06-06-2011, 07:29 AM
‘Saber’ Squadron soldier Awarded Purple Heart
2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Public Affairs
Story and photos by 2nd Lt. Daniel Elmblad, 2nd AAB, 1st Inf. Div., USD-C
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Spc. Christian Cowan, a combat medic with A Troop, 6th ‘Saber’ Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, United States Division – Center, and a Van Buren, Ark., native, was awarded the Purple Heart June 2, at Camp Liberty, Iraq.
The Purple Heart is the oldest award that is still given to United States military personnel, having been first given out by General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. It is awarded to any member of the armed forces of the United States who has been wounded or killed while serving in any action against an enemy of the United States.
On April 1, Cowan was wounded by small-arms fire while he and his platoon set up traffic control points on the outskirts of Baghdad. A bullet initially struck a ballistic protective plate in his body armor before it ricocheted and penetrated his right arm between the bicep and tricep muscles.
As a combat medic, Cowan is trained and prepared to treat soldiers who sustain these injuries. The tables were turned that day, and he is thankful for the soldiers around him who helped treat his wound.
“I am very thankful for Sgt. 1st Class Hanover, Pfc. Evans, Pfc. Goodnow, Pfc. Mitchell, and the rest of the platoon on that day because their quick actions of treating my wound and getting me back to the Combat Support Hospital helped saved my life,†Cowan said. “I am especially thankful for Pfc. Mitchell because he helped me apply the tourniquet to my arm to help stop the blood flow.â€
While he is thankful for the actions of his platoon on that day to save his life, he is even more thankful that he can stay in the fight with them on their current deployment in Iraq.
“I thank God that I am still alive and that I still have the ability to serve with my friends here in Iraq,†Cowan said, adding that his injury has not diminished his ability to serve with his unit.
Saber Squadron recently finished its fourth month of its deployment to Iraq. In these four months, Saber Squadron has partnered with the 4th Federal Police Division to provide essential training and assistance to Iraqi Security Forces in Baghdad. Over the next several months, the squadron’s mission will shift, allowing it to play a pivotal role in providing security to southern Iraq as a part of the responsible drawdown of troops from Iraq.
“I’m not ready to go home yet,†Cowan said. “I want to be here with the rest of my unit to finish out this mission and I am not going to let this wound stop me.â€
‘Saber’ Squadron soldier Awarded Purple Heart
2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Public Affairs
Story and photos by 2nd Lt. Daniel Elmblad, 2nd AAB, 1st Inf. Div., USD-C
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Spc. Christian Cowan, a combat medic with A Troop, 6th ‘Saber’ Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, United States Division – Center, and a Van Buren, Ark., native, was awarded the Purple Heart June 2, at Camp Liberty, Iraq.
The Purple Heart is the oldest award that is still given to United States military personnel, having been first given out by General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. It is awarded to any member of the armed forces of the United States who has been wounded or killed while serving in any action against an enemy of the United States.
On April 1, Cowan was wounded by small-arms fire while he and his platoon set up traffic control points on the outskirts of Baghdad. A bullet initially struck a ballistic protective plate in his body armor before it ricocheted and penetrated his right arm between the bicep and tricep muscles.
As a combat medic, Cowan is trained and prepared to treat soldiers who sustain these injuries. The tables were turned that day, and he is thankful for the soldiers around him who helped treat his wound.
“I am very thankful for Sgt. 1st Class Hanover, Pfc. Evans, Pfc. Goodnow, Pfc. Mitchell, and the rest of the platoon on that day because their quick actions of treating my wound and getting me back to the Combat Support Hospital helped saved my life,†Cowan said. “I am especially thankful for Pfc. Mitchell because he helped me apply the tourniquet to my arm to help stop the blood flow.â€
While he is thankful for the actions of his platoon on that day to save his life, he is even more thankful that he can stay in the fight with them on their current deployment in Iraq.
“I thank God that I am still alive and that I still have the ability to serve with my friends here in Iraq,†Cowan said, adding that his injury has not diminished his ability to serve with his unit.
Saber Squadron recently finished its fourth month of its deployment to Iraq. In these four months, Saber Squadron has partnered with the 4th Federal Police Division to provide essential training and assistance to Iraqi Security Forces in Baghdad. Over the next several months, the squadron’s mission will shift, allowing it to play a pivotal role in providing security to southern Iraq as a part of the responsible drawdown of troops from Iraq.
“I’m not ready to go home yet,†Cowan said. “I want to be here with the rest of my unit to finish out this mission and I am not going to let this wound stop me.â€