View Full Version : Military News
Pages :
- Which countries DO have WMD's?
- First B2 Bomber Crash!
- Because they can't do it themselves
- Trident Missile
- Patriot Missile
- US has a UFO
- Incredible image
- Look at this military ship
- SU-27 Test videos
- Bionic Vision!
- First "Force Field"
- Future Weapons M.O.A.B.
- Go inside China's military; the world's fastest-growing
- Pentagon faults China military secrecy
- Shoulder Missile [VIDEO]
- F-18 Take off video
- China to raise military spending
- [Document Link] Pentagon Report on Chinese Military 2008
- 'Humans will make contact with aliens within two decades,' say astronomers
- U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
- Feature: 5 Future Military Technologies
- French Shoulder Fire Missile [Video]
- Human Exoskeleton (AWESOME)
- F-22 Raptor VS SU-37 VS SU-30 VS Eurofighter Typhoon
- Who would win war U.S. or China?
- Who has better space technology, the U.S. or Russia?
- U.S. Military Strategy
- Why are China, Russia and Iran in bed together?
- BigDog Quadruped - Future of military warfare robotics
- Nikola Tesla
- ockheed's Orlando training unit wins 3-year Saudi military contract
- Examples of Military HUMANITARIAN efforts
- Pentagon Heavy Airlift Chopper Designs
- Air Force Plans to Switch Fuel for Coal
- 6 killed by U.S. copter may have been allies
- Endeavour heads home after fond farewells
- Interesting M1 Abrams and Iraq facts?
- Most amazing MILITARY ROBOT illustrations!
- Mig-35
- US Mistakenly Ships ICBM Parts to Taiwan
- Pilot hurt in jet breakup sues Boeing
- Report: Petraeus Won't Request Troop Cuts
- Eurofighter typoon
- U.S. jets escort Russian bombers off Alaska coast
- US Warplanes Attack Militia Strongholds in Iraq
- US receives ticket for spacejunk
- Flat out awesome picture
- SR-71, awesome story
- SR-71 Blackbird VIDEO
- Russia shoots down Georgian UAV/Spy Plane
- New GRIPEN aircraft
- Mission to prove Europe's sat-nav
- Iran Expelled from Military fair
- Turkey Launches Raids in North Iraq
- India EMERGING in space? Multi-satellite launch!
- Misplaced 5billion in Pakistan?
- Japan warship begins China visit
- Chavez calls for Venezuela-Russia Alliance
- Russian bomber flights to Cuba
- Iraq oil surplus 80billion+
- Life on MARS? Maybe not :(
- Shuttle Replacement 2014
- Russian Military conquering GEORGIA
- "PLASMA" stealth technology?
- India teaming with Russia for 5th generation fighter?
- Invisibility cloak
- Poland and U.S. Missile deal
- Robot Wars!
- Fly faster than light!
- Bad news; Russia threatens U.S. space program
- Israel's Red Line: The S-300 Missile System
- Military: Mind-reading
- Iran launches satellite?
- Seductress Spy
- Will the U.S. and Russia go to war?
- Russia continues to be stupid
- M4 jamming issues?
- Will the U.S. win the war?
- F-35 Helmet Display System! CRAZY
- No Aircraft carrier is safe from the "Sizzler"
- Robotic Suits!
- "hard-headed engagement" with Russia
- $1bn to rebuild Georgia?
- Russian Bombers land in Venezuela
- The Arctic War
- Virtual Training
- Robo Warfare Begins
- The new cold war?
- U.S. losing superpower status?
- Eurofighter vs F-22 Raptor
- China Copies Russian Ship Technology For Use and Profit
- Iraq,Afghanistan.
- Army warns of TWITTER DANGERS?
- U.S. considers implications of NUKE DECLINE
- Marine returns to combat after near death experience
- Special Forces, stories from behind enemy lines
- Why are some people so afraid of Barrack Obama?
- Iraqis preparing to take control! Good Sign
- Venezuela buys 24 Su-35 "Flanker-E" ,100 T90 tanks to boost power
- Next Generation Japanese Aircraft
- Russian Missles in Baltic
- Rafale sattelite Launcher!
- Green Force Tracking : Army Chat software
- China Copycat Nation at it again!
- new A160T Hummingbird UAVs
- Wall Street Pain Coming to Military
- Long Live U.S. Imperialism
- Iraq Plans to Expand Airforce
- Aurora: Going Hypersonic
- Russian Military Thread
- Space Security and Defense Conference Dec 8-9 2008
- Book Reveals Failed Delta Hunt for bin Laden
- Military Events & Shows
- John Jay on the biblical view of war
- 3 Bali Bombers were executed today
- Obama denies Poland missile vow
- Twenty Die on Russian Submarine
- Screw you Iran, the end.
- China asks world to give them all their technology!
- new military version of youtube?
- Israel soldier gets 21 days in prison ... for yawning
- Soldier blogging from iraq, "I'm going to die."
- PAF F-16s to participate in Exercises in Turkey
- Pentagon launches its own version of YouTube
- Drone armies
- Alliances between India and Quatar
- How long until a full unmanned airforce?
- U.S. Army Orders 17 Shadow 200 UAV Systems
- China wants aircraft carrier!
- Poland gets patriot missile in 2009
- F15e Radar modernization by Raytheon
- Time to replace M4?
- Ship to be named after Michael Monsoor, HERO
- Russian Aircraft Carrier
- NASA hosting competitions for college and high school students
- Touching WWII Story
- More reason to 'hate' the chinese.
- US Navy Launches New High Speed Vessel Program (JHSV)
- Islamic fighters vow to rescue hijacked Saudi tanker
- Jihadi Killer Hour Tonight Guest Michael Yon
- U.S. wants to develop and launch cheaper sattelites
- Interplanetary Internet? NASA has the ideas.
- Best sniper in history?
- India shot thai trawler not pirate ship
- Network Security Breaches Plague Nasa
- U.S. Marines in Iraq - News We're Not Getting
- Pastor Manning On Tonight’s “Jihadi Killer Hour†- New Vids: “This Imposter, This Fel
- USS Nautilus
- Picture of russian Special Forces
- Spy planes take on Taliban fighters speaking in Brummie and Yorkshire accents
- Searchers Say 139 Marine Graves Found
- Russian Warship Using Panama Canal
- Thanksgiving day, the Marine Corps way
- About that 500 tons of yellow cake uranium in Iraq
- The Third Jihad
- Sunday Night Jihadi Killer Hour … Michael Yon is tonights guest
- The War Grows (Afghanistan)
- San diego Jet crash
- "Kill Bin Laden"
- Marines & the CHP
- F35 Inferior to Russian & Chinese planes?
- Family members coming home
- John Ashcroft at the Hudson Union Society
- Iraqi Spokesman Thanks U.S. for Sacrifices, Details Way Ahead
- 'Glad he's finally coming home'
- Reserves etc?
- Special Event: Christmas With The Troops
- Russia gives Lebanon 10 mig fighter jets for free
- British troops to leave by may 31st
- Great War Movies?
- Secret US military data was disclosed thanks to porn images
- PBS: FrontLine
- Afghanistan: British Troops Wear Santa Hats to Fight the Taliban After Being Attacked
- Phosphorus Charges Rebuked
- Something the regular media won't print or report
- Hamas and Israel Cease-fire
- North Korea issues warning to Seoul?
- Phosphorous in Gaza?
- Should Guantanamo really be closed?
- Military Books
- China building military bases in Iran!
- Afghanistan War
- Video
- Medal of Honor Recipients Snubbed by Commander
- LRRP/ ranger /recondo school footage circa vietnam era
- DDG-1000 Zumwalt
- Ross Kemp Return to Afghanistan ISSUE!
- Video of modern ranger /special forces training
- Soldier refuses return to Iraq
- War in Iran
- Anybody thinks these guys were extreme reckless?
- Marine 1 blueprints found on file sharing network
- Shell shock - what do you guys think of this clip?
- Ross Kemp - Part 3
- Movie embedding now 100% working - well apart from ...
- What happend here? Your thoughts
- A-10 Compilation
- Indian Stealth Warship halted by US Ban
- New Reaper Sensors Offers a Bigger picture
- Chinese harass U.S. ship
- China & U.S. Confrontation on high seas
- China & U.S. Sea incident
- Army or Marines?
- A Marine, a Navy SEAL, and an Army Ranger get captured
- What's an Army/Marine officers life like?
- What exactly do Army Special Forces/Green Berets do?
- Meaning behind U.S.-China Standoff
- How strong is the Chinese Military?
- Japan sets sail on anti-piracy
- British SAS vs Navy Seals
- Delta and British SAS
- Virginia class vs diesel powered subs
- What do Army Rangers do?
- U.S. Reconsiders "2-war" readiness strategy
- Iraq Gun Porn: Which Guns Suck, Which Guns Rock
- New f15!
- Corny or cool?
- Drones Weapon of Choice!
- Underground Russian Submarine base
- 100bil for U.S. Global Bases
- 4 New Destroyers for India
- Navy Unmanned Fighter X-47B
- U.S. may widen strikes into pakistan
- Israeli f-35 electronics
- Shot through skull, seal loses eye
- 2009 Russia and China War Games
- Russian Arms stopped from being smuggled to china
- What kind of men become navy seals?
- Man vs Machine
- F-22 Crashes in California
- British Marines shatter 'illusion of enemy safe haven'
- Russia building 6 nuclear subs
- Bush hit squad
- Where the hell is Bin Laden?
- Character and the special forces soldier
- Three Graphic Stories
- Americans kill children
- North Korea SUCKS at missile launching
- 48 Cylinders
- Goodbye F-22
- Marcus Luttrell Dog shot?
- M65 Nuclear Rifle
- Banned Substances sold to Iran by Chinese
- 500+ US Military Field Manuals
- F-35 can beat S-300 SAM
- Air Force agrees to Obama cutback
- USS Liberty atacked by Isreal