns and when everyone told her that's not what happened she just kept defending it and pretty much tried to re-write history on her own.
And the fact that she supported Palin simply because she was a woman and not for her political standpoints scares the crap out of me especially if that person is running for president.
07-02-2011, 06:28 PM
Obama's trip to India included him taking half of the Atlantic Fleet for security, over 2000 guests, renting out over 870 rooms in India ( and these are 5-star hotel rooms at the Taj Mahal Palace hotel ), plus all the transportation, food, etc. for his not only feeding and paying half of the U.S. Navy's Atlantic Fleet, but the fuel, too.
Was Michelle Bachman wrong? Or did she exaggerate?
Show me where someone proved her to be a liar. I couldn't find anything in the last half hour.
What else has she knowingly lied about? Do tell and back up your claims, please.
It is one thing to call a person a liar, especially without backing it up.
Just saying how it is, bro. Thanks.
07-02-2011, 06:34 PM
Bro, you got to seriously know the details and not just the headlines from MSNBC.
Palin was 100% correct in her Paul Revere story.
The media ended up eating crow on that one.
Every source you Google will have the same results...Palin was correct.
Damn, I'm sorry for destroying your comment like this, but I had no choice.
07-02-2011, 08:47 PM
She said that Paul Revere road threw town telling the British that they were not going to take our guns, that article really has no mention of him doing that but says that after he was captured he told the British that Americans were ready to fight.
The most memorable part of the Paul Revere story is that he rode through town warning that the British were coming.
All she had to do was say "Hey I messed up the story" and it would all go away but instead she has to get her own historians to try to find how to make it look like she was right, its just ridiculous, also she said he was riding threw town shooting his gun into the air and ringing a bell which he never did, he didn't even have a gun and was released by the British after they took his horse.
Also there is no evidence that they spent 200m a night in India, it was a story that was reported to an Indian news paper by an "unnamed" source in Mumbai.
07-02-2011, 09:49 PM
How did i missed that one...
Politics and homosexuality always go hand in hand... They will fuck your brains no matter your gender.... So this thread seems very logical :D.
I'm myself, not a big fan of it, don't really bothers me, but no need to advertise it either.
That lady.... i hope she will be as far from power as our planet allows...
07-03-2011, 02:26 AM
Here are Palin's words:
Ms. PALIN: Part of Paul Revere's ride - and it wasn't just one ride; he was a courier, he was a messenger - part of his ride was to warn the British that we're already there, that hey, you're not going to succeed. You're not going to take American arms. You are not going to beat our own well-armed persons, individual, private militia that we have. He did warn the British.
You're exactly right that the most memorable story of Paul Revere was the warning he gave that the British were coming.
But what Sarah Palin said is also historically accurate.
Every historical expert that I could find online, including the most liberal of sources such as this one ( ins_historical), all agree that Palin was right.
She did NOT mess up the story. She was right. Just look it up already.
There's one link I gave you from the Boston Herald. Google it. Go to any link you find. They all agree. PALIN WAS CORRECT.
And I think you're exactly right about the $200 million controversy.
There is no evidence either supporting Bachman's claim, nor is there any evidence refuting it.
So...thank you for re-enforcing my statement. She could have been right or wrong, but who's to say and moreover, who has the right to call her a liar?
Maybe that was the information she got. Who knows?
07-03-2011, 02:37 AM
You made an oops, Atrox.
I hope it was unintentional for your own integrity, but Sarah Palin NEVER had her own historians voucher for her. She does not employ historians. I just checked.
In fact, there is nothing, nowhere which states that she had ANYONE who works for her or knows her at all do any research for her in regards to her statement about Paul Revere.
You either mis-spoke or were given completely false information.
07-03-2011, 05:14 AM
Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are certainly mental midgets and their accomplishments are miniscule compared to all of you.
However, you might note that recent polls show that, if the election was held today, your beloved Barak Obama would lose, in a landslide to any Republican.
07-03-2011, 07:23 AM
Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are certainly mental midgets and their accomplishments are miniscule compared to all of you.
However, you might note that recent polls show that, if the election was held today, your beloved Barak Obama would lose, in a landslide to any Republican.
And that's a scary thing, if one those landed in a presidential chair.....
Their accomplishments in what? In convincing few millions of housewives how a strong woman can run a country?
No one doubts that they achieved good things, but having them as a president?
07-03-2011, 07:28 AM
just hope barry and the bitches go back to Kenya:fu:
07-03-2011, 07:30 AM
"I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, on the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak that happened when Gerald Ford, a Republican, was president, April 28, 2009
"Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."
shes lying, or stupid.
07-03-2011, 08:00 AM
"I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, on the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak that happened when Gerald Ford, a Republican, was president, April 28, 2009
"Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."
shes lying, or stupid.
She has no clue....
07-03-2011, 09:52 AM
She wont win the nomination anyway and at this moment I dont think the republican party has a candidate that will unseat obama. So its just another example of how far our great country has fallen in such a short time.
07-03-2011, 02:18 PM
And that's a scary thing, if one those landed in a presidential chair.....
Their accomplishments in what? In convincing few millions of housewives how a strong woman can run a country?
No one doubts that they achieved good things, but having them as a president?
My neighbor's one-eyed cat would make a better President than Barry Hussein Barrack obama, whatever the fuck his name is.
07-03-2011, 03:20 PM
She wont win the nomination anyway and at this moment I dont think the republican party has a candidate that will unseat obama. So its just another example of how far our great country has fallen in such a short time.
You might try expanding your news sources.
I find the links at Drudge ( ), which include every foreign newspaper and columnists from all sides,
have plenty of information contrary to what our government media tries to spoon-feed us.
07-03-2011, 03:33 PM
My neighbor's one-eyed cat would make a better President than Barry Hussein Barrack obama, whatever the fuck his name is.
Angus man, again. I don't say he an awesome president. Why it always comes to Obama?
He may suck bad, but i'm pointing out things that i saw about this woman, not him :)
07-03-2011, 03:46 PM
Angus man, again. I don't say he an awesome president. Why it always comes to Obama?
He may suck bad, but i'm pointing out things that i saw about this woman, not him :)
Why, yes, you are right. She is uneducated and has accomplished nothing.........
Prior to serving in the U.S. Congress, Bachmann served in the Minnesota State Senate from 2000-2006. As a Minnesota State Senator, she championed the Taxpayers Bill of Rights. Before holding elected office, Bachmann worked on hundreds of civil and criminal cases as a federal tax litigation attorney. Through her experience as a tax attorney, Bachmann came to understand firsthand the need to simplify the current tax code and reduce taxes on families and small businesses. Yet, it was her role as a mother of five and foster mother of 23 that led her to call for the abolishment of Goals 2000 and the Profiles of Learning and start a charter school for at-risk kids in Minnesota.
Bachmann is a graduate of Anoka High School and Winona State University. After receiving her J.D. at the O.W. Coburn School of Law at Oral Roberts University and an L.L.M. in Tax Law at the College of William and Mary, she along with her husband, Marcus moved their young family to Stillwater, Minnesota. There they opened a small business health care practice that employs nearly fifty people. The Bachmanns, who have been married over thirty years, have five children, Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline and Sophia. The Bachmanns have also cared for 23 foster children, inspiring Bachmann’s tireless efforts in Congress on behalf of America’s foster and adopted children, a role that has earned her bipartisan praise.
07-03-2011, 03:58 PM
Why, yes, you are right. She is uneducated and has accomplished nothing.........
Prior to serving in the U.S. Congress, Bachmann served in the Minnesota State Senate from 2000-2006. As a Minnesota State Senator, she championed the Taxpayers Bill of Rights. Before holding elected office, Bachmann worked on hundreds of civil and criminal cases as a federal tax litigation attorney. Through her experience as a tax attorney, Bachmann came to understand firsthand the need to simplify the current tax code and reduce taxes on families and small businesses. Yet, it was her role as a mother of five and foster mother of 23 that led her to call for the abolishment of Goals 2000 and the Profiles of Learning and start a charter school for at-risk kids in Minnesota.
Bachmann is a graduate of Anoka High School and Winona State University. After receiving her J.D. at the O.W. Coburn School of Law at Oral Roberts University and an L.L.M. in Tax Law at the College of William and Mary, she along with her husband, Marcus moved their young family to Stillwater, Minnesota. There they opened a small business health care practice that employs nearly fifty people. The Bachmanns, who have been married over thirty years, have five children, Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline and Sophia. The Bachmanns have also cared for 23 foster children, inspiring Bachmann’s tireless efforts in Congress on behalf of America’s foster and adopted children, a role that has earned her bipartisan praise.
As in my older post, i said that she achieved a lot. No one ever said she's useless.
But no education will make your mind bright. I also studied psychology. Seen plenty of very smart people who are not always look for simple solutions to things.
History will put everything in it's place, as always.
07-03-2011, 06:21 PM
Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are certainly mental midgets and their accomplishments are miniscule compared to all of you.
However, you might note that recent polls show that, if the election was held today, your beloved Barak Obama would lose, in a landslide to any Republican.
Just because I think this woman is insane doesn't mean I support Barack Obama. I don't blindly pledge alliance to a political party, I think the whole idea for being left or right is just ridiculous and the main issue with our politics and the reason why these crazy people are even considered to run our country because they say they are part of a party and they take those fake beliefs that probably go out the window when there behind closed doors.
Politics is just a game and everyone's getting played.
07-03-2011, 07:10 PM
Angus man, again. I don't say he an awesome president. Why it always comes to Obama?
He may suck bad, but i'm pointing out things that i saw about this woman, not him :)
Ummm...maybe for the same reason it came to Palin.
It's called progression of a conversation . The topic started off as Bachman as a potential Presidential candidate, then that led to Palin, and that led to obama...
Do I really need to explain this?
You were here, weren't you? You okay, bro?
It started out as a political post concerning Presidential stuff. It still is.
Next question, please.
07-03-2011, 07:12 PM
Just because I think this woman is insane doesn't mean I support Barack Obama. I don't blindly pledge alliance to a political party, I think the whole idea for being left or right is just ridiculous and the main issue with our politics and the reason why these crazy people are even considered to run our country because they say they are part of a party and they take those fake beliefs that probably go out the window when there behind closed doors.
Politics is just a game and everyone's getting played.
I agree 100% brother...100%
I think both parties suck ass.
Bachman is a Tea Party favorite, which is closer to my way of thinking.
07-03-2011, 07:28 PM
I agree 100% brother...100%
I think both parties suck ass.
Bachman is a Tea Party favorite, which is closer to my way of thinking.
Brilliantly put. You explained why we are replacing Congresspeople with Conservatives. Thank You.
07-03-2011, 09:00 PM
Well i dont like to discusss politics but this women had to do somthing right to get elected and keep her job her choice of phrasese and words yah need work but yes i look at core beliefs to when i vote but the way politics are now all side rep dem lib the system is fucked if we would have stood old school and never put some of the things like freedom of information act illegal assanation i dont think bin laden or all of his cronies would have lived past the gulf war but that is politics folks there is a song by an old school band Lick and a Promise that is what they do to get elected and you know what we get the promise but not the lick
07-03-2011, 09:20 PM
I would be satisfied w/ a dead rotting corpse. It would do less damage than the "it" in there right now.
U thinking about RP Anra?
07-03-2011, 09:36 PM
we can't afford to re-elect present dunce Barry . We need someone that can make decisions and they are going to be very tough decisions.
I hope we get someone that will push the fair tax , encourage people not to depend on social security,and seriously look at Eric Cantor's plan Medicare plan (2 of the largest budget issues).