View Full Version : Congrats Letter to General Petraeus
04-28-2011, 09:46 AM
By now anybody who is mildly interested in global military affairs must have seen the awesome news that General Petraeus (even the name spells fucking hardcore) has been
Appointed by Obama to become the director of CIA – which is good news since he’s about the only man on this planet who has bigger balls than Putin.
Apacheclips would like to send a letter of compliments either to General Petraeus himself or use the CIA contact details on their webpage (they say they read every fax, email, letter).
Now keeping in mind that the admin teams written English is a fucking disgrace (I’m from Germany so my nazi English will not do) and because we would like to make this a community
event let’s see what you guys come up with – Go to this thread and in your own words congratulate General Petraeus or whoever reads the emails on the CIA contact list.
Either way we will send the combined email via the account and post any responding emails.
Potential dangers:
CIA wasn’t aware of Apacheclips and blacklists AC.
04-28-2011, 11:07 AM
I would like to congratulate General Petraeus to a new awesome position, I do believe that his presence there will help deal with our current events and knowing that such beastly of a man will surely make us military people very happy indeed :) God bless America, her allies the free world and down with the terrorists.
P.S- Please to the people at the CIA, dont blacklist AC :)
04-28-2011, 02:19 PM
Congratulations General Petraeus, I know you'll do wonders for us and our allies so that's why I am keeping this short. God Bless America!
P.S. The box isn't really a box.
Much Appreciated, JBK.
*Admins/Mods...The CIA/NSA and other agencies are very well aware of this site, they have been since the beginning. :USA:
04-28-2011, 03:50 PM
Dear General Patraeus,
fucking get some!
AC Member
04-28-2011, 06:22 PM
Dear General Patraeus,
The members of and I would like to congratulate you on your promotion. We feel you will be a great addition to the agency and will lead it in a positive direction. We are confident you will continue the fight against terror as many AC members have in the past. Becoming the Director of the C.I.A. is a great honor so we hope you enjoy it.
04-28-2011, 08:45 PM
You are the fucking man sir!
Here is my contribution...Hope it helps.
Dear General Petraeus,
The Apacheclips community would like to extend a heart felt congratulations to you on your well deserved promotion.We at Apacheclips believe you will be a great asset to the C.I.A..With the leadership you bring and your unrivaled dedication and loyalty the C.I.A. will be a much more efficient agency.
Thank you for your dedication to our great nation,
And don't think for one minute that AC has been flying under the radar....With all the key words flying around,I would almost bet one of my pay checks we have at least been looked at. :evilgrin0039:
04-28-2011, 09:09 PM
The Honorable General David Petraeus,
Greetings General. My name is Nicoletto “ Nicky stick-up†Starks.:D I am the creator and owner of the military featured, video/forum based website, On behalf of the Apacheclips community (AC for short), I would like to extend to you, a sincere congratulations on your appointment by President Barrack Obama, to director of the Central Intelligence Agency. We believe that your upstanding character and years of distinctive military service have forged you into the ideal candidate to restore this once revered agency to its former prominence. Although many choose to remain private, I can tell you that our membership encompasses a wide range of nationalities and personalities. Members hail from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Russia, Canada, Spain, and the world over. Our members are Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We have conservative members and we have progressive members. Many are the top minds in their respective fields of study, including former and current soldiers in all branches of American military forces and her allies’ forces. A great number of our members have loved ones fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and count on each other for emotional support. They are also grateful to you sir, for your support of the soldiers they love. There is much debate, much dissent among our members. One thing there is no disagreement about is the high regard in which we hold the men & women who sacrifice in the name of freedom. The AC community is an unflinching supporter of the coalition forces and believes that the war on terror is a righteous war. I began this site as nothing more than a hobby; for my own bemusement if nothing else. As the site grew in membership, the focus of the site grew, along with my sense of responsibility. AC has always been a bastion of support for those with loved ones in combat theatres, this will not change. However, we have determined that the right path for the future is to have the site function in an ambassadorial capacity for our men and women in uniform; to inform the public of the reality of war but also the integrity of our forces; to advance the reputation of the coalition forces through education and enlightenment and finally, to honor these brave souls for who they are; our heroes! You were a pertinent influence in choosing this path. Not long ago, the CIA was respected and admired by its allies and feared by its enemies. General, we believe you are the right man to lead the intelligence community into the future and restore the CIA to the honorable institution it once was. As the president of Apacheclips, I would like to extend an invitation to you, to use our site as a tool in any way you see fit, to bolster the reputation of the coalition forces, reinvigorate moral in our soldiers, and reassure them of the righteousness of their mission. You have the support of thousands of men and women across the globe. You have the support of the Apacheclips community!
Sincere regards,
04-28-2011, 09:34 PM
I wrote that congrats letter so that Stark could modify it where needed and send it off from himself. Obviously there would have to be some editing of the "Nicky stick-up" name. And obviously I'm lacking a social life.
I wrote that congrats letter so that Stark could modify it where needed and send it off from himself. Obviously there would have to be some editing of the "Nicky stick-up" name. And obviously I'm lacking a social life.
04-28-2011, 11:28 PM
I wrote that congrats letter so that Stark could modify it where needed and send it off from himself. Obviously there would have to be some editing of the "Nicky stick-up" name. And obviously I'm lacking a social life.
fuck paypal. with your email, we'll be government funded haha. great writing
04-29-2011, 03:52 AM
Dear General,
Congratulations on your appointment.
You have a huge mission ahead of you and given your track record, I know you are up to that task. I would like to see Fortress America implemented as a priority. So many enemies have slipped through the net in recent times, I trust you will return the CIA to a fully functional Intelligence organisation that is always one step ahead of the enemy.
Best Wishes
AC has nothing to fear from the CIA if it does not host enemy propaganda. Simple as that.
04-29-2011, 06:29 AM
Dear General Petraeus,
On behalf of the Apacheclips Community, it gives me great pleasure and joy to congratulate you on your recent elevation to Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Although we are extremely delighted by this development, we are not at all surprised by your well deserved promotion. The news is made even more joyful considering the fact that you have always been a loyal, dedicated and hard working person. We are confident you will put Country first, are dedicated to the mission, will uphold the highest standards of conduct and embrace personal accountability.
For leaders like yourself, elevations and promotions are never far away and we wish you the very best, as you assume the responsibilities of your new position.
Yours faithfully,
04-29-2011, 07:04 AM
Dear General,
You're the best. But uhhh, since you are now going to be the head of the CIA, I would like to offer you the chance of a lifetime. We at take pride in watching high explosive ordanance rain down on America's enemies. Recent finger-wagging by lefty (communist) news organizations and terror supporting special interest groups have forced service members to curtail their posting of original bad-ass material for fear of scorn by the lesser in society. As a result, some of our material is being recycled....and recycled material makes for sad faces. However, your new assignment has presented us with a solution. We propose that you (CIA), release any non-classified, high explosive, death from above wholesome goodness "directly" to and allow us to retain copyright protection of said material so that we can keep it away from the finger-waggers. This will hopefully allow maximum viewer potential while minimizing undo scorn from domestic enemies. If it's not to much to ask, please donate all video's in High Definition (1080P preferred) w/5.1 surround sound. We look forward to our future business dealings with the CIA (hopefully "good" dealings).
A nobody who perodically watches cool vids at because he has no life
04-29-2011, 09:03 AM
lol great stuff Apaches, keep'em coming.
04-29-2011, 10:48 AM
Unfortunately I wont be able to complete my post at this time because I dont see the "Donkey Fucker" Icon and I wouldn't want to loose the integrity of my post with out it.. Thanks
04-29-2011, 01:37 PM
Dear Mr General...
Did anyone ever point out your name rhymes w Dr. Zaius from Planet of the Apes and that you also bear a strong resemblance to him? And now you both play similar roles.... It is a very odd world we live in indeed....
Have fun putting your feet up on the big desk.
Eris Killton
Dear General Petraeus,
On behalf of the Apacheclips Community, it gives me great pleasure and joy to congratulate you on your recent elevation to Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Although we are extremely delighted by this development, we are not at all surprised by your well deserved promotion. The news is made even more joyful considering the fact that you have always been a loyal, dedicated and hard working person. We are confident you will put Country first, are dedicated to the mission, will uphold the highest standards of conduct and embrace personal accountability.
For leaders like yourself, elevations and promotions are never far away and we wish you the very best, as you assume the responsibilities of your new position.
Yours faithfully,
This is not meant in a bad way Benda....But if boot licking were an art....Brother that would be a Picasso. :thumbup:
04-29-2011, 06:33 PM
This is not meant in a bad way Benda....But if boot licking were an art....Brother that would be a Picasso. :thumbup:
You're right Mel, i could have atleast been honest huh? :D
05-02-2011, 05:35 AM
Dear General Petraeus,
It has been many years since such an honor has been highly recognized. Your contribution's in life, have earned you the title in which you will be appointed. Not just any man, or woman, could do what you have accomplished. It takes guts, balls, and the mental will-power to do it all. I would like to congratulate you on behalf of me, my family, and my friends here at I know I am not the only one who feels this way, and there are plenty more congratulatory letters coming your way. Once again, congratulations.
Here is to many years of great service, and the impossible amount of respect I have for you.